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Show THE TOOELE TIMES C. T. STONEY, fonn r HEWS OF WEEK IN A Publisher ut' With jimswinger coats vests are cut low to show shirt Btuds. How long will the aviators stick to their agreement not to Indulge In reckless flying? America has 26 licensed aviators, and 26 have formed a trust in order to prolong their own lives. the More Ink than blood was shed over the now famous battle of London, In which two men stood off 200. RECORD OF THE IMPORTANT EVENTS TOLD IN BRIEFEST MANNER POSSIBLE. Happenings That Are Making History Information Gathered from All Quarters of the Globe and Given in a Few Lines, In the matter of safety we do not see INTERMOUNTAIN that the submarines have much adFifty-onDemoof the vantage over the flying machines. crats In the Montana legislature, in a conference for the purpose of atThe Cleveland man who sued for tempting to get together on the sentelemistaken "time lost in answering atorial question, failed to agree. phone calls must have further time to Majority members of the Colorado lose. legislature who favor a caucus to decide on a candidate for United States New York has a musical comedy are renewing activity in this which is said to be not comic. There senator, direction. muProspects are not considnot are others, some of which are ered however, for success. bright, either. sical, Mrs. Francisco Esper, 108 years It is no crime to steal umbrellas on old, and said to be the oldest woman rainy days in New Jersey. And now in Colorado, died in the arms of her husband at Florence, will not those who are addicted to the Colo., from burns received when her habit please go there? clothing caught fire from an open Viennas birth rate has fallen enor- grate. Mr. and Mrs. Esper had been years. mously. Evidently the stork does not married ninety-onW. love the apartment houses In which so Judge Greeley Whitford, of Denver, who recently sentenced sixmany Vienna families live. teen miners to jail sentences for conA navy officer has invented a pistol tempt of court, received another death for shooting flies. It ought to make threat for himself and family through popular a new summer sport, for the the mails on Wednesday. game will never be lacking. An army transport and an approof $50,000 for its expenses are priation Africa led all the rest of the world to be made immeditaely available to In gold production last year. The Afcarry relief from Seattle to the famine rican output was 1175,000,000, or near- sufferers of China, ly double that of the United States. e fifty-thre- e e Russia proposes to build a $75,000,-00fleet of battleships for the Black Sea. They will be perfectly safe there If the Russian sailors can keep them afloat. 0 The thugs who beat a policeman, took his revolver away from him and left him lying unconscious in the street should be chidden for violating the golden rule. "Medical records show, says a nerve specialist, that persons who are not loquacious have always been remarked Let him exfor their good health. plain that to his wife. DOMESTIC rain and snowstorm which swept over eastern and southern New Mexcio and Oklahoma last week, broke one of the largest dry spells in that section In years. At the close of the Western Fruit Jobbers association convention at Sacramento, St. Louis was chosen as the place for the next convention, January 17, 1912, and Wm. R. Roy-lanc- e of Provo, Utah, was The treasurer. Charles Gates, son of John W. Gates, the steel magnate of New York and Chicago, was stricken with blood poisoning at Yuma, Ariz., and was placed on a special train ana to an eastern hospital. be to skeptical inclined We are Six women were rescued, unconabout that Alaska fire which destroyed scious, from the upper floors of a half a tbwn with the mercury' 50 de- hotel in Cleveland, during a fire which grees below. Wouldnt the flames threatened for a time to destroy the freeze in weather like that? building. All of the rescued women overcome by smoke, but none Talk about your western corn har- were was seriously hurt. vests. Capt. Drake of Marlborough The much-talkeof boxing bout becounty, South Carolina, holds the tween fraction 254 and a Anthony J. Drexel of Philadelworlds record of phia, husabnd of Marjorie Gould, and bushels of the grain to the acre. the Hon. Robert Beresford of Engf More than half the members of the land, a brother of Lord Decies, took the senior class at Wellesley college are place on Saturday in private, reported to be engaged to be married. bout being witnessed by the George The comments of the girls at Smith Gould family and about a score of and Vassar ought to be Interesting. guests. Drexel lost in the third round. Senator Gates - resolution for the If auto owners were more careful as submission to the people of a conto the kind of men they employ as stitutional amendment providing for chauffeurs possibly there would be the initiative and referendum passed fewer joy rides. Sometimes, however, the California assembly by unanimous the owner sets the chauffeur a bad vote. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, has have as on If things keep they going sent to all labor been it may be necessary to substitute throughout the country organizations a circular the letter r for "h in the last word their aid in raising a fund of asking of the usual notice on the theater prohalf a million dollais to be used in grams: Ladies will please remove fighting opponents of organized labor hats. their in Los Angeles. Formal announcement is made of In New York they are going to betrothal of Jay Gould, son of the be can child a how demonstrate clothed adequately for $7 a year. Even George Gould, to Miss Annie Dougthe owner of a fashionable fiat build- lass Graham. That the United States government ing should admit that a good child is is going to put a stop to filibustering worth as much as that expeditions from New Orleans and Twelve women jurors in San Fran- other gulf ports to Central American cisco agreed so promptly that they countries was indicated Wednesday pronounced for a divorce without when an investigation was instituted awaiting the judges charge, but the before the federal grand jury in the lady jurors will learn in time to matter of the departure from this port December 22 ot the steamer Hornet wrangle over verdicts Just like men. for use in the Honduran revolution. Overcome by an irresistible desire It is saddening, however, to note to shoot something, John Cash, a Old dear the that Philadelphia Lady who has been trying for more than street vendor from Denver, shot and eleven years to find out, through the killed Frank Harris, a negro express-man- , in Los Angeles. The negro was columns of the New York Heralds Paris edition, how to figure the tem- wounded four times and died almost perature from Centigrade to Fahren- instantly. The McCurtain county court house heit, and vice versa," has not yet at Isabel, Okla., collapsed Tuesday, fatally injuring two negroes and causMaine has been one of the great ing a loss of several thousand dolsources of the eastern seaboard's Ice lars. Rains undermined the foundasupply, but even Maine, where the ice tion. crop seldom fails, is ceasing to deCharles F, Morek, a professional pend upon the weather. Artificial ice though comparative inexperienced has been made for some time at the aviator, was forced to dive into the of the Maine insane hospital in Hudson river with an plant aeroplane when Augusta and now a large ice manufac- his motor stopped as he was making to is be established in a flight. turing plant Lewiston. The Iowa legislature has adopted A man in Missouri has Just died the Oregon primary plan. J. H. Talbot, an election who in a married life of 69 years never inspector quarreled with his wife nor told her a at Muskogee, Okla., has been arrested lie. The great majority of husbands on a federal grand jury indictment will refusfe to believe in such super- charging that, under the "grandfather human virtue, particularly as to the clause of the Oklahoma constitution, he prevented a negro from voting at last detail. the last election. Twelve other offiForty-fivof the Brazilian sailors cials have been indicted. who mutinied have died from various Welden B. Heyburn, United States causes since their surrender. Twenty-si- x senator from Idaho, argued for an succumbed to sunstroke while en- hour and a half Saturday night befoie in gaged compulsory government "our hundred silk manufacturers in work. This form of capital punish- Vew York City and their guests, ment Is effective, if unofficial. gainst the proposed reciprocity trade agreement with Canada. utn i d e Statehood for Arizona is impossible at this session of Congress, because the returns of the election held February 9 cannot be canvassed and certified under the law in time to reach Washington for action by congress. Mrs. Mary Louise Snyder, wife of Charles P. Snyder, head of a stove manufacturing corporation at Massi-lon- , O., was fatally injured in Los Angeles by an automobile which ran over her as she was crossing a street. Two masked burglars broke into the town jail at Warrior Run, Pa., and bursting open the door of the cell in which Stanley Jandus, the only prisoner, was confined, robbed him, at the point of a revolver, of $29. William II. Lange, formerly secretary of a large cracker company, jumped or fell from the fire escape landing of the fourteenth floor of an He was office building in St. Louis. instantly killed. WASHINGTON The Hobson bill to encourage the development of the American merchant marine and to promote commerce and the national defense was reported favorably to the house by the committee on merchant marine by a vote of nine to three. That prejudice against the negro is just as intense in the north as in the south, and that the north plays the hyprocrite in its contentions to the contrary, was boldly and bluntly asserted in the senate on Thursday by Senator Borah of Idaho. Representative Macon of Arkansas,-speakinin general debate on the naval appropriation bill in the house on Thursday, made an attack on Captain Robert E. Peary, denouncing him as a fakir and declaring that he should be driven from the naval service. If the plans of Senators Borah and Beveridge with reference to the election of senators and the charges against Senator Lorimer are not frustrated, the senate chamber will be relieved within the next week of two measurers which have occupied much senates working time. President Taft has issued a proclamation calling for funds to aid the famine sufferers in China. After many years of delay, the bill for the creation of a national forest reserve in the White mountains and the southern Appalachians, passed the senate on Wednesday, the vote t standing 57 to 9. of the FOREIGN Insurgents attacked and captured Velardena, Mexico, installing a school teacher as the new jefe politico. The recent announcement that Emperor William would attend the ceremony of unveiling the. national memorial to Queen Victoria, which will take place in front of Buckingham palace on. May- 16,bpen, coif jwi-e- d - officially. American soldiers of fortune are said to be joining the Mexican revolutionists in large numbers. General Berthold, it is believed, has been sent to Los Angeles to arrange for the smuggling of rifles and ammunition over the border at a point near Mexicali. As a result of defeat at Mexicali, the federal force which Governor Vega spent several weeks in organizing was hopelessly dispersed. Vega, and fatally perhaps desperately wounded, has reached his camp at Las Juntas with barely a booy guard out of his former forces. The Chinese foreign board declines to make a statement concerning Russia's representations with regard to the Hi province in Chinese Turkestan, saying that a reply to M. Kortovitz, Russian minister to China, had not been determined upon. It is not doubted in Pekin, however, that Chi nas surrender will be complete. The continued talk of annexation, kept alive by the opposition journals, is causing resentment in Canada, and, according to some of the leading. supporters of the government, may jeopardize the reciprocity measure now before parliament. Tope Pius has practically recovered from his attack of influenza. The relations of Russia and China are strained to the breaking point. Russia has notified the governments of the United States, Great Britain, France and Germany of her intention to make a military demonstration on e the frontier, owing to Chinas persistent violation of the St Petersburg treaty of 1881. A battle between Mexican troops and the insurgents toox place Wednesday, when a force of Mexican soldiers advanced from the desert and took up a position immediately opposite Mexicali. The insurrectos succeeded in standing off the regulars. General Navarro, at the head of 1,000 federal troops from Chihuahua, entered Juarez Tuesday evening. The entire trip, consuming twelve days, was made by train without the firing of a shot or sighting the revolutionists. A powder explosion destroyed the ammunition barracks at Managua, Nicaragua, killing three sentinels and destroying 7.000 rifles and 10.000,000 It is not known whether cartridges. the explosion was the result of a plot or was accidental. The man who calls himself Frederick llennehey Vanderbilt, and who has been tried for swindling, has been convicted, in London, under the name of William Lackerstein Joachim, and sentenced to three years' penal servitude. During the preliminary home rule debate in the British house of commons on Wednesday, Premier Asquith reiterated his declaration thai the governments first task, after tin veto bill had been disposed of would be to carry out a policy of full for Ireland. Russo-Chines- TROUBLE III LISBON UTAH LEGISLATIVE GOSSIP of in Both Branches Happenings Ninth General Assembly. RELATIONS BETWEEN NAVY AND THE GOVERNMENT REACH The liquor bill prepared by the BREAKING POINT. joint committee was presented simultaneously in the senate and house on Friday. According to the new measure cities, towns and territory outDemand Is Made for Reinstatement of side of cities and towns are made votOne of the Naval Heroes of the ing units in determining question of saloons or prohibition. If licenses Revolution, Who Had Been Retired are refused by officials authorized to Because of Alleged Disloyalty. pass upon them, appeals may be prosecuted to the district and supreme Lisbon. Relations between the gov- courts. Applicants for saloon license ernment and the navy have again must file a bond of $3,000, with not reached almost the breaking point as fewer than two sureties. License holda result of a demand from the navy ers are reliable for all damages growfor the reinstatement and the appoint- ing out of the sale of intoxicating ment to the command or the battle- liquors. Saloons must be on the ground ship Almirante Reis of Captain Jose floor and the entire Interior in full Cerejo, one of the naval heroes of view from the exterior. Minors or cannot be employed in saloons. the revolution, who had been retired are not allowed to remain opSaloons former because Franco Premier by en after 11 o'clock at night and canof alleged disloyalty. The minister of marine objects to not reopen until 6 oclock the followCaptain Cerejo holding this command, ing morning. No license will be grantas he believes such a concession ed for a longer period than one year, would place this command in the or for a shorter period than three License is fixed for retail hands of the extremists. The navy months. has expressed a determination to re- dealers ranging from $600 to $1,800 a move the minister of marine, Amaro year; wholesalers, $400 to $1,000; disAzavedo Gomez, by force, and the tillers, $400 to $1,000; druggists aid minister of the Interior, Antonio Al- pharmacists, $200 to $600; brewers, meida, who is very popular, has ex- $250 to $1,250; and clubs, $200 to hausted every argument to induce the $1,000. Senate joint resolution No. 1 by extremists to exercise patience, pointreout pased the senate Friday afa that Badger, such would ing step ternoon exby a vote of 12 to 2. The ressult inevitably in civil war. The olution ratifies the proposed amendtremists, however, stand firm. Jose Azevedo, formerly minister of ment to the constitution of the United foreign affairs, and Coutinho Chagas, States authorizing an income tax. If the bill introduced in the senate also a former member of the anarchist cabinet, have been expelled on the Friday by Senator Hyde becomes a ground that their presence in Portugal law, Utah will be among the leading would constitute a danger for the new states of the west within a few years Institutions. In the matter of good roads and bridges. The bill provides for a bond Wyoming Legislature Adjourns. Issue of $260,000 by the state board Cheyenne, Wyo. After a session of loan commissioners. that extended ten hours beyond the Two bills, both having for their oblegal limit, the eleventh legislature of ject the better development of the Wyoming adjourned at 10 o'clock state, were Introduc A in the senate Sunday morning. The session should Friday by the committe on agriculture have ended at midnight Saturday, but and irrigation. it was necessary to put back the clock Senator Kuchlers bill providing in order to pass the general appropria- that in a tie vote among members tion bill. of city councils the mayor may cast Governor Carey addressed the legis- the deciding vote, has been killed.' lators at 5 oclock Sunday morning, Governor Spry his signed house hill reproaching them for failure to pass No. 4 by Russell, making the maxicertain legislation, and congratulating mum punishment for highway robbery them on the passage of laws provid- imprisonment for life. The minimum ing initiative and referendum, the Is fie years. headless ballot and an eight-hou- r day Three house measures were killed for women. Friday. One related to the malicious construction of fenses and other obColonists Rescued by Rangers. Hardt structions; another provided for the San Bernardino. William appointment of polioemen for rail-rqa- d jnd his party of Utah colonists, and steamboat companies; and to settle m Orange eoun-ty- , Snowbound in Holcomb canyon, the third prevented females under the were rescued Sunday morning by age of 21 years from getting married rangers and miners. They had been without the consent of parent or guarvery near death with cold and expo- dian. sure. The party had tried to get Representative McRae introduced across the mountains by way of Hol- his first bill in the house Friday aftercomb canyon and were overtaken by noon. The bill is to prevent the waste fierce snowstorms. There are nine- of water from artesian wells. A simiteen members of the three families, lar measure by Day was introduced at and besides three big wagons they the same session. have stock and poultry. There was no session of the legison Saturday, both the senate lature Steamer Arrives With Cargo on Fire. and house adjourning on Friday until Newport News, Va The steamship Monday. Members of the senate visSloterdijk of the Holland-Americaited the agricultural college at Logan line, arrived here Sunday from Rot- on Saturday. terdam with the cargo in her forward Three bills were passed by the senhold on fire. Tugs and fire engines ate xon Thursday and two were killed. were called and after streams had Thirteen were introduced, bringing been played upon the burning cargo the total of hills so far presented in . for hours the flames were estinguish-edthe upper house of the legislature to The fire was discovered at 1 an even 200. oclock Sunday morning, though it Senator Iversons bill giving to the may have been burning a long time state land board control over all the before its discovery, as the hatches lands the of state and including lands closed. w'ere tightly lying below the waters edge of any Seeks Senatorial Toga. stream or lake, passed the senate on New York. Martin W. Littleton, Thursday with but one negative vote. Senator Hyde'u bill relating to the newly elected Democratic representative from Theodore Roosevelts home election and qualifications of county district, announced Sunday night In's superintendents of district schools, candidacy to the United States senate passed the senate without opposition. to succeed Chauncpy M. Depew. It prescribes that superintendents shall be over the age of twenty-fivCrazed Passengers on Steamers. years, must have a high school diploNew York. For the second time ma, and also show they have had five c liner years experience as teachers. within a week a To ascertain what recommendations arrived Sunday with a crazed passenBennie Lynch, second-cabi- made in the governor's message have ger aboard. passenger on the Laurentine, been enacted into laws by the leg's-laturwhich came in Sunday from Liverand what others are pending pool, created great excitement among or remain to be acted upon, Speaker the 532 passengers on the high seas E. W. Robinson of the house of repby running amuck with a revolver. resentatives on Thursday appointed a The Amerika, an Italian line steamer, committee of seven members. arrived but two days before with NaTo provide prizes to be competed tali di Tompore, a musician, in irons. for at the annual exhibitions of the He wrent mad in the dining saloon Utah Poultry association, a bill apw'hen the ship was twro days out of propriating $2,000 was introduced in the lower house of the state legislaNaples. ture on Thursday. Increase in Domestic Exports. The measure introduced by RepreThe total value of the sentative Hayes, granting juvenile Washington. courts over felony comfifty principal articles of domestic ex- mitted jurisdiction offenders, except by juvenile a showed in decided increase port in cases where the prescribed penatly January, as compared with the same is either life imprisonment or death, period in 1910, and also in the seven was passed by the house on Thursday. months ending last January, as comSenator J. W. Funk, one of the two pared with the corresponding period, Democratic members of the senate, is ending January, 1910, according to a of the opinion that $2,500,000 is too statement made public by the bureau much for a state capitol building, and of statistics of thq department of he wants to amend the law enacted two years ago fixing that sum to commerce and labor. as the amount for a building. Triple Tragedy in Arizona. The fraternal insurance measure Prescott, Ariz. Finding the woman was passed in the house Friday afwith whom he was infatuated in a ternoon, with only one dissenting vote that of Page of Piute. The measure room with a soldier, A. H. Oakes shot and killed her, shot the soldier in the fixes the rates on tables of mortaliarm and then turned the weapo l on ty in a uniform manner, gives further protection to the policyholders, himself. gives the Insurance commissioner auRecord for Ski Jumping. thority to examine into the financial Iornwood, Mich. All the American condition of the companies. ecords for ski jumping were broken By a vote of twenty to nineteen, lunday at the annual tournament oi the bill introduced by RepresentaSki club Ironwood he by Andrew tive F. L. Hines, providing for a mill laugen of Chippewa Falls, natioua' fary poll tax, was killed on the floor ;hampion, who jumped 152 feet. of the house on Friday. OTTUMWA WOMAN CURED By Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Ottumwa, Iowa. Tor years I was almost a constant sufferer from female trouble in all forms; shooting pains all over my body, sick headache, spinal weakness, dizziness, and depression, that was wto-me- n n everything horrid. I tried many doctors in different parts of the United States, but Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegeta- ble Compound has done more for me than all the doctors. I feel it my duty to tell you these facts. My heart is full of gratitude to you for my cure. Mrs. Harriet E. Wampler, 524 S. Hansom Street,. Ottumwa, Iowa. Considct This Advice. Ho woman should submit to a surgical operation, which may mean death, until she has given Lydia E. Pinkhams-VegetablCompound a fair trial. This famous medicine, made only from roots and herbs, has for thirty years proved to be the most valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. Women residing in almost every city and town in the United States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink-ha- ms Vegetable Compound. Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., Invites all sick women to write her for advice. Her advice is free, confidential, and always helpful. One might fight a lie and still not follow the truth. Take Garfieid Tea to arouse liver all druggists sell it. a sluggish, No man has come to true greatness who has not felt in some degree that his life belongs to his race. Phillips Brooks. Chilly. They say the pretty Boston girl is a good pick. I wonder what kind of a pick she is? Ice pick, I suppose. Scotts Rebecca in "Ivanhoe. The character of Rebecca, in Scotta-Ivanhowas taken from a beautiful Jewess, Miss Rebecca Gratz of Philadelphia. Her steadfastness to Judaism, when related by Washington Irving to Scott, won his admiration and caused the creation of one of his fin- est characters. Simple, Rather. He You are the only woman I ever loved. She Do you expect me to believe that? He I do. I swear It is true. She Then I believe you. Any man who would expect a woman to believe that cannot have been much in the company of women. Crutches or Biers. Richard Croker, at a dinner at New York, expressed a distrust for aeroplanes. Theres nothing underneath them, he said. If the least thing goes wrong, down they drop. I said to a Londoner the other day: How is your son getting on since he bought a flying machine? On crutches, like the rest of them, the Londoner replied. ITS That Restores FOOD and Makes Possible. Health e trans-Atlanti- n -- There are stomach specialists as well as eye and ear and other special- ists. One of these told a young lady, of New Brunswick, N. J., to quit medi-cjriand eat Grape-Nuts- . She says: For about 12 months I suffered severely with gastritis. I was unable to retain much of anything on my stomach, and consequently was compelled to give up my occupation. I took quantities of medicine, and had an idea I was dieting, but I continued to suffer, and soon lost 15 I was depressed pounds in weight. In spirits and lost interest in everything generally. My mind was so affected that it was impossible to become interested in even the lightest es leading matter. After suffering for months I decided to go to a stomach specialist. He put me on Grape-Nutand my health began to improve immediately. It was the keynote of a new life. I found that I had been eating too much starchy food which I did not digest, and that the cereals which I had tried had been too heavy. I soon proved that it is not the quantity of food that one eats, but the quality. In a few weeks I was able to go back to my old business of doing clerical work. I have continued to eat Grape-Nutfor both the morning and evening meal. I wake in the morning with a clear mind and feel rested. I regained my lost weight in a short time. I am well and happy again and s s owe it to Grape-NutName given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read The Road to Wellville, In Theres a Reason. pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A new e appears from time to time. 'Vher ire genuine, true, and full of huuiau Interest. s. l |