Show LiMB WASTED WITH ECZEMA CIMA Obliged io to Lie With Limbs Higher Than Head Suffered Untold Agonies and Could Not Walk Doctor Said It Was the th Worst Case Caso ho lie Ever Saw ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE BY I UI I received your our letter asking for or Information about using ur I used them for or I ho doctor said it L was waa tho the worst vorst case casa be he aver ever saw It IL was w on hath both limbs limb from froni the to the tho ankles We tried everything the doctors doctor knew blow of 0 but bu the Remedies lies did the tha most mOlt good I 1 wai obliged d to lie with th my ray higher high or than my ZIl head hoad for tho the thop p pain n wa fUll eo Co terrible I could not walk I suffered untold agonies One Ona limb waited away n a 1 great grea deal than the other there WM ws so much di d from rom mm it I found round the tho Ren Eten r n odie very soothing and I still Veen ep t them hem It in the lIo I am nm very thAnkful to 10 ST UI that I 1 am cured and you can cn pub publish luh lish thU if you with wish I found th the all 1 that you youl say they sro arc ro I hope that you may bo ua pared od many to make tho tha for the tho benefit b of o persons C stif Buffering fering ering from rain the tho torture of or di dl such M as 1 I 1 had luul I remain yours re roo Mrs n 1 Bos Bo 1 8 Ayr Canada Juna 0 6 1906 1905 CURED OF CHAPPED HANDS 1 I have used tho ft Soap Slap an for or chipped chapped hands which I 1 had hAil been troubled with for about thren yein PAI I suffered intense pain and it hio I nearly two rAkes of o the tho Sow and my ray hands were wens completely cured and Md have never l ma mt since I took the th Resol vent for or tho I hI biK blood i at the s san sam mi time thue thueI I can recommend Ute the Cut Rem Rein Remedies edies to others suffering authoring th the tho same Chas Young Ontario Octane Can Call Canada ads ada Sept 20 1805 lOO t t oJ DJ J l rII lei tf er erIn In INUI u In pl t I vivi t from tOI roo l l IG CoI p Uv tk 0 n Mil tat 60 th trI of H Cot 1 te 1 r I of 01 mi ml m W t hi III i t all iU ft i A lit i n n emu nuI Ini I Chim icO Corp Ho 1 1 n Iu fio MIM bi tur Fa lUr to CJ os l JI II TOOTH TOOTHPOWDER POWDER free from grit and Prevents Prevent ceu accumulation or tartar Will not injure the enamel en arnel of the tech lech Ask your dentist I lN lOIt roil I been hr suffering Buffering for or the p t f few SW w with 1111 u II sever sonn attack of or m and found that thai Snow ua wa th the only tiling thing that gave me rae sall f o Uon tion nfl ami nn tended I to 10 allevIate my palm pain Mareb Matoh W John r mint malt 11 a K 25 5 We Oe nI 10 00 Hold by b 7 C e CM CM M II I Drug Dept and antI Hi lii euth Main II 15 h T V S The fragrant aroma coming cOIning I from a cup of cHis Ground Chocolate made with wit h hot mil 01 milk ilk k is i s an a 11 appetizer for breakfast no noone noone noone one could resist i s Ground C Chocolate embodies all the qualities of or the cocoa bean hean with just sufficient sugar SUlar added to please the Order a n can from your Our grocer and serve this drink to the entire family ramify The children as well vell a as the crown ups tips will find Ground a daily delight Made instantly with hot milk D 0 CO CON coSAN SAN N f J ra raLS 0 L LS f A t tee A hj 10 PILES PI LES Can be Cured and We Can Prove It Sample Package it When hei we WI say siy rt that we 1 i cn in n i me tire ve e mean just JUHt exactly what ve 11 HB 1111 M more Ions IHs We V P Pit FH H HIl It Il because wo 1 know It ready to prove It to 10 you rou or to 11 mi per Ir person IrlIn son soil lIn rid is we vP 1 hll wild It und mid It to 10 It 11 I t li is I of II Ihs I lits I I 1 that t hue huevA wo vA 1 have hac cured va So 6 nui lio able uhle to It I ny cay 11 tIll thin th We t hive have blue ilone our i pa nl rL III In your attention tu to thIs and anI It In is IP lP to tn you ou to it And wo WI offer frer oi 0 Iho Ihl of fir doh KO o that lint you ou cant that whet when vou ti I our nul nut r wonderful 1 lyra I Pile PilI II I un ur u ru you ou 1111 1111 II bo hI i to PO wll II II I hid 51 rl with Wit ii It II I t thai t ho you jou will K J t to tu t our and get Itel n a lox of or It And All uI moie thin thi ii that I ha t If at a ny time t I me In Iii Inthe the future any pernon pe tells you O fn RS II You vou have haul told to co 0 many that they lire are the tho of II th damned you OU wilt will not 1101 rest lost until ho ii h or III she Hh has hii bought and atul Is II us U using InK ing a box and getting the Hie same relief cure that you rou Rot got We e seen It done ottie Here for ow 01 Instance In IK is n II of or what n a I did and hn very ver conclusively that wo Vc OUT uro healing In cold hurl not lIot empty as assertion a A Clon who ShO gets n ii 1 Ham Hampie HamIll pie Ill never ull to 10 buy hu huIr Mr Ir John Byrne of 23 2nd jive Avo New 0 e York City writIng r date of ot Jim Jat 1906 says f r 1 received the rumple unit used It II rIght away aWI I pot got ot no so o much relief from It 50 20 0 years enrA that I bought A BO 60 BOrent 0 rent lox box The almost Illmo t unbearable amble pain Is almost gui Rone and my In linn h ha s nl tub most dl ll I had up tip nil all hope of ot ever over being cured I assure you OU gentlemen I will use Ol I effort to make any allY of ot my lilY friends friend try tl them themas themas as I can guarantee they the arc a sure Burc cure Pile Cure Is for or sale Hol at nt ev cv every ery Cl druggists Is for 60 BO cents ut a 1 box hc and It ItIs Is Iii cheap nf nj o ten tImes the price to any anyone an anone anyone one who needs It To fo get a Free ree Sample Hamill send lIend your name munnie tumid and address HB today to time the Pyra Pyramid mid Dru g Co Cn I in lob flu I Id hug lIch ARE YOU ENGAGED J people should remember that after marriage many quarrels can ran bo ho avoided by hy keeping their digestions digestion In good tod condition with Electric Hitters JIll terl S H i A Brown of or H S C For Kor years my III wife suffered In Intensely Intensely tensely from complicated complicate with a Il torpid liver until she lost her strength and vigor and anil became a n mere mero wreck of at her bier fonner former self Then Rh she tried Bitters which helped her herat herat at ut once and finally made her entirely well She Sho Is I now strong and healthy 7 Z 2 l C 5 MI i 1 I 1 druggists South Juth S main Ht tt sell and arul guarantees them at nt Oc a ru 1 bottle n MACHINE cf 1 11 YOI r ii J i iJ fj J The Tho highest type of FAMILY FA F A rI Ii I L LV Y SEWING SIt S WIN NG G MACHINE the embodiment of or SIMPLICITY and ACME of CONVENIENCE q 1 ABSOLUTELY V TrIZ Tr T LIGHTEST RUNNING LOCKSTITCH f J 1 It oy oly needs a mere touch cf the treadle to start the machine The use uc of the superior design and mechanical excellence of construction combine to make Its it continuous oper operation atlon a pleasure pIC it runs so o smoothly Machines Rented Repaired Exchanged At the Singer Store M 43 4 South Main St Salt SnIt Lake Lako City Cily Utah J J JI t kI Gardner G Daily Store News I r Ten Dollars much and or ordinarily ordinarily ordinarily will ill not buy much of ot a n at Snit Suit of ot Clothes But now it will 11 t buy one in this store that even the most exacting would be beto giRd to wear wearON x 1 y the price and let it be bethe bethe the Incentive for you to come and save dollars without sacrificing the dignity or accustomed quality of your business or everyday clothes They are not too heavy for Spring wear ONE ON 13 PRICE PRIC J P G ar d ner Main lain 81 THE TH QUALITY STORE S Lw Y I i j JoLa JL oL 1 It f S Coughs I Colds Jo Lots of people look at 1 a cough or cold at au a if it were inevitable and refer to tn it as sonic some ailment which hick they tile thc naturally expect dur lug ing the stormy winter months No person need have the slightest at attack attack attack tack of cold or la In grippe nor even cen pneumonia if their system is i properly fortified Rexall Tone will vill fortify your system tem against any nn such stich attacks Since we make this tills s strong tron statement we WC will vill tell yon ou how I does this Coughs colds and pneumonia pneumonia monia are arc but hilt the result of a ca catarrhal condition which is i in reality an all internal scrofula If the system is free of catarrhal germs you on need never fear coughs hs colds and pneumonia J will do thu it because clears the system of every trace of ca catarrhal germs tones up the system tem teni shakes off hanging on tag la end coughs and colds revitalizes the entire system S te increases cs the appetite elit and makes you ou put on flesh You OtI take no chances in III ining buy buying ing because we se hack back it up Ill by hr li refunding the price if you are in any a 11 way dissatisfied We c afford to spend our time selling this thi remedy if it benefit out of every hundred persons pcr who use it We re want you you to try on our per pcr personal personal onal recommendation a large trial size bottle that we wc sell for forfi fifty fi ft cents jl A REASON The United U nit c d Drug D r It g 4 Company Com pan manufacturers 1 of the Rexall Remedies for j a r whose preparations w we c are a r C agents in us this thi city CilY n neke uke S t 00 remedies one for each ill iii Each Kadi one is especially prepared to 10 cure one ojie disease and that only This is an nil anage f age of specialists You t dont contract with wills a t I plumber to build boUd your whole house honse do you jou ou Why should you Olt con COli contract tract with one proprietary proprietary proprietary tary medicine to cure cureall cureall cureall all your our troubles For Nervousness R Rex e x a 11 II I I I Elixir Sc For Dyspepsia Dyspepsia D 9 pep s i t S I Cure Sc i iFor For Coughs Rexall Cherry Juice i large bottle And t II other Rexall Rem flesh Remedies Remedios edits edies for other ail all ailments ailments ments j SMITH DRUG CO Druggists DRUEHL FRANKEN Druggists THE STORES Jap J a P Rose R ose A U delicate I i I I toilet or orS I Soap S bath oai Cleanses the skin thoroughly and leaves t it smooth soft and healthful Odor of natural flowers H I II I James S Kirk Company S I a LADIES OXFORDS OXFORD S SAND SLIPPERS SLIPPERS AND I II I NEW JUST RECEIVED Pat Christie Tb Kid Matinee TI Tie I Put PM Tip Oxford Onford We Will Lead nil sil in Low Shoes This Season Half H It If Dozen D Olon Other lor L nto Ones Oneal ROMNEY DEPENDABLE SHOES South Main St It S CHECK WANTED Park City Utah March 1 I 1 4 Mr Ir Iuka Your let letter with i heck enclosed receiveS received silt and I I thank unk you ou kindly for tor th w same You are Me certainly enlo KOd KOdIn In a a 1 coed 1111 work I am to III tell ell f all my friends nd about y you u Int they tho will turn in 11 all their Had a l Debts to 10 jour ur for or collection cel collectIonS S your yourS S MRS Dont mention my rill name nama In the I papers S The Tho above Is la on one of ot hundreds of Intern Itter r w l are Ire constantly con tl fr rim jm our satisfied citrate through I ui the Ih world If IC you turn In n our tour bills no wo will 1 mall mull you ou a 11 check u I Merchants Merchant Protective 1 Association AssociationS S i Scientific Collectors Collector of et Quit flat Debt b T Fifth Floor Ioor Commercial National fl lank Hank Salt Lake City FRANCIS a O c UlU I 1 General Manager SOME PEOPLE DONT LIKE US UJ r ri i f l i i S i 1 f 1 I J t 4 il I ild f 1 r i IJ 4 |