Show A MURDEROUS SOLDIER shoots a in sun sua Frau tilse without I 1 ro san ban francisco sept 14 walter rosser a private of the fennessee renn essee regiment regimen men t stationed here shot and instantly killed henry a sales bales man last evening rosser who was under the influence of liquor went into the tha market where was working and leaned up against some egg cases 1 I earful of the eggs belf bek i g broken assed him bim to bo be careful say aro are 5 3 ou going to wait on me demanded the soldier annoyed at tho tha warning turned to receive the order of the ix etive customer and as lie faced fact d ros cos her ber the bollier whipped out a 32 call ber A 1 I esson and shot in the breast iho wound ed cd man dropped to the floor and expired immediately immedi attly not at all appalled at tha ilia insult of ills his act rosser shot hot again at ins his pios pins victim whose heart had jut just ceased to beat the tha shot al most lilt hit a butcher boy in the adjoin ing stall who ilia was badly but rosser was at once taken to the city prison and locked up on the charge of murder it is said that ho he comes of a good family in the east cast ills conduct since he joined the volunteers olun however has been lax lar aiom exemplary elLein plary the murdered man IN was as 28 years ol 01 oil 1 a diat ried man an and d the ilia father of one child |