Show NOTICE on the ath instant the board of county commissioners of tooele thoele county state of utah adopted the following division of high school districts in dodele tooele county utah tooele thoele and mill school districts to comprise one high school ai district strict Grants grantsville ville and deep creek school districts to make up a second high school district district all the other common school districts of jocele tooele county to be a third high school district FURTHER at the next regular meeting of the board of county commissioners ners to be hald la in tooele thoele city utah on the first day of april 1912 the matter of combining all the corn com ifton ahon school districts of tooele thoele county state of utah into one common cor oroon school district will be taken up all persons interested in said laid question either directly or indirect indirect y are respectfully invited to appear at said meeting and offer their opinions in the matter all written communications relates to the above will have due consideration the board of county commissioners tooele thoele county state of utah by M D AJAX clerk |