Show philippine REVENUES I wix 11 n ir niel thlire I 1 ok k I 1 I 1 N ashing tn apt abill it 0 acting secie acte tary has hai rondo a statement of 0 the pl in ili the philippine Is lails gamt alie Anuil mua have been la in charge figures lif jurea have bien cabled by lene lenvial ial otis but sinco since the active hostilities lave have atea going on no de detailed i apoi ts tit b hive tiva been received the A met it ans took possession of the islands august 13 1898 ilie to the first of banuat y wets 1 january march so far as were of t 0 10 QUO IN 18 from iloilo hollo and 40 filin cebu I 1 it t is believed tho the total of 3 1 woultz have I 1 aea ecu enuch lot laino got had all tile the ports of the island i been in po pos bevalon of the united states many of the ports port have been in posheR sion of the insurgents rents nd auml immerge has been necessarily restricted |