Show NOTES tho the I 1 abello mountain copper claims lu in arizona have been sold tor for 83 8 to halt bait lake men 1 ho know at park ity fly Is 1 very fiott and to in rapidly ing owing to the baj bad road ore hauling will not be for or some boine time the youth bouth swansea paid its abill dividend amounting to on onmon day th thin its payment will sn s 11 the total paid by this mine to 1 the I he engineering and Mining M ining journal reports the sale ale in new sw lork ork of ontario at 87 it a and Is a small lot of aloin alloi n silver tit at 81 51 11 II 41 I 1 A attorney I 1 lorn ona I 1 ci guson late of salt halt I 1 I 1 ike city proposes pro pubes to etta establish blish the first busin business 68 at plate coun ty camp gold mountain the iha fires tit at the lla Ila smelter have been dhawn ill am n and the plant which aich has bas b been lf n in continuous operation for so BO any deais has blen been abandoned abandon ld by all save a ve a watchman the file washington mine finne tit at I 1 ie ported at the sampled sain wednesday with another shipment ot of ugh high grade oie while the horn silver of tamp camp strived ai rived with concentrates A will shipment ot of oie boston L tah mining alining company a copper de hobits in 11 wane aa ne counte count mas assent bent in t to balt lake city the clatur pait ol of tho the week etna and tile the insult will bo be anxiously I 1 awaited Mary hvale mines may eabe alio making of it a number of ibis country has bas been held bick for a long ti time aneo but from rec recent cat developments it would seem that prosperity will soon make its home in this district distri Lt abe 1 lie management of the ontario at is still dundei aided whither her the property pio perty will bo be ie opened and borkel I 1 on a large benic at any rate the mine will be worked corked us as in the past year with or meo men taking out shipping the utah of I 1 ish bpi ings has added another to the chapter of stil kes that have been chronicled by it and from I 1 the tenth level at a depth of BOO feet oi oies es aie now being rinsed raised that show as much ns as 67 G per cent lead and ounces silver ilver to tile the ton improved loads between the ballway a and ad the mines at I 1 arsh springs spi ings deep cheek oun liy is ef enabling labling the galena to get to again forty five tons of ote oie from this mine running high in silver find and lead found a market in alt lake city last week ate aie coining in dally daily from frona tile the cedar mountain country and all ring aging from the new ew A wagon m agon load of copper roa rock ic has been sent in to the sampler by bartholomew and Ilar rima n N who ho con fl fi dently expect good lemula I 1 A prospector had an assay made on some rock taken from antelope island last week if and ad A as aa abed to find a showing of 68 20 in gold and 15 ounces in olver hilver to the ton ito will immediately take out a force of men and garner la in some of the pi precious pie cious metal A shipment of ore hoin the national mine in tile the pioche received last I 1 week eek assac ed 50 per cent copper and 40 ounces silver to the ton and there la Is plenty of the same saine stuff in bight ibis promises to lecure new nev blood for tile the arteries of that locality A now new smelling smelting sm elting plant will handle lot doity ty tons of ore per day is in to be erected by the orneia of the dyer group of copper bearing claims in abines amines uintah county tile the fact that the mines ate aie eighty miles distant from the railway ailway will mike this step alep ucles r iary I 1 ar bombel jr of st ht george alved iu in salt lale lake city tuesday with alth a shipment of ore from the little gem that to la being developed develop cd by him the tot lot consists of in twenty en ty tons showing a very high average avei ave age inge and the intention Is to install a matting plant plaint for which ground Is already being broken at the mine james brown one of the owners of the little johnny mine at lead Leadill file le colo I 1 is ia in ili utah e homo bome promising pi with ith a view of in testing resting during the past four years the grus gross output of the little johnny has reached a total of ac 6 out and yet let there appears to be no end to the ore bodice from hati those millions vere ft ere derived in the planetary alining Alli ting companas comp anys property in box elder tonnyy Lon lity ore ha has just been encountered that chows as aa inn much C 11 as 2918 in gold and fifteen ounces silver nver per ton ahe ore wa in ID P a crosscut that the tha mania management gement has been taking oil off the foot level find nd the extent of tile the body has not yet been determined rho management la Is very much ani h elated and declare that cpr npr lc will be continued throughout the beacon an I 1 with as many ti liners is can caa be into the opeal s the he recent made in the tha wedge mine Marj avale district Is causing comment vein feln ot of ore that can be traced over the hill through the 11 edge claim which was known to carry val values vales es of from aso 10 awards but in this vela vein a rich streak has bee been recently discover disco vei ed that car ilip alc in ahe the nelga neighborhood 1 of riold old to the ton hla streak has haa ben been tapped ppe ln in two places about sixty feet oue one of e they arsu i the ivein th break streak is q 1 s x I 1 k td |