Show SPANISH SLOOP CAPTURED tho the american tug tuff hudon makes a haul off canina tri can lna enit key west aug 7 the tug hudon which has hag been v with ith tile the uncas oil the noi no th hi coast blockade sauk saak P spanish sloop and captured another one off ai denas it a few nights ago the cip aured sloop was the Chr christina latina and was loaded with floh a quantity ot of which wits served up for breakfast to the hudson A euln who had bad bein out r v month mul aud had little left in the way oi of I 1 breo spaniards who were on the tha christ christina ina rit put off in fit their tender nhan tile saw tile the hudson approaching and gained a hey just off shore ilic I 1 lie comert cd baclit ineide oneide also ciame fi aiom orn the blockade ty anci it ports that it boda of spill SP ill ired about do 30 rifle shots at her hoin a point from the beach beveral milis lui loil off allorto castlo castle rhe gunboat lit dil not it turn the fire |