Show DUTIES i It to 10 ho bo ary to repent ninny times simple on c matters rho Cho ot n for COI till the year I la nn Wo me Informed that amno 0 of the iha and n 11 tow tote ot nt tho In ht 0 of ZIon ore lITe under the tithing will he bo nt at the Iho during the reo re of at the rho I la n Il great While It might br bo better hettel III ht IIII I n number of 0 and tor Cor that br bp rondo III dl I to la the In nettling tithing for Cor the year It he be wr tood that such will he bo re rc nt at nl hop up to Slat 1903 1003 and onel that They ther will ho be Included In and fm Co I the present Y all On December 19 10 a prelim blurt of at nt ot fco lip up to that dote teas made mid each curll Willi ts with q lh un nn ar as count tor COI his hla w Thill was tuna to en cn enable able ablo the to to la Inch ellch payer fur Cor pall In lit at the omee ns na well OR na those to 10 ward and ami thus each ench whon making yearly can cun learn It hla or her nc count Is Ia correct and the proper credit hn have ve been nut Dut n II report will ha be mode to the 0 nt mm received nt at the up to 10 De These TheRe with tt Ith the tho by tho ward Dl hop liP up to 10 that dote date should bo ba credited to the payer In this account All amounts paid otter December 1941 w will III have havo to bo ba credited on ms the nc t far Cor lOOt ought to ho enough ter Cor anybody to t Tho d and tho rho forms forma that been heen for Cor word nta und and sa BO they be out nut accurately liB ns rv reo and by II tho time ei f o r y If I n de c d o nr It t c n t t ho he v R d 6 I It each Church all leer will ho ba and do hlA duty duly fhe time limo allotted la If lail short horl to he bo dare but hili It la 18 In III il moat trod n II little e extol tm work and will It t to td tho Tho word and ore ure urged to pet get to bust bUBI at once and every member la re IC gaveled la 10 cull 01 rot the of Ids his at thu rho time for or In Ing settlement for Cor year 1945 1003 Iho 0 nt reca da Ia one 0 of tho ulles that urn 1110 In Iome In ea neglected 0 nt token on of 0 m 01 11 In InI I on u n end pud lire fur trot They Thoy by be a Ur III nod h by the The fhe I u of Quorums nod I I are aro expected l to are that I Is IJ by bythe the and In ell 18 where It Ith J h hag been neglected the work worl should Ov he II token up and b ht tho cloRe of 0 tho rho If At 1111 rote from I 11 the rho of the nos nel gent cal correct Of oC should bl bC t t and kept up to dote and the Hoch reports he be entered ht thole order os ae fast ax convenient s records ut oC lIIs sod of 0 with lace of 0 of nt children and orI or I to 10 rho Iho rue lire stilt still very Incomplete Il II Is expected that I I tho o wilt trill der that rho Iho clerks perform theil dirty III hr rl this Ind other respects Iso that of oC nil ell ward mc e tin iI 0 of every ery I kind ore ule In ht r Ines 11 In ONI hOoI which will a III becane u II ud If d y 0 nt tuned If InI In I order will Include 1 or of tho Ihn and JI I j ape courts PO ao that Ihal ono one sJ 1 I f book will n a the fhe Bl are oat netted for their a ou on this mn Iel II 11 dons been heon Issued from rom the Ilse and these should be corn com piled with ts ao that In IhlA I Ii 11 may he be Jt la Is not that men wilt not oot nots s ward clerks whop mush Is en ent eni t i tolled without huto blen for tor for ouch labor loboI and therefore no la Is on that ground else fhe records or of th the w anti and 0 of the thelIo lIo In all ull stunt he be rondo up and fur of at lx Iha ho ore e expected t till ll In avert and 1111 l toast ho absolutely correct and they will he be olo el this Ihno The tho pod clerks should xeo Meo to 10 ahll cheek chck up account so o that It t will 1111 ho bo un on In SIJ cllon It the and wilt work lurk together to this end and andau au 0 Ito ablo U to net get our Church rca lee onto III ht n Il condition that correct nn and cnn enn ho bo und and ts persons around each block to count the members and out the tl ought to lu bo be oh ob troll from the rho NJ let leI to In the tho Church learn and hla hili duty II and nIl there n III 11 be trod In ot of s J |