Show 11 HA NJ ND W IUT om I TS I IS I S several d err the u Stand In Ih rho r Tho Nipper case in III which plaintiff sues HueR to lit as pro 1111 tits from tut alleged loves nt III hl III 10 still slowly lowlY in III the tho court FiltH lilt thu of the defense In traduced n slat s es N es 11 who v e expert testimony concerning the letters offered In ht evidence thu tho authority of inn t of oC which hall been disputed frank B 14 lc wun th time nl first t of nf such to take time tho stand alit alithe he ut at length In Ill tile con COli the witness that thuL thu money nud 1111 part palt hers led hall been tI br b Home aone one other othel thou bps I Nipper us lIa such statements Were not lIot In ill hits hili lag Mr MI admitted lint the changes ere III ht seine Instances very cleverly done but hul under the glass the they very my apparent not stand the test ot of critical limo hu forgeries he said were welo slowly great de whereas III WIIt hilt tr g was wall done dOlle and in III n hand R 10 1 cashier of the uC nt the tho gave tee tes told was wal on the lit II when court adjourned for Cor the tho noon recess SuIt Salt fm fat The Tattle Ranch has Imes stilt In III the tho federal court against the Central and Southern to recover or of n a certain tract truel o of 40 acres of land lanti for Cor the rental of oC the at It the tho rata ot of n a month t tor I 1 a period or of nearl nearly 4 rant ears und and for tor or having been Illegally t lt td ot of the tho use tine or of its property The mil al logos lint the tho companies on Jan Jail 20 O 1690 entered upon and took pus pOll session Hession ot of the lira of the tho southeast quarter ot of section 27 town 8 rouge range 2 west or of the tho Snit Sail the tho c company which sins the rightful own oln olnEr U Er anti has eVer eter shire huh held unlawful Possession ge slon A mil It i tinH hns ben t in tho din dill blot court In the tho ease calle of oC Jum s against 1 1111 1 Lunn et cl nl continuing further r hearing or of the ens ease until Oct 10 lOOt 1904 In III thu tho the thu parties interested 1 in III tilt thu rR e will gel Iret together endeavor to th their lr out of f court The rte action was to qUIlt quiet title tutu the tho rights of nil all the Parties tu to tim tho of rile III rose O bus been Oil nn trial be before before fore Judge huhl Cor or 1 a past but by J the stimulation tiled yesterday utter II a truce hits been heen declared |