Show ABOVE THI I A AL ALOy D Dr Oy LYTLE HULL HULLA CONVERSATION which your out A correspondent r recently e c e n t I eavesdropped in the solarium of a hospital hopital where he was Wal re reo recuperating almost brought on a relapse Two men were discuss discussing In the election and one was Wal explaining explain explain- ing tag very verT clearly that the economic structure of this na nation could not weather another four years eara of New Deal uncontrolled and uncontrolled and by now uncontrollable un tan controllable spending controllable spending lie He cited that no President elected on the Democratic ticket could be in a position to reduce the present runaway run away situation He lie stated that If the New Deal was returned he ex ex- expected petted to be financially ruined within the next few years Silently Silent Silent- ly Iy we agreed with him one hundred hundred hun bun dred deed per cent Not 10 minutes later we were startled to hear this same man say that he was not going to vote at atthe atthe atthe the coming election as he was in infuriated In at the way Eisenhower's men had stolen tolen the nomination from Taft There was wu a sort ort of stunned silence for a few mom moments nta and then his friend stood up and delivered himself about as sa follows You and X I Ie Bill DIU have bave been very successful self made men I J know how I made my success success success-It It was wea by using my mr brains But Dut after the statement you fOU have just made Im I'm damned if I can understand how you made yours Jour You have just said ald that if the New Nw Deal was returned returned re reo re- re turned in is November you JOU expected before long to have to sell eU your business and your JOur home in the the country for some coma worthless deflated deflated de de- Hated dollars doUar and that your wife and children children and and nearly everyone every one else's wives and children inthis in inthis inthis this country would country would be hard hard- pressed to make ends end meet And now you tell teU me that you are going to present the despoilers with one vote voto because of sentiment Get this through your thick head Bill Th The American people people people-or or at least those who can see the cataclysm ahead are ahead are not voting FOR ANY ANY- ONE They are voting AGAINST a bureaucratic octopus which if returned returned re reo turned will wW ruin us |