Show TOLD BY THE SERGEANT from the democrat abich at the th soldiers soldier home hoiu in grand rapids da I 1 veo ve Berge ont richard dunn hale bal abid aal h hearty arty althou gh he be carries the nears of sovera attal wounds wound sustained ned la in some boin of the battles battle of the tb civil war in recounting his hl experience to tt a reporter mr dunn said about a year aud and a half BRO ago I 1 bogan to have trouble with ruy my stomach M my flu buffer aror ins wai so DO intense that I 1 tried aff erent r acin egand and doctored with phy enci atts but without permanent relief I 1 I 1 read an ro ao c count 0 it n t of mr dr Wll Will llama tams pink pills fills for or pale people having J lured cured a 6 rae case much I 1 like I 1 it a mine end and I 1 do de c ceded dod to give bliem a trial which I 1 did I 1 after five boxes I 1 v cured I 1 never felt hotter thou than I 1 do n now 0 w e even v e n 1 la n y y 0 0 i 3 n x 9 r A wounded soldier ha savl I 1 am nat ua daut orally A rot apt man but t that trouble together with rheumatism which afterward bet setin in w v ei a making fast inroads 11 upon my health andias and I 1 am satisfied that it would have been I 1 lut ut a short time I 1 afore my iny I 1 ave been conducting the regu regulation latton funeral core ceremonies monieR r atu adum ito ha I 1 11 I 1 not chance I 1 to rend read of an and taken dr williams pink pills for I 1 enla ale people 11 11 ere are several others inthe in the honie home who are taking thoe theise i wit ller and fire are receiving great I 1 11 richino DONN subscribed and sworn to before me this thia day of nov 1807 1897 GiD GiB soNA SOli boar pricia la Is perfectly willing that anyone yone should w m rite him in refe reference renco to lila big case caho i led stamp is enclosed tor for reply all the clementw elemen tw necessary eBsary to give new life slid and richness ri chuB to the I 1 lood flood aril an 1 restore shattered nerves are contained in a ron con deigel form in dr williams williamn pink lills for pule pale I 1 eople they are also a sa s1 tor for tro troubles ulles u liar to fain females alet guch BB as yec in men mail they cure cases arising from mental coiry ovir of whatever notrie matui a file hiie lecent census photes knuts among tho 31 mo of italy the population of russia Ili isBin is increasing inci Inc casing teasing at tho the I 1 late ate of 1 a 0 year FAST TIME TO CHICAGO Ms NI ala ti grad anle rn le mintern cn terii It alls commencing lobi timy B the now time airn 1 laid of the rio gi nde inde IN ayi astei stein n gora goes into effect tb the a ail antic ippi ess laaveg salt r L alee ake city at 0 9 a in art arriving Iving at denver deliver at 9 JO 30 a in tho the following ino coining ining and chicago Chic ngo at 2 15 p m tho the thlik day ing conn octlona alth limited trains traina from chlo chicago to new cilc ilia e leaves at 7 40 1 p in at donver denver at 0 9 15 p in the fIl filomina omIng night and chicago o ata at 8 a tit in tho the third day malting mailing close con relations ceLt ReLt lons ions inith the fiat f moil ing tin fo rev now new boik and boston doth both of thebe through ale aio splendidly equipped with ith all I 1 appliances and conveniences and carry pullman palace annl pullman Pull mati foai ast 1st sleeping enis ani s aimell as M oil as ai free re ite dining lais J lacket jacket office no west second south street Post postoffice office corrier corner too many people are looking for ft fk hance bance to sit bit down tf it you got along you rou must k keep e apon on lour i our feet halls hall 8 catarrh cure Is IB taken internally price is lia bleto to boca beca llod to mill tari on isalt SALT LAKE CITY UTAH L i go CO s I 1 11 KV it r all I 1 Ml matchell form farin and sprino spring wagons rushford Ruah ford form farm dagons hayons henney buggies and carriages carnage write for prices henry wagener brewing go co s celebrated boer beer salt lake city utah salt lake electric Eloc supply go co 1 B 11 II AIM pren prem in II W nicol soo boo Elec trimon hoi ill H ip plies phone Ilio noti 6 16 15 NY I 1 arst south st t suit bait lake assayer and chemist is FINE phonograph RECORDS no inferior goo BOO Is e cai r I 1 hone leonc kra I 1 iq add si pabloi it ill as 18 r 1 1 4 DI tin at aalt I 1 ako C ra utah I 1 liono hono 9 zap il lo 10 chih liam AV W pit IHK Mir school furniture and supplies office chur h find I 1 library 0 ia F bober co 17 W 1 erht beulh sl fault Sult lak Lakis ci catt tv utah b 13 A Me mcmillon Millon manager tho the middlesex banking co money to loan on improved farms in utah arid idaho mccornick building intermountain INTER MOUNTAIN MILLING go co state bartet salt lake cita t C anti fri iolob I 1 il fur fr bt and or iraln carload lots a LAMBERT PAPER GO CO SS city suit utah T aks in the ilia line of 0 Sup lilles wrapping litnor par I 1 per R wn jiin Ti tylnn in atu k ta careful imd and prompt attention lo to orders bt bj idail NATIONAL GASH CASH REGISTER prices roalf to aloo rull line of A amplas on hand buhell pa s 2 imald abt for utah WATCHES good goodal JEWELRY sis low af M A main str at salt I 1 eke ko city utah write its n lor for prices on an all etui thinie you need filkil 01 ders and get prices GROCERIES from froma W S HENDERSON helale ho lale and bretall dealph la in ted on an I 1 rInaR tit 1 remand I 1 kishani jonh anil poultry cluarn agar and 1 A il lq DU S 4 matti IT IQ CAY to tabe taive A ihen IT IS EASY 11 10 anu I 1 vou BO out on a trip or to take anup chols ahot tit ill t tho h a b anby a y such huoh piot pictures area can aw t bo be I 1 0 ailt al ike iho thlin bim YOUrI yourself elf clip out tit f faar fit 4 up drop drop umi at W a A kodak heap I 1 loh torfin I 1 n um I 1 purk sa t I 1 ake A i BUSINESS EDUCATION 10 fl fou sa JOS NELSON TEMPLETON SALT LAKE CITY A he H BOXRUD CO S TEMPLE ST WHOLESALE WHOlE aALE NOTIONS WARES S AND manufacturers OF CU SPENDERS I 1 OK OUR t W tat 11 carl ctrl I 1 A iq T E D C 0 i s f b a i 4 it e a I 1 t h talt a cut ong hoa 1 I 1 ow vol k to r I 1 0 gall 1 1 4 bad ow |