Show BARBAROUS I SURGICAL OPERATION 1111 lire uro of 01 Ill IllIs Is ie not only ll painful null OUM to III lire and very expensive but tit III the Into light or of modern 1111 I research and amt till the discovery of the Pile Cure wholly holl It nn any doubt douht on this kindly rand the Ihl following letter from one who I known knols that this ra arding the merits of the Pyramid Pile pule Pure Cure Brit are out b I rill II bear u II long lute I with fill rhes lIa gave Ve ms IIII so III i Ut hi pain And situ that they almost tile ate 1110 for 01 doing II anything I raw tin nn ad In thin Iho Atlanta ot of oft t 1111 Ore urt and 11 1 a AO 60 rent relit box I 1 null Ow they III VI 1 me 1110 relief that me 1111 I another Allot her GO cent hox and the they me Oh how glad I 1 am well 11 rh rho me anti I 1 am they will cure lire sloe Ille who I lit ne liS I was Wall Ir If they will II ape IIPP them You Volt tiny use ue hits In AI nay way 11 you seo co roller proper U If my experience will In en e tiny sufferer to nee II your Pyre fluty I ue be II IL 1 luck t OR ORThe The Ilie Lure Is IR sold IJ by fee rOl 60 o cente 1 a package and Its merit lit Is lI well known that the exceed of all 1111 remedies rile Krug to 0 Mich for their look Oil no Ih the cause and cure Lit jf l lIs which l is sent Hent free Creo fur tor the |