Show NEWS the silver king has ban donated for or the relief of the fire buff evers the water supply of F salt alt I 1 ako ake city Is 1 lower than it has lein for many years tho the wheat crop la ia st beurge has bi bien been en harvested and a good yield la Is rt rf ported the rio luo orande western will tin I 1 rove the road bed between salt bait lake and park city buttery battery P V la Is short of men a number of the recruits having been re jed for physical reasons general jounas engineers left for S am in I 1 ran fancisco cisco sunday they will em cm bark early arly for the I 1 philippines salt lake lind butone representative on the III felted fated bourgogne an italian who was returning hoine hoin salt lake webley K X walton of rich county has lin been elected chairman of tho the state blata it alican committee vies vic john I 1 dooley mary T L ju ill id wife of Thoi thomasi naf judd th tho state estate bearil of horticulture died tit her gioino in kt feorg last i eek of heat t failure governor lo vernor wells birther bi other burlant IT olah who was aundt 1 I in the hie bottlo battle at santiago la is reported as aa recovering adlet ly lla ile was vaa wounded lu in the leg there are arc some excellent samples of grain growing in thoele tooele valley this spi ing upon dry grou aroun n I 1 and an aver aber nga age of 25 bushels r ru ll 11 lure Is expect expected Ld I 1 ho railroads within ube the beato are as follows RIO kio grande vett irn rill 81 1 1 OH 14 01 agon short 1 line I ne 38 10 balt bait lake I iko and ogden 0 den IV P 1 was t of ofilio the mining conara Con gra and n will ill be to in hargo of tile the at I 1 ake an appropriation of 33 OUO was wag mado alade to meet the expense to bo be tn in burred captain caine of cavalry lavair y troop arriva arrived home hoino last week fur u short visit with his its family lie ho mays laya tile hie is in good condition condl Hon lie does doca not think they will sall aai before auguet I 1 C L maxwell the springville Spring ville b bentt tak lias has aten and entered ed a plea of not guilty maxwell Is ia said bald to bo be tilL king atlay expecting to lve acea a fixed at U utah talt bo bois a e en it I 1 louto out e to nt manila an I 1 I 1 it on tho the expedition lime have written home accounts recounts ue of their otean ocean voyage from walh they 4 Atti orla in ili sym sympathy puthy and ahey are ro all ah LII colonel loracy of the lough it iders liau hai all bt in 11 mill to t the lie hospital at J jack ack souville ills feet acio BO badly rushed that amputation inny be necessary neL ebsary this ihla leaves col john Q cannon in lormand ot 0 tile regiment private jacob ili imandt andt utah caa lri who atts as found ailien at its post will ill bu be honorably d alita la Is the lightest BI sentence sn tence that could bo bi irli poli ell ed and ii waa as br ought about through tho the I 1 ante act salon of captain calne there Is much excitement in mantl oner oer the filing of a number of land cont contesti sti A largo large number of carmi farnam is have havon ni nde de entries on the foothills and these thebe entries are now I 1 e ing contested Contest Ld by tho the aliet p mon men m who ho t win they interfere re u etli thair bangt a 1 iad I ito ila 0 I 1 ad feeling mrs mra ann vaughn Vau ahn 78 tars of age of walt malt lillie was mas inadvertently left at lagoon on old bolk abuy blie lier hilf from a a re t t to only to ti bac fit L tho the last ast ti tinia ala leaving for homo home of asking ablian for seallor tor nt at the besot desotti t she ho started on DH foot to i alk the eighth eighteen en i miles in darkness at living eai eaily ly next licit pio rutn almost no V W wilson Yi lson lias has been arrested at f aarn idaho lit I clug lug wan tod for foe tho the theft of u wagon ut at two years year vago ago Morest moro rIous tumble may be ba him till na alic ift be lilves ho be hua bas evidence evid cuco connecting N it 11 bonwith bun son with the iho robbery ot of the union pa ill cine at ulnah two at rs ra ago 10 for which atch james truo true was mus tt lea and acquitted i jennaro nu an italian who ito nasr was fo freig iati ging ills his it t ipa apouse ISO to a street s gr e c t car pule lu iu halt hal t loko lak a y city last week w i its as arreba arreitta d and finell V jor for battery lie had bad a rope ropa around h her heru ack ck and aas taking tier lier to the ali ia scene 0 of execution who whoa a P aa out interfere eforoi and the lp politer it drunk when lie he y conceited ed the idea of ridding himself til bof of martial y ay ti s democrat of ephraem ure are taking up the question of tho the Demoor atin 3 st Stati to committee to their city as a afelt ali eface place for holding the state conven t 0 house housa will be offered for the use of tb the e con ve a lion I 1 governor Wells has bas named the 6 follows I 1 rank laak w jennings balt fike j 1 D 7 murphy I 1 gle lieu to u n nt fe r J f age yozl lan I 1 t IV hi M an arf W 0 Ivie were retba this recruit lug ug it othere tho alj fl ent 0 |