Show i I Vr j Through the ot of tho State Blate I Doard of Horticulture each member ot of otI I which hns ht n a thorough i iI I ot of hta hili 11 the k hils tiu been Utah grow growers I ore ers from Dixie to Cliche Cache from Orand arand to In nn an to 10 muke moke uch auch Do i or toti fruit ns o may maywin I win the tho sliver trophy the linger larger part of the tho goltl modaiL and prIzes offered nt at tile Irrigation This Is i iS II S fruit year and In quality nil all nilI I kinds of have never been me meI X I celled Tho Tha fruit Ia 18 o good In sarno omo that of Utah larger fruit growers grower are aro UI VItual with which they Impe to win the grand prize offered by Sena Senator tor Clark and for variety and quality ot of have I a very cry good chance ot of winning Mr Jr Judd of St ite j Ident of the State hoard board and aIo If I Ident dont o of tio tho county fair I which Is i being held nt at St Ht George wok tok hOIl well veli In hand n a line fIne I ot of tender or tropical frUits such Buch as asI a I almonds etc nil as well M n and l tile the like lite of finer varieties aIRo curett i vache mitt lie He anticipates bringing up the heat best dis shown In the tho Dixie fair He will have nearlY I a ton of and other to exhibit nt at Ogden Mr MOM Mons Peterson of MOil Moab Jo III backed I up lip b by the tho largest fruit growers ot of I Grand and Emery counties In iii getting UI II a large exhibit ot of fruit from south Utah for Its excellence throughout the tho Mr D 13 JI H and the tho groWers and shippers ot of fancy toncy fruits In Utah cOlin coun county ty are sparing no to as 08 1 a producer of at fruit and aM ho ha will have 1110 n a large ot of fine par anti plums In Cache We Weber a aber ber Morgan and ond Snit Salt Lake coUll J n 8 larry of 01 tim tho State of oC baa hns the promise ot of II a liner and larger of fruit wan ever shown hetor from the tho 1 northern part ot Of the All MI the fruit rowers growers so far approach I ed d are In hearty lt the meat ment and will contribute liberally ot of their finest products and merit ment anel will contribute liberally of oC I cerui on the tho part oC at Utah I S T director general of oC oCI I the tha St Louis Loula fair lolI III i t Ing vcr very In far tor the tho big hili In the pavilion of oC the tho I county fair Altogether the Iho how vilI vIII certainty ho be worth going far to tiN Iwo all fruit growers or of the tho tat who can clin go to Ogden will ho bo do f Ing an If they thay tall to Me eo and judge for tor time tho fruit over ever under one uno root In the tho W west W SV N horticulturist I i of the tho Utah college cOllage will till willi i w y special hau expert t harg ot of the tho Utah fruit dl n a fact I that the tho artistic and technical of the tho exhibit ho will lie be lo viz Iz J Tolor aylor chief chieft t f the tha agrIcultural department ot of the i 0 St Ht StLouis I LouIs Colonel C II H Dosch of oe Or Dr the tho horticultural editor of time Chi Chingo Chiago ago ngo 1111 and Mrs Ire i t 1 a California fruIt antt one ouo of at the heat besl her hor time |