Show GOING ON i iBy At t By ny Sam Taylor Th The IIII big election d. d day Is II ever and long faces around the thell ll eela on Wednesday morning Maid could probably b be directly attributed at to Ia the he fact fet that hd of 01 the e of 01 Grand county voter Tot Tot- er en en who Indicated their choice as u Republican Tuesday vo voted d for Governor Le Lee who failed to carry the the- ret rest of the State In spite of 01 Grand county's help Coffee discussions Wednesday found downhearted county count Re Re- publicans trying to decide dee whether whether ther the after r Tuesday vote it would do an any rood good to n ret get on OD the he Clyde CIde bandwagon or whether there Was wu an any possibility of 01 voting for lor a Democratic choice Local Democrats who numbered number ed Tue Tuesday day were seen Ifen in Itea mater greater r numbers on the street et than for lor many weeks probably feeling that things were looking up In the local races the Republican Republican lican voters Indicated that they were In favor of new county com com- missioners The margins were small smell however and It wasn't until un un- 11 til all aU the districts had reported In that the verdict was known Commissioner Com Corn missioner O. O E E. E Boulden who was appointed to fill a vacancy last ast week will be the over carry over carry commissioner com corn missioner when the new men take takeover takeover takeover over their posts the first of th the year That will mean that the entire entire en en- tire commission will be serving for the first time The handful of county count Democrat Democrats Democrats Demo Demo- crat who voted Tuesday seemed seemed seem seem- ed cd to I be In about equal disagreement disagreement dis dis- agreement ment on who the they should elect ele-ct for lor the only local race District Attorney They did howver h r give Attorney Boyd Doyd Bunnell Dunnell a slight edge over Price Attorney Dan Keller The count county vo voters rs were again put on the side aide when Carbon Carbon Car Car- bon count county Democrats voted vote by more than a three thre-e to one one margin to put newcomer new Bunnell Bunnell Bun DUD nell In the spot Even though the county voters did Hd did seem to l be e wrong at every turn urn In the road they proved one tM thing g that Grand county voters voters vot vat ers ers this year totaled almost twice wice what they did four years ago go with about the same percent of f eligible voters going to the roles poles Th That t means that the county Is s growing large arge enough In population population lation to warrant a little more recognItion than It has gotten inthe Inthe in the he past and political hopefuls ha had d I best pay a little closer attention i to the trends here Total Grand Gran d county people eligible to vote wa was s 1283 and this figure is expected expect to grow larger before the General election and continue to grow after after af of ter that On the e way to the post office Wednesday morning I was startled star tied when while jaywalking a military police pollee Jeep with a couple cou cou- couple pIe of 01 rough looking sergeants dressed In their work clothes drove past with a siren sInn blowing After I decided they looking for tor me I came from behind behind be be- hind the board fence at the Utah Motel 1 where I 1 had craftily craft fly ily been watching the whole af- af affair af at fair to see what all aU the commotion commotion commotion commo commo- tion was about abouL Military 1 vehicles vehIcles vehicles les are generally c as scarce ashens as ashens ashens hens teeth in this area and it usually takes quite a bit to ret get them this far We finally found out that the trucks belo belonged ged to toa a convoy of ot Utah National Guard trucks headed for far the I Indian reservations loaded with winter clothing for tor the Navajos after the big bl friendship drive for tor clothing In Salt Lake City Reports from the states state's largest larrest city indicated that at the convoy one of two which will make the trip was loaded with over tons of ot clothing Welcome First Security Bank employees to our parking lot behind be- be hind the T T- T TI I during the duration of f the paving of your parking lot Jot We IVe too are looking forward to the he completion of the new dustree dust dust- tree free ree lot Jot between us We are afraid that hat your lot Jot is going to look awfully aw aw- awfully fully Inviting to us after the ankle deep dust situation we have haven In n our lot Local r residents have been expressing disapproval the past two or three weeks week over the location of the gas gal meters on the new gas lines being completed completed com com- around town The meters met ers era which stand stan two or three feet above the surface of the ground not only make an unsightly unsightly un WI- un- un sightly appearance around the lots In town but some IOme of them teem seem to be placed so 50 that they would be easily knocked over overby overby overby by a passing auto I suppose that we could plant some soma sort of vines on the meters to coyer cover cov coy er up the pipes but I dont don't imagIne imagine im im- imagine agine the gas company would b be entirely pleased with that We are sure lure that some property prop erty city owners are going to be displeased when they find meters met met- ers era where they think they shouldn't be NOTES on the CUFF Trash cans sporting new loads of unwanted unwanted un un- wanted campaign posters after Tuesdays Tuesday's campaign Election betting running at a new high on Mali Main street Tuesday Football Foot b ball players trying out lights on local field for tor the first time tim this W. season |