Show TO PHOTES 11 0 opinion P expressed by chinese that ohp should have some rights in ID their own Ceu country in the meantime the boycott weapon is heing being used and japan asks that promoters of the move moe ment be restrained from further efforts akin the chin so government on filda rilday h handed a na 0 d in a formal reply to japan a protest a alnut the construe tion of the Ia kumen china asks japan jap in to debei nine and fix f the distance acco according iding 0 usage at chich she h will the existing line to be faial I 1 led and she bhe i laces lacea a limit upon japan n s i ight to oppose the construe tion ot of ralli oads in ili manchuila Man Alan chuila on an the tha ground that them the parallel arid and with the lapinere Tarn lapi nebO controlled lines baron the japanese Japa ater hns has handle in to the board the names of four chinese mer hants who ate aie officially promoting tile lie boycott movements against J jp I 1 anese goods boods and lie he asks that th they e y be suppressed eased essed acting upon advices advises received from london the Bitti cill minister has in strutted ted the british consul general at anton anlon to advise the canton vickroy to suppress the boycott ahe foreign blaid lias has asked the as Bl 6 istance stance of the mi minister to china in the of several thousand thon thou sand gand rel reh who ho according to a telegram from the governor of f pio province vince have captured the L liolu bohu p piss iss on the I 1 conking hot bolder der and who possess I 1 reach arms and who have been trained by frenchmen |