Show FABULOUS GOLD FIND A MOUNTAIN OF RICH GOLD ORE AT rine PINE NUT NOT NEVADA all cron carson city I 1 Is agog over a most moat fabulous 1 u strike of rold gold which was mado made last lam saturday in the mine at pine nut nat at a depth of seventy tive fret feet zirn ran into BD an ore body that to all appearance was halt half gold la in two hours he be took look out in fine rold gold and during the da dabex traded ore that seemed to be half ball bold old and which Is I 1 estimated to be worth 1400 mr zirn who brought the ore arid and the gold into carson canon wednesday claims that there is twenty foot feet of this fabulously rich ore in sight eight if so kirn kira and will be independently rich men within within a fortnight they have already taken out 2000 in crop droppings pings of this feln from a hole bole not more than six foot feet in depth the carson caribo tribune has baa enthused to a wonderful degree over the strike gild and in its account of the find published the following this wonderful strike wit will I 1 no doubt attract mining men and capitalists to alno nut from all sections of the coast as it Is proof that a gold deposit of mammoth proportions exists at pine nut nat the strike moans renewed life tor for carson and all well term nevada it makes everybody feet feel good and already property in carson has RODO gone up twenty five per cent the vein where the fabulous gold was war found Is the westerly of three velna veins which are clearly defined ty by droppings cropp crop pings loKs two of these veins have already been opened up u pa same namely ly the eastern and the western vel vein A shaft has also been sunk bunk on a st of tho the middle vein which resulted in ore as baling ing 10 lo the westerly vein rein upon which the zirn claim la Is located has a already been shown to have a length of feet the loose surface dirt in a little gully feet south from the spot where the zirn zira gold is located prime pans about fau at the point where the gully crosses the vein and gradually depreciates in value goldir about 15 20 suet feet below the rich vein is decomposed brown iron nod find quartz containing entirely free gold with occasionally sio nally mall quantities of native silver the nerist water to these velus velua is that of anderson creek at a distance dia tanco of about two miles Virginia enterprise old papers for sale at this office |