Show I 1 IF M ja vy io W drawn brown la Is about to sell the ibo bully lully I cluing in n the clifton I 1 TUB deal will bo be in a short time ambers of men pro era OB put to work an oa chambers und and newly so c helred lex and considerable worn 43 3 bpi no done e chero 1 cherp aro are several old claim owners now return loB to deop op crook aud piot of them 1116 W to td demmin rind find pu put la in the M working their prospects sq me ealce of 0 gold in clifton tj 1 iut at ara on iho taets ind anil before long alnes andia foot tile whole luell U book bo as H be J 1 N dunyon of toselo arrived tn in the district the ilia other day t wd will put a rouble couble rouin couin ot of roea plen at work wath him in develop dov elop in w bis ls claims which give promise of being very rioh holt 1 the snow storm tho the lust last few dayi danyi has bus been throughout tho the deep creed country cou airy anil and some ot of the prospector uni claim owners aro are caught unprepared for the wlater winter still more rich gold discoveries tire aro being jadoin mado in di abong wool them being bailiff a rich find fand by doo doc lie ila has a small vein ot of free milling mck lays between odd i s I 1 the utah mine is 1 slit 11 shipping a car ot I 1 ore cacti week amount ling to fourt fio 13 tons ions nod and ounces silver and from frolli 3 to 40 per cent though somo ot of it runs as aa blich as aa 70 por cint tn in lead owner of the midas kroup will soon bavo bave to be procuring a supply of water nater with which to luu kneir mining gions but lilt chances are teat taut th P y may not bo be able to the a io sired hired as other have the aitio water title on the crook wo we have souie some colorado exports experts paying us a visit ter lor a low fow days day they took in drum kinsley dlly dily falih springs fifteen milo anti and clifton dispir nod and after thoroughly examining the lend lead gitig the clifton it Brict atia cream district of them all I 1 the gentlemen wat anav li eded with betm alor A R fr fro 0 aalf around round rf land from wo we bellevo believe their moans something moro more than a more mere |