Show S REPORT r I 1 ra 1 I of at I 1 helit light 1 in XI aih 11 hi 1 ier I 1 I 1 cromli ally a lin jill j ton toll luly rio rile follow following lO a i 1 ini nol r lit hi v 4 t I 1 ith th t tl I 1 anft I 1 et ct hulond squad 1 i in n I 1 nit i tat a I 1 larshie lar ship I 1 lo oklyn 1 tan in ini bay guiv 0 k SD jj I 1 im ilias alio honor to make tile fill wi wing ng lepoint of that part ot of tile squadron unar bour coin command mandl wll will 11 1 cane a r in im ovation during tile the nt IN alth ith the spanish bleet ilse toa on july i 1 Is 1818 18 second I 1 U t i it in admiral va atra m with the hie infanta maria beresa re 17 resa cresa N caya i ils tobol colon colo U nod find two torpedo boat dealt aers cania came out olit of the b arbor of Sau trigo to cuba io in column colun itil at SOO aids distance tin an I 1 attempted to t escape to the westward west waid sign i I 1 won was made fi aiom oin tho the low a that tho the enemy was vias oming out but his hie movements had been disco discovered discover vei ell from this ship ht the sinio moment ibis vessel was wai the fart hiat vest cst except the vixen in the LIOL blockading kading line sig nal hal was made to the western dil division sion is na prescribed in your g TI a and nil there was wan and rapid movement inward ly by jour squadron and a general nt at ranges lit ginning at I 1 loov nin nida ds and varying to until the jelt 11 was destroyed desti oyed at out 10 10 a in ilia concentration of 0 f tho alra of tile alie s cadron on the ships coin coining ing out was most furious and terrine and gleat damage was lone done them about twenty or twenty five minutes after tha ng Bement began two vessels thought b to be tit the a I 1 leresa erena n and nil oquendo and since verified as such took bra alro from the elfed live shell alre of the squadrons and were vero forced jort td to run on some six or neveu miles veat aest of the harbor cu tiance ai hero here they but band nd aud and blew up tip later hie torp do boat were de caily in ili tho the fiction action but the sloke was wa so deuse in their tit it I 1 aguot lannot say to khat vessel or the belongs rius doubt leas ess was waa men aea better bater frona from lour our flag bag all abail ip 1 rhe ond and colon per to their consorts cons oits continued conti tit at lull spied to theowest th the west ewest ward I 1 to 0 anpo t and 1 were I ere followed lind and engage engaged dina in a stunning fight with tho the Proc Adyn tex n lowa iowa 1 ai l urt tit til 10 50 when hen the izcoa iz caa a took fire from our abells she put hot hei balm lie lm to port and with a heavy beavy list to port stood in shot a and I 1 ian an agi ag bound at ac about oue one nilles west of santiago on fire anti and where she aha afterwards blew up dining the night bebing that bile had bad her colors colora mid guil that several vessels were beating tier her to capture and nave have lier liar crew signal NN was as made to clase firing bring the oregon having proved vastly luster faster than the other battleships she and the klyn to gither with the leiets lex asand and another which proved to be your flagship continued west westward ard in put suit of the tha colon which had bad run in close lit in abate evidently seeking some good to bench beach if she should faildo fall to eluda her fifth pursuit continued with increasing bleed in the brooklyn ore gon end and other ships and soon Us tha brooklyn and tile the oregon wera inere within long range of tile tho colon and the oregon opened fire bra with her thirteen inch guns guna landing a shell close to the colun colon A moment afterward the brooklyn opened tire N uh ith liar her eight inch guns guna lan landing ling a shell just ahead of her SeNer beneral alother other ahi lla acro find firtl atthe at alio colon 1 now in lange 0 the brooklyn find and oregon a 3 guns COLO it her comman commander dei kleing all chances of ft a e cut oft off anil and the d destruction awaiting ills his ship fired a lee ice gun and struck her ter flag bug at 1 11 p ro its and ran ashore at a point sonto some fifty joilee 1108 west of ban santiago tingo barbot I 1 your our flag ship was coming coining up rapidly at the time ui as wad as also tile the lex legaj and vixen blittle A little liter lite rafter after your ar rival the cristobal colon which hall had struck to tile the 1 bi I cokl is ond and the tha ox oregon egon was turned ovir to you as aa one of the trophies vt of this gierut victory of the tha on under your command during ray my ulli cial a lit tle later commander I 1 aton of the tha res KM bluto rt ported to you tile tha pies pi euco ot of a spanish battleship liter altares your to III iun were t to it take ake the oregon a and n fl go C eastward asten ard to to 1 ineather meet her and this viah done by t the he brooklyn Bio 13 oklyn y n wl with t 11 the r s u I 1 t that th be ve esi sel reported its as an enemy ras as erod ered to bo be the austrian ci U iser infanta tili maria Marla Telesa seeking the commanded la chief bleir seventh Seven thI 1 would mention for your youra consideration that the tha brooklyn ocen ell pled plad tile the most westward blo blockading kading position with tho the vixen and nd being more directly in the ro ate taken by th spa Span nab loh squadron waa exio exposed sect foj 0 some minu es ca possibly ten t U tho the yas no a alro ot tl ree rea ot of the spanish ships and the th ti s range 8 yards fro th X t ut the vt vac tit that at on enter tire i oi I 1 o ra rapidly a pid eidly aoa soon d diverted this fire bra and did ing magnificent work at close range I 1 Is have never before witnessed such deadly and fatally accurate shooting as was dono done by the ships of your corn coin muirl as they closed in fit on the spanish squadron squal aqua iron ron and I 1 deeni deem tt it a high ledge to commend to you fos foi act ion as you mav clein pt opar the alio gal tautie anti and da lushing liing courage the promos deis dc is on red it hall handling hanl ling of 0 their vessels of aptakin philip captain alvani I 1 1 clara and C specialty especially my thief of st it LIY iff copt cook ubo mho was wan directly under my 1 cr r bonal obber observation anti chobe a 1 tut ss as and r oui age v t ro re of till highest order UK ili ainu of the combat shut out floy IN tile the indiana and r I 1 ut as these vessels were closer to your our fla lag ship no doubt their part of the LOII 1011 liitt was waa under 3 bour our immediate va I 1 felon I 1 ight r aleut acut manding the vixen vi ten acted with our age although unable to engage tilt the heavier ships of the im ani my with ilia his light guns ss waa close I 1 iri t ta the battle line dundr heavy fire and many of the enemas biot passed if hand his bli vissel ninth I 1 beg to inell special atten anttn tion to the conduct of luy flag lieuten ant james JamesA A sears wars and lusan fd ward mccauley tr ir aids who constantly at my side dill dining ing tile the engagement ga and who expose I 1 them selves fearlessly in bisci urging their duties find and alsoto also to tho the splendid be havili of my secretory secre tiry 11 neils ells jr who commanded coina and infected lit acted the fighting figh ling of the fourth division with a splendid effect tenth senthi I 1 would comment ane highly meritorious conduct and courage in the engagement of lieutenant corn coin mander N I 1 13 mason the executive whose pith inco over the ship during its continuance did in much lie h to a the alio good results of this thia ship a part in the victory eleventh ibe timi navigator gator lacut A 0 hodgson and the division officers ceis aleut T D W v it ruth rush aleut edward Simp Simpson bon J D doyle insign chhrles Cli webster and tile junior divisional off leers roost most conspicuous in ili vety detail of duty contributing to thea the accurate murate fir ing of this ship in her bar part of the gant abc victory of your forces 1 we fifth 1 ahe he olic rs of the dediea med iea pay an I 1 cn glacer neer tin nn I 1 marine corps re to every demand of tile the occasion nu aill I 1 were fearless fearl oai in exposing themselves the harmut n ill lani L carpenter Cai penter it II err r I 1 ap I 1 lle legate gate were every chesto exposed in batching vat vi ching foi damage reports of wh c Is tore rr conveyed to me I 1 have bare never inina in my life served with a ba beaver aver better or worb corb wo ler crew than tit that at of tile the ai bicok ook lyn during tile the combat lasting from 9 35 until 11 15 p in much of th time under alic they never flagged a moment and were apparently undisturbed by tho the storm of projectiles passing ahead anstein abstein and over the ship the result of the engagement ga wits was tho the destruction of the spanish squadron and the of the admiral and same 1300 to 1500 prisoners with tho the loss of several hun him dred killed estimated by Adin admiral fral cervera at GOO mess men fifteenth ilia iho on board this ship were nvere 0 11 II 1 I ills ilia chief 3 eo man killed J burna flieman fi ieman first class claas severely wounded the marks show that the ship was struck about wenty twenty live five dinits and that thai sho also bears in all forty one scars as the result of her participation in the great victory of your force on july the ard 3rd 1898 rile speed cone bal hilliards halli ards liardi were shot anay and nearly ill all the sigual hal 1181 liardo the ensign at the main was so shattered that in hauling it down atthe at the close of the action it ml to pieces TUB sixteen th I 1 congratulate you most bince illy upon this great victory to the squadron anler your command and nd I 1 am glad I 1 have au an opportunity to contribute in the least to a victory that seems enough for all of us seventeenth I 1 have the honor to transmit bre brawith with the report of the commanding officer and a drawing 1 in of the ship blowing the location of hits and seats seal a also alho a mamor of expended and ami tile the amount to fill her allow allon fince ance eighteenth eighteen th since iten ching this place and holding convers stion with several of the Captis captains his vaa vi 8 capt eu I 1 sata lato of the and the second lu in command of the colon commander Com mauder con can lera I 1 have learned that tile the sra spanish admiral a 9 sebe schema ina was inas to concentrate allgire 11 fire for a while on the brooklyn iland nd the visca vascao a to i ant am her bar in hopes bopes that if they could destroy her the anece of IN lie be increase inert ased ast a it was supposed the she was tile the swift e 1 your squadron squad adion ion this ex plains tile tho heavy fire alre mentioned and the Visca yaa ss action in tho the earlier arlier iS Is movements of the engagement the tite execution cution ot this purpose was vas promptly bloated loa ted by the fact that all the thip sIR tho the squadron advanced into lose range and opened an 4 and aad tire on the eni enemy mis soroa tin aa xit it was comline out of the rb or 1 gal y wv ar that P anbo beaw the water line was due to a water valve being abeln opened by some borne unknown cause causa and flooding the compartment I 1 twentieth went leth I 1 beg to enclose A list of I 1 the officers nod and crew who ed ad in the combat of july 3 1898 twenty first I 1 cannot close tills thia re port without mm II 11 on log in high of praise the splendid conduct ind support of rapt C 13 charlt of the 01 igou hi p setd was vias woud wonderful erful un 1111 I 1 her ber accurate tire splendidly des truc tive very respectfully A fc 1 S tit in TH ri t 13 1 3 navy finmand squadron orth north atlantic Al lautic licit I 1 ailt ro the common in hief L 8 naval force coith at bantle station |