Show I Dried Ploducts Pioducts lodnctsJHelp Help solve Food rood Jiatiomn2 Ratloning RatlOnm PrQhlenL Problem WASHINGTON - The next few fewmonths fewmonths fewmonths months will undoubtedly bring some somechanges somechanges somechanges changes in our menus but govern government government government ment experts agree there is no cause causefor causefor causefor for alarm alarmWhether Whether or not we . will v.Ill vIll be able to toobta toobta toobta obta n the same k nds ot of food is a aquestion aquestion aquestion question that is not so easy to an answer answer answer swer but the bureau of home eco ceo economIC ceonomics economics nomIC nomics ! of the U S department of ofagr ofagr ofagr agr culture has several suggest onsI onsI onsto onsto ons onsto I to offer orrer often One of them is the use of ofdried ofdried ofdried I dried or deh dehydrated ) dra ted products i In addition addltlon to the fact that drIed drIedsoup driedsoup driedsoup soup fru tru mu ts is vegetables eggs and andother andother andother other products are a comparatively comparativelysatisfactory satisfactory subst tute tor for those bought thosebought fresh from the market they have theyhave the add tional tlonal advantage of o1 be being bebig ing big compact and 1 ght In \ we e ght ghtIt ghtif It if t ghtcnmg ghtenmg ghtening of transportat on fa facll facll facil cll t cs es cont coni coot nucs nues flues and if U it t arescarce n cans are arescarce arescarce scarce or unavalable unava lable that bean will be bean an importai Importar t factor in m il ilan the determiningthe determining commercial use of such prod prodI I ucts products _ _ _ _ - - |