Show A CALL HIOM THE STATE BOVID OP OF 1 I salt SaIt lake city june 18 1908 to io all health officers at al lis season boston or tle year ft a determined effort should bo be male majo to prevent tho the tion of housel lies flies and to pro broudo ibe screens scra clas to them from houses houses it i 10 on wi iiii iiii 1111 rw now ow 11 ll cnown n wo ast tatt they ly ao circo bics of disease germs reeding feeding upon tho secretions and excretions excretion a liven isable such each as typhoid jp hoid fever tuberculosis summer bummer complaint or infants do and depositing the material upon vadious ar r iol a of food to which they way may final access V F lies hen breed in manuro manure heape and other filth being there reco gUILd as maggots all such material be removed and kept rem removed from promises promised prom isea and it is aba duty of health officers to cause causa this thia to bo be doue local sheild be requested uLsted 0 to o call attention to the subject and people should bo be asked to coop corporale orale rot for their own protection I 1 aicra is no question but hat bat many lives may bo be saved from typhoid lever fever and other diseases diso agoa during tile next four months by and faithful rai prec allt on s directed against lies flies your trul trull T B Y lif D secretary |