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Show I- I Ir ! : " : - _ . = , _ _ - _ - - = . ; : = - : ; : : - r ; - = - = = - = - = rr - ; : = = _ _ _ = ' . : r- r . = _ _ ' = . = ' = = ' = , ; = , : = - - i _ r ; . t'rJ trJ : ' r r'r - = . - " _ = = " -'r 'r r - , : ' = r- r re - : - - - . : ; ! = " ' - e : t : ; ' - - Russian People UnitedIn United UnitedIn ro roIn In Second Front Demand DemandPlead DemandH DemandG H G Plead for Diversion of Nazi Soldiers from fromEastern fromEastern Eastern Battlefields Battreflelds ; ; Soviet SovietPicture SovietPicture Picture Grows Darker . . ByBAUKHAGE By BAUKHAGE BAUKHAGEAcws BAUKHAGElens ] Acws lens ews Analyst and Commentator Commenlator WNU Features Fe tnres 1343 H Street N ro h . W WWashington WWashington WWashington Washington D CJust CJust C CJust Just at the tunehen time tune \ when \\hen hen Washmgtonwas Washingtonwas Washington Washmgton was anxiously allXlously awaiting news of the thebattle thebattle thebattle battle of the Solomon islands and andthe andthe andthe the reports from . Russia seemed to togrow togrow togrow grow worse by the hour the curta n nwas nwas nwas was pulled pul1ed back for a little group group.here grouphere group.here grouphere .here here . . and they . were .ere ere shown a dls dis dlsturbmg disturbing disturbing turbmg turbing p cture of the mind mmd of the thecornmon thecommon thecommon cornmon common man in m Russia RussiaI I say the picture was dlsturbmg disturbing dlsturbmgTo disturbingTo disturbingTo To thoseho those \ who \\ho ho read between the l1nes lines l1nesit linesit linesit it seemed to reveal the POSSibIlitythat possibilitythat possibility that the United Umted r-atlons r atlons Rations - I ations were about aboutto aboutto aboutto to lose the S sympathy ) mpathy if 11 not the thematenal thematerial thematerial matenal material support of the single smgle Ally Allywh Allywh Allywh wh ch has been able to engage the theA theAxis theAxis A . Axis IS " < effectivelyrot effectivelyRot effectively effectivelyNot - Not r-ot r ot Rot only the common man in m Russla Russin Rus Rusdown sla sin but everybod everybody\ everybody everybodyfrom \ from Stal n ndown ndown down div dlv des sharplyl sharplywith sharply sharplJ l with the ma maorlty malority malonty lority ] orlty of Un ted Nations military militaryoplmon militaryopinion militaryopinion oplmon opinion about a second front That Thatsplit Thatsplit Thatsplit split of opinion opmlon it was made plam plain plammay plainmay plainmay may affect not only our m.ilitary military m.ilitaryrela militaryrelations . militaryrelations rela relations tlons with Russia but post postwarrelations w \ ar arrelations arrelations relations as well wel1 Naturally Natural1y the theAx theAx theAx Ax s is promoting promotmg such dlsumtyBnef disunityBrrefiy disunity dlsumty disunityBriefly Briefly Bnef Brrefiy ! ) the two t.o to . views are the theseThe these theseThe e eThe The Allied strategists say Inva Invasion Invalion Invasion sion lion of the European continent contment now nowmight nowmight cowmight might mean another Dunkirk An Another Another Another other Dunkirk would be worse for forthe forthe torthe the Allied cause than to let Russia Russiacontmue Russiacontinue Russiacontinue contmue continue alone as she is now doing domg domgThe doingThe doingThe The Russian common cornmon man ac accordmg according accordmg cordmg cording to the an analysis lysls of this mmd mind mmdto mindto mindto to \ which hlch I referred above says If Ifyou Ifyou Ifyou you do not divert Nazi sold ers from fromthe fromthe fromthe the eastern front Russ a cannot hold holdout holdout holdout out We have sacrificed sacnficed greatly greatlyExcept greatlyExcept greatlyExcept Except tor for a few divisions m In Egpt Egypt Eg Egyptwhich Egptwhich } ) pt ptwhich which are not fighting flghtmg ( < at this Writ Writmg writing writing mg ing ) no Allied soldiers are attackmg attacking attackmgHttIer attackingHitler attackingHitler HttIer Hitler s argiles argiies armies except usWe usWe us usWe We have died by the thousands 11 if 11not ifnot itnot not millions nullions making makmg last ditch ditchstands ditchstands ditchstands stands that time tune to - - gave you pre pre- prepare prepare prepare pare Why should you be unw unwilling unwillingto Img Imgto to die too even if 11 i1 you cannot be betm.medlately beimmediately beimmediately tm.medlately tmmedlately immediately . successful sucEessful suc ' essful with an In Invaslon invasion mvasion vaslon vasion to save us no now . and as a aresult aresult aresult result , , , save yourselves later on on7 on7Russia's ? ' Russia's Russias Ruula ' ' ' . OpinIonThat OpinionThat Opinion OpinionThat That seems to be the Russian rea reasonmg reazoning reasomng sonmg zoning It is understood that after afterthe afterthe afterthe the Molotov visit to the Umted United UmtedStates UnitedStates UnitedStates States and the announcement of the theAngloRussian theAnglo-Russian theAnglo Russian Anglo-Russian Anglo Russian - - pact that hopes ran ranhlgb ranhigh ranhigh hlgb high in m the bosom of the ordmary ordinary ordmaryRussIan ordinaryRussian ordinaryRussian RussIan Since Smce then nothing nothmg has hashappenedexcept hashappenedexcept hashappened happened-except happened except - - except the victorious ad advance advance advance vance of the German armieshlch armies \\hlch hlch which whichnow \ whichnow hlchnow now either hold the richest parts of ofRussia ofRussia ofRussia Russia in m their grip or bar them themfrom themfrom themfrom from the rest of the countryThis countryThis country countryThis This attitude has become evident evidentand evidentand evidentand and supposedly . well .ell ell informed ob observers observers observers servers predict that the dlsappomt disappoint dlsappomtment disappointment disappointment ment on the part of the general generalRussian generalRussian generalRussian Russian public will have a bad ef of effect offeet effeet fect feet on the morale of the Russian Russianarmy Russianarmy Russianarmy RussianarmyThere army armyThere There are of course advoca advocates tes in inhIgh inhigh inhigh hIgh places in the American gov government government government ernment as well as in m Britain Brltam for forthe forthe torthe the opening openmg of a second front But Buteven Buteven Buteven even it 11 if the American high strate strategists strategists strategists gists were unanimous unanlmous on th s sub subect subect subject ] ) ect they would have to deter defer to toGreat toGreat toGreat Great Britain Brltam since smce the brunt of o1 an aninvasIOn aninvasion aninvasion invasIOn at th s time tune would have to tobe tobe tobe be borne horne by British troopsOf troopsOf troops troopsOf Of course it must be realized that thatthe thatthe thatthe the Russians on their side and the theBr theBr theBr Br tish tlsh and Americans on theirs are areeach areeach areeach each thinking thmkmg to some degree m in mterms interms interms terms ot of their own welfare as well as in terms of the common obectlvedefeat obectivedefeat objective obectlve obective objectivedefeat ] ) -defeat defeat - - defeat of the enemy But there theremay theremay theremay may be also a ph philosophical osophlcal d ffer fference fferonce ffercnce ence once Amer can and Brit sh officers officershave officershave officershave have been trained tramed in m a school .ruch ruch winch winchmakes . whichmakes .ruchmakes makes them hesitate to sacnfice sacrifice sacnficemen sacrificemen sacrificemen men in what seems a fut Ie le effort effortthat effortthat effortthat that is an effort which they are not notsure notsure notsure sure has at least a greater chance chanceof chanceof chanceof of success than of fa failure ure The Rus Russians Russfans RusElans sians sfans have shown that they are qUite qUitewllling quitewilling quitewilling wllling willing to de d e even . when v.hen vhen they know knowthat knowthat knowthat that they are already beaten and andfurther andfurther andfurther further resistance although it takes takesgreater takesgreater takesgreater greater toll tol1 of o1 enemy lives cannot cannotbe cannotbe cannotbe be successful . . . Gunner's Gunners Gunner ' . WingsAid Wing Wings WingsAid . Ad Aid Ada Aida , a Fighting ManThe ManThe Man ManThe The American bomber was wasdrenched wasdrenched wasdrenched drenched with German anti aircraft aircrafttire aircraftfire aircraftfire tire fire one engine engme was smashed and andburning andburning andburning burning one propeller was shot shotaway shotaway shotaway away bullets had riddled nddled the sh p s stall stail stail tall tail Down it was crashing crashmg out of ofcontrol ofcontrol ofcontrol control It struck pancake wise wiseandmiracle wiseandmiracle wiseand and-miracle and miracle - miracle of m racles it bounded boundedup boundedup up The plot p lot still sull glued to the can con cantrois controts controls trois trots felt U tl e a plane respond It stag staggered staggered staggered gered upv.ard-and upv.ardand upv.ard upvard and upward-and upward upward . - and back to England from that famous Fourth of July Julyraid Julyraid Julyraid raid over Holland HollandI I ha\ ha hae hate ha \ e just been talking talkmg with the theboy theboy theboy boy . who ho was m in the gunner s turret turretof turretof turretof of that plane and naturally naturalIy I asked askedrum askedhim askedhim rum him what he thought abouthen about \\hen hen when whenthey \ whenthey \ henthey they started to crash He s si , \ d he hecouldn hecouldn hecouldn couldn t remember But I have a ahunch ahunch ahunch hunch hunchthat \that that \ that it \ was as a little town out outm outin outm m in Kansas KansasThe The world s fine he told me meearnestly meearnestly meearnestly earnestly leaning leanmg across the table tableI I m glad of the chance to see what whatI I ve ye seen ot of o1 it But I 111 11 U be glad gladwhen gladwhen gladwhen when I get back to Fredoma Fredorua Fredonia where whereI I wis w's ws ' brought up Back where I Iknow Iknow Iknow know ever everybody ) bod ) and everybody everybodyknows everybodyknows everybodyknows knows me I can t t get used to folks folkshurrymg folkshurrying folkshurrying hurrymg hurrying soBy soBy so soBy By the time this is in m print prmt I hope hopethat hopethat hopethat that Fredonia has had a chance to tosee tosee tosee see Technical Techmcal Sergeant Robert Go Golayand Golayand Golay lay-and lay and - and for him rum to see it They II IIget IIget 11get get out the band when he comes comesback comesback comesback back with his rus brand new gunner s smgs swings awings \\mgs mgs wings \ on his coat along with his pre prePearl prePearl prePearl Pearl Harbor service ribbons and andthat andthat andthat that other bar that shows he s the theowner theowner theowner owner of a Flying Flymg Cross Of course coursepretty coursepretty coursepretty pretty Mrs Golay and six months monthsold monthsold monthsold old Robert will be proud proudI I like small smal1 towns says Robert RobertAnd RobertAnd RobertAnd And he s seen qu te to a piece of the theworld theworld theworld world In fact you might say after afterrus afterhis afterhis rus his experience on the Fourth of July Julyhe Julyhe Julyhe he knows Holland from the ground groundup groundup groundup up That . was v.as vas where he was shot shotdown shotdown shotdown down < ( ( temporarily temporanly ) ) and he said saidthey saidthey saidthey they brought a lot of Dutch sOIl sOIlbac soilbail soilback bac bail , . with V.lth Vlth themSurprise them themSurprise Surprise to Wife Wfe WifeMost WfeMost WifeMost , Most of y } ) ou hai ha\ ha hae hate \ e seen p ctures of ofBob ofBob otBob Bob getting gettmg his gunner s wings wmgs one oneof oneof , of the first two pairs ever awarded awardedat awardedI I at the ceremony eeremony in m Texas on August August9 9 But Mrs Golay heard about the theflight theflight theflight flight over Holland shortly after it ithappened ithappened ithappened happened And it was a surpns surprise surpriseto to her Because v . when hen Bob left for forEurope forEurope ( orEurope Europe he was only an armorerand armorerand armorer armorerand -and and - and that meant his Job lob ] ob in the air aircorps aircorps aircorps corps was a ground job And Mrs MrsGoiay MrsGolay MrsGolay Goiay Golay had given her husband cne one cneorderDon oneorderDon oneorder order-Don order Don - Don t fly She \ was as willing to tohave tohave tohave have him fight the war and get It Itover itover itover over but not m in the air Then one oneday oneday oneday day an officer called her on the thephone thephone thephone phone and told toid her that her husband husbandhad husbandhad husbandhad had taken part in m the then wIdely wIdelyheralded widelyheralded widelyheralded heralded American Amencan Fourth of July Julyexpedition Julyexpedition Julyexpedition expedition and that heas he \ was \\as as safe . . . Brass Bras . - BrassAnd And Bra Brass . Hats Hat HatsDonald HatsDonald . Donald Nelson popped his eyes re recently reGently recently cently Gently when the navy ordered 13 000 000pounds 000pounds 000pounds pounds of brass to make the door doorpiates doorplates doorplates piates plates tor for a new battleshipBrass battleshipBrass battleship battleshipBrass Brass is scarce The WPB asked askedthe askedthe askedthe the navy if 11 i1 instead mstead of brass they theycouidn theycouldn theycouldn couidn couldn t t use some commoner metal metalor metalor metalor or perhaps just paint the labels on onthe onthe onthe the doorsIt doorsIt doors doorsIt It was the navy s turn to be beshocked beshocked beshocked shocked Battlesh Batlesh ps had always alwaysbeen alwaysbeen alwaysbeen been adorned with brass plates A Atrad Atrad Atrad trad tion uon lion of o1 centuries was menaced menacedif If battlesh p nameplates should ever everbe everbe everbe be made ot of an } ) thing thmg but brassMoreover brassMoreover brass brassMoreover Moreover sa d a navy brass brasshat brasshat brasshat hat ' ' "navy navy 'navy " men are used to brass brassplates brassplates brassplates plates If in m thp the th < heat of battle atUe a aman aman aman man is ordered to a certain stat on onhe onhe onhe he will WII1 automatically automaucally look for bra brass brassplates bra&splates brasplates & s splates plates to guide him Stenciled s gns gnswili gnswill enswill wili will mean nothing nothmg to him At a acritical acritical acritical critical moment the lack of a brass brassplate brassplate brassplate plate may mean the loss of U- U - Ue tie Ush tiesh tresh e sh p Nelson had to yIeld yIeldHe yieldHe yieldHe He had to yield again agam when th the theship thship ? srup ship demanded sta niess nless steel cook cookmg cooking cooking mg ing utensilo utenSl10 utensil Nelson s office tho.lgbt tholgbt thought tho.lgbtstalnless thoughtstainless thojghtstainless . stalnless stainless steel somewhat llLxurious luxurious llLxuriouspart luxuriouspart luxuriouspart part cularly smce since a battle battlebh battlesh h p re reqUires requires requires qUires thousands of utensils in m Its Itscook itscooks itscook cook cooks s gal1e galleysWhy galleis galleys galleisWhy ) s sWhy Why not enameled pnameled "nameled nameled " ware ware9 ? ' the thenavy thenavy thenavy navy was askedEver askedEver asked askedEver Ever hear of tons hits litis htis ' ? an ad admlral admiral admiral mlral miral arguedDo arguedDo argued arguedDo Do enameled cooking cookmg uttnslls utensils uttnsllscause utensilscause utensilscause cause tonsil t s s9 ? ' the WPB counter counterqueried counterqueried counterqueried counterqueriedNo queried queriedNo No but you can polish sta nlcss nless nlcsssteel nlesssteel nicsssteel steel unt tint 1 it shines shmes You can t do dothat dothat dothat that to enamel It If it sh nes we wedon wedon wedon don t have tonsili tonslh tonsils is ls in m the navyThey navyThey navy navyThey They got thp the bras brass name platps plat"s plats platpsand plat"sand |