Show OF UTAH j COMM of ToO I 1 1 utan UTAH octja 1804 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I 1 HAVE this day appointed T Aim misoN of st johns deputy sheep inspector la in and for tooele thoele county utah E 0 En ICKSON sheep inspector in and nl for county countr A V TAYLOR attorney at law land ana mining min Pa rooms 5 progress Illo cir at euln a in st SALT LAKE CITY UTAH WILEN CITY CALL AT TUB THE commercial SALOON corner first south and commercial sla BALT LARIC LABB CITY UTAH fine liquors by gallon or drink fc arb brool bc cool ool beeland beer and other um in afler r beverages be Torfe P T prop EDWIN BROADI BROAD contractor and builder STEAM bilelo LL doors DOOM 1 Sti sabe file on hand band w otle fri my ila done to order kelt OS ON wat feax 11 II mitt lowr BIRD lowet LOWE land agents and Attorn attorneys next door to U S lind land office amee SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 51 E EITE IT E AAM ti 14 candy manufacturer or of salt lake city will be the county in ID november with A full line of fresh fancy candles for or the ilia xmas tr trade do SAVE YOUR ORDERS pon FOR HIM GEORGE SPIERS MALER DEALER IN GENERAL merchandise A full line itoe of the newest goodr both st staple n PIC and fancy has bai been and fi the t e public is spec laly invited to ex amino the tock stock on band low prices and liberal treatment to nil all TOOELE LE UTAH UTAH commercial AND SAVINGS BANK SALT LAKE CITY general banking foreign foretek and domestic exchange bought and sold bold 5 per cent interest on savings deposits compounded four times a year A C SMITH CO 00 W WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS DRUGGIST S northeast corner of main and second south tf SALT LAKE CITY UTAH a ByOr dorB by mall mail promptly attended to A 0 SMI SNUB ira realty joanana loan and rental bo all kinds of real estate exchanged roam alk M salt lake city F mys davis M D 4 3 j I 1 aind 0 o 3 j 3 10 auh zaan TOM first class dentistry B BY 11 VED AND SUPERIOR at office next to Warb artona tons residence TOOELE UTAH HICKS 10 K 8 1 ma MAIS MAIN SZ T MALT HALT LAKE CITY EASTERN AND FISHERS BEER BEEK h ON an excell excellent 0 a t merchants lunch served with drinks 1 from rom 13 12 in till fill 10 ix in dont fall to call at tho the GAIETY when in the city kiyat CLASS ct ata TOOELE UTAH w DEALER IN s I 1 ID 0 0 ts abet ai ADD GENERAL buy forcash and keep out of the hole A DROUBAY wishes to como come to tho alio public anti and his patrons with a card of thalius for the benio of i patronage given linn him in the past part and the alio public to know and remember that for fir fair and Konc genc roun rouis treatment in trado trade liis his house is I 1 B soldoina excelled YOU WILL FIND A GOOD LINE OP STRONG AND SELECTED dishes GLASS JABS GLASSWARE AND at cricos to suit these alose timen and ana a good flood Amort assortment mont to from straw goods of all kinds REDUCED 25 PES PER CENT bargains aro to lo bo had in hosiery children donth and mona clothing and a good stock to select prom from pricer price on groceries Groc erlei are always the lowert SC auml 9 boltic 1 avii ND lp labie BIE 0 4 headstones abw always ays on hand 01 UNITED STATES commissioner AND NOTARY PUBLIC CITY cral kutait ra its k INSURE UBE IN THE joest avs a vs 71 IT ra IS THE CHEAPEST PST HUGH S GOWANS ting THE HOME FIRE INSURANCE CO 00 OF UTAH also alv liverpool harpool and A london and globe alo b In stratto co 00 vhf 1 aa AU A aft U JP act a p et i ire Y V CO cefai athe the UTAH C ROLLER MILLS 0 and ana E oth south street SALT LAKE LAIM CITY III has again cigal been 0 pled opened by the boys owing owan to the Plona tir mill closing people from tofele tooele county who tsue take their grist r to lako lake should call on the vow f boys boy where you will receive lair fair treatment MO remember the mill I 1 Is in the fart F arst waid we PAY the highest pries price for wheat barley and oats oata DEALER IN whips saddles rubber goods etc manufacturer OF cloots SHOES hyche SS gs now naw una live of ladlee ladies and goats gents shoed tuat received adirent for Ilea dersons red school house TOOELE UTAH ars fairs Q j is VA t A 11 y dressmaker terms reasonable and work guaranteed ST J JM M GOLLAHER contractor and builder dealer in gimbor lath and shingles Shi aglea CITY UTAH belets afos tos tha best practical workmanship satisfaction guaranteed TOOELE UTA UTAH f JOHN S b davig i V 1 contractor 14 il stonecutter and capon A MAIN STREET TOOELE v be I 1 a parks futa mali ballf abol P beltt TO wf PAO fare 25 cen ts |