Show SU btUAUWl x' xX Salt Ajob to Monday Lake) Cty attend dis-jct Salt kttonY representing r fi Palmerclients atkiSSr' and Allen w o! Armenti by Soviets Aruttfio ii by Prcrident V'tl'on fiMUnLtry of territory n AY r o"ouVia t 0 X X ‘ 1 ' ' Mnthe Segd to Relief goods family y men Rush Bush and W E Green River to with their fami- C W v from over week-end jt-ws Salt state Lake Pixton of to returned itlfkecommissioner after a visit City Sunday points and San Juan county Ke D withr will May Andrew than Kirk I was morning's stage passenger route to a Mr and horse racing program Mrs A 0 Peterson of Manti at Grand Junction on parents of Mrs Mons Peterson and 27 and a of been visiting in who had Mrab for plan to attend J T Duncan several weeks left the last of the week for take his filly to the they will Junction Rochester Utah where days to enter her in the visit other relatives be 26 number JOSEPH EARL local will few events in ssit week a BEESON HARRIS D W-iS CARD ! 1 I 1- ' r Vi-lodge- II 1 ‘ 1 I 1 t-vcral C? I I 1 T f ( T 5 v -1 t T J I ' ' f J I ‘ 1 I 1 ! Ilb Party The a of Life "The j 1 II IN SENATOR SOME - lei® I Happy be ARBUCKLE 1 1 v 1 i i n 4 I I ROSCOE (ATTY) R J ! I WITH a i Saturday Laugh and Come I i I THANKS J ! ? Remember Night Clerk I Long yj 3t23 O 1 Will I 1 a meeting of La Sal Camp No Woodmen of the World ofheld on 1921 the old carrying 25 ruling members three months after the time limit provided by the head camp out ruled was 1921 any member On and after June month becoming delinquent one shall be reported to the head camp as suck Bv order of La Sal Camp No 608 O W W C C I bV Play A At S Superintendent D McCorkle this morning far a visit to the Thompsons Thompsonsand Cisco schools ® 11 I Si You Balsley proprietor of the Moab We take this means of expressing Meat market yesterday closed a deal our gratitude to the many friends and Vivian DuBois who is learning the for for inn their assistance during Quig-iv wrestling itLiie ninvhncio oinf a nnnmnornhiA neighborsillness T under ttPrank tyDu r'Cray Hit puitndse vuriKiLrciuie Supervisor Lewis game the and at the death of our Deputy steers from II P long the Montello at Grand Junction returned to Moab number of young left Tuesday for a tnn towill Especially do we Allred The stock which are in nrime husband and father for a brief visit the first of the week station He return 111 XIITCJ ranger been condition are being brought to Moab th?nk the menwers ch we uuu ITe that he has matched states few days anil will be slaughtered as needed Davis and Child Mrs Byron for a finish wrestling bout at the Junction ren and return-i month baby next Mrs Tom Taylor The Boyd S and W D Hammond from Grand the the last of the week 0 GIVES sheep W ihrt of Utah dewere sheared at the WARREN unction Any young man where inej nuu much nuy take man ui uwiu who yvtrain- Knight ranch in the upper part of the u ACTS (nb in mi PLAIN Bst month sires to a military ihiu h'nm Lt? LdhL cl course nniiwm in - valley during the past week and the Ibllto WUL0V uihvuj ing is invited by the governmentto James Somerville herd is now bo Ralph A spent attend the citizens' training camp at is of Wyoming Taylor who had of its wool shearing E Warren relieved The Senator A tworances account of Camp Washington weeks in Moab on Lewis PT V being done by Pete Shumway and W served his state 28 Kxr who has III ue given lx null I' cnvlAHC illnnSS oi ivirs fT'laywifor monins course win ncv uj Z1H chairman Itber Byron Davis left Tuesday the governmentand transportation to anJ years in the senate and is now uronson of Monticello committee Sal and from the camp will also be allow-1 of the appropriations in of the ed the end week the important financial post Before present most University Prof Mosiah Hall of the the KasomingOil Company now drillour country has put more good horse Utah state high school inspector uie jng (he Miss Hildegard Wichmann oi with on Carbonera structure some into an article entitled pniiHe( "A A Time riday the Uinime in inspecting together ami the sense las Moab school faculty miles bevon( Mack along Mea-1 ork nt the local school He went on high than has appeared in all tah rajWav will be at work on the for Courage Misses Veva Hawks and Beatrice well readjustment m outh to Monticelloand Blanding One discussion of dor went on an outing to Wilson mesa Kecon we was complet- the ana to Moab yesterday and looks upon the period of todellaUon riday on account of the big (1(i to (epth of 1500 feet and capped locaas a Godsend the A Sunday were un:Tlle rig is ilepression Saturday and being moved to a storm now to left for compelling them think Sunday' Monday tion near the Gib Webb ranch home can people V P Martin who to return to Moab until 'anon City Colo to hard and work haid Senator war-turned attend the fun-raP Hawks's saddle wl)ere the second well will be sunk On 'tbeirtrip up Miss of his brother-in-law Lewis to the of just what ren and her horse threw her says: No report has been made wreckage loyle will go from the first well ear up the weckage there- direct to ground the animal taking advantage was 'encountered in We cannot cclear "We daj kng of the war m a vve We should snouiu icngis home at Ixs Angeles Calif for of the excitement to make thehis get-1 thnUgh it is known that good showings fact several months' visit party of of The then out the tmefeetof M 8 handicapped encountered Thus were there'll vavnot get it back as theiell be no the on our Tangren ranch on that commercial oil was not encoundid reach Loren end of pi ospentJ Robertson who sustained a south mesa until midnight tered in this well if such was the case QT(1 TIT !inr(inrv H H V Uava vnnnhrJ nV u a VC ivavuvu men arm several weeks ago wnen thftrthn Knuomwauta wauta lid imvc le fell from the roof of a house second dose of riday bad luck then he tell on the injured memner rod suffered Junction Sentinel o industry anu ae second tracture ronrestedbv George other wtlls-Grand object that they seek ii iznin io iii t'ciii f "If anyone wants to know why our A L C Daniels formerly a chef at SCHOOL NOTES hp last ()f the week ?ntercJing HIGH cafe a country grew prosperous between 1875 Ralston is enacted now operating legislation times at Delta Colo appoint-e and 189(1 it was because hardendured according to a com" littee of threewas am Snyder) was (By II E We ter received this week Danhad made hardy Civil men Mr and make a report floRin'Tintinvestigate knu k inc in tho els it huin UJ war that causstates that the the site f'Hty iOj )l ua K prospects are r JlUUy the crop rpeornnlendations as to school dav p(j ll0t to mind the hardships endui-v excellent in 'X1 high throughout us that district this of an Odd ed as spring cost innirhinihau "next uci in llthough most of the developing our opportunities fruit has been The annua! state "Lower LOWfir stimulate tilled by early frosts Mrs wiig'Cs would held at rr1 ne seniui LllCV vm WPfk Provo ui nearly meeting will be building and provide work more Siget nT for neni vacx-i (VheMoab commence all the year around "T k held knlrl giving the worh-ers fudge E hn Woods Court Reporter Rebekah in fact greater J? A ciseii 13which wm - a income and a W Pesc bold Olsen and Attorneys C m con the session May Itvinrr living for whole better year than Robertson and Knox Patterson with the Odd ellows meet crvlrinJid jlp PaS( A nrOUTHni was rendered now ww Sunday from Monticello where nection p rase to put it bluntly are hard grade pupils "Times they had been for the last riday by the seventh to hold a week recipient of Miss hard do not last This country Pen times (April session of under the direction But Judge Penfield wasthe court for San Juan has seen conditions vastly worse bounty nwr inn trip back to Moab diiviu field Their was Anything but a joy ride due to the m11 hon°£ ""oThemnre (1 lO vvlll V Jim "Q ed to but v®re'le pAene Announced vnn banquet wun was giv-en mnglv we accept the heavy aA niinaucv uiwn "The more smilingly accept me the snowstorm and deep mud ‘‘cniTTnd an(1 prepa're ourselves 1Lthat f)V(r the seniors by Jhe cooking They were exactly thvoic UkU came vnmo over factg Qf the case vau'v twelve hours on the nesaay evening joad L Read's PLANTS-Straw-berries April left I en !W k I Blue the Ridge of the brave old - pioneer 608 people daugh-lr Somer-lle Chas ish Mrs and Dorothyand Mrs returned Tuesday from a Castleton at Lee rodeo and given A I familyand Near tn-llel Thompsons Tjirspn to R this on student who is a Utah frnvfil spend a week s visit !&y Tdn £ BERRY I I Blue famous novel Mountains days of the ething with feud and fighting- tender with love and home Opie of heavy 1 Mrs K Lday lht i-n ci Lth Air oi until Relief lime reached country of Armenia uf exlln ejuratimn of comparatively limited Is the Artb controlled Bolshevik) East there are destitute Armenians Syrians others needy and oppressed irdless of race follows rom Constnntinonlc to Bagdad into Persia the urotectin-' urniM of Nour East today Its work Is far extensive outside the more niibm in L Xe In area also Near Wherever the Near uicifcs Ahsyniins isiI or creeu mere iear from 'Port Said m Baku Moab WEorP inn and the !VIMS lo 8tl0W Uiu by contrast how East by SOLES- Men's womens suies raspberres dewberries currants Write blackberries grapes for prices Junction Sded The Grand Co Grand Junction Colo 4t24 - ra -WOODMEN ATTENTION last map - WITH- Monte PRICES LOWEST HAL SMALL accompanying arrangementsTmEEast makehoXhold went Day to Abe to ' -oil - LM?'Ak ?ovS5he L x W -JtWUU ! H-lurning Cabbage iou learner best leather $1 sewing thrown in best rubber children's soles 60 cents shoe heels 65 cents long laces 5 pair cents per - Janies Reeves 3t22 next door to pool hall yluix-u ' ‘ Hrhifrtfap u WORK BEST ri j Jucklins tv t1''' D fi klolhu f A 'N &JoiKrhff v BEST f it oftnnltn ISrertlon of Hottitih Sun-his rN M I - celery pep-I tomatoes egg plants and sweet potatoes Asparagus rhubarb and horseradish Write for prices The Grand roots Co Grand Junction Juntion Seed 4t21 CoJo i till "The pers MMAtMt ' PLANTS TABLE VEGE cauliflower j i ! I 1 1 bvuiidtd111'1 AV '( ! i Ka I I left 0 r Portion controllod ffHH uiw 1 wife wcek for fl NNpLu w-0 City bake pt ' X A ? Monday left 1 X Tu"t"y' Winbourn p lil MaUDu dis-B in Mat®- AoomJ ( L COLUMN OAK SOLES $150 heels 50 cents ladies' soles and heels $125 tanned leather soles men's home ladies' heels $1 $125 soles and Howlett's children's in proportion Shoe Shop two doors below postoffice 5t23 BAKU firfi Lake UTAH BUSY GOOD U S"‘S!5s- W I court of 3 asK BlftndinE morning w M"nMonday MoaMisitor THE Geography EW HW IVE PAGE i la of Pr8 confined gnppe- is of East i McConkie Near MOAB I Newest The TIMES-INDEPENDENT r THE ' 1921 28 2L- i! April Thursday (it 1 I i 1 reaming fw ! i -able st' ! I I I i i I I fast and festive fun frolic five acts and forty antics illed gambols with anti all fussed in - ‘ '-' ' t ! i l'! h--1 i ' giggles and girls I i ir up 1 with Si® ' the the Story am-our Humorist Irvin S Cobb rom av j II 1 J l- Q 1 - 1 -by I y f r I I I -Anni ywi A 1 returned i X i I 1 1 1 " 4-' 4 1 i t i : -- I I iiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini -- P'raTlcisCO Mis talkuiiuna trrand of n suealso nail inei y tne as "Aunt daughter the and r tn son brotnei niwn being attended oy a laii to ini " "Utah's grand old Id ladv lady" and mg much thnnk the rn dent ot nniuuiiL TPrnifM sriuui -i wionv Invnl w mnw veuitt was tnougnuuiu " was ores ik3 annnOEf I" " ' ne Keliel society of L D S pleasure V P"' " the eh Lg I" he alt®''a th where £ next at Salt Lake CityShe Men-1 Pay at the age of 93 room had be in the 1v" k H u nv years sunnnieiKiciiL 'ii out a T1 acid the ieen in short few time "Aunt Em" says ne is a eeutive committee o i"aS reCOPT)i7nn fhn lCt as nnn tne mnsf in oi rwugiH7eci no one n-ot most in jaw mv ng Ingue arrange The rinBratulations prominent prominent women of the nation and more years ectureat the league meet section are Hall giv a pv more tnan hall a nis 7 rtIU blOCH?I V PVUIIIXIU MV century' shetaad many immediate family mg Wednesday cvliuukMken o vvmivs - followei of officers a prominent part in the educa-1 added to those of ruita election cor ' iiit mn no mi mi ri on ture ana pmiantnropic Utah and the Grand Junction Sentinel has been installWk of religious west The Central school i - iie - fMnrprs -who " v"'- v ' i i-rc were up to nuuuiuU vw linos ar extended oYnanSinn prwreis is m e in what When eeeryb-ly 1 ! W1 eJEXs "M t tu f 1 1 Zbks I i i ! 1 ' -a 1 It i i h)rd - t j i-is 4 k'-t-ww cnA1fr i x ? Troops x v v c i i - rench - Duitbuig Into March £ 7 of fl I tag the the only competed was will not U-nrnest l uill XU st tph"fh of high Thursday Uct the tour ftno folk imporrm He gave u ve u? firiichincr uiu hurn scnom retnnee of complimentary le number rki il a OI11V no marks abouthadour M11UVH the posy loungy nticism he was students Unn of thevillSiumnobe corrected before ms this W i W nv for raize - -S' J'W VV nf 1 -- hv have us ten J she And that very night it over the was queening brilliant ball!1 most with a leading the dance prince! ears sea-Eon's accord- March 1 hiivnnii he thp J -jftB-to a 10590 'Sr V had Whalhappened l What happened? after that? f v jgOB -ing printing needs The Times-Independent order be can sup-iii Let your See This 1 ' - -o-v In 1 rir 3r ! 1 t level prices paiu United states for the principal about bO per cent crops decreased March: in the past ten years the cent price level increased about 43theperindex On April during March about 583 per figure of prices was yeai cent lower tnan a two w ago and cent lower than years the 27 6 per cent lower than average of the past ten years on April "The prices of meat animals-(hogs produc-! cattle sheep and chickens) to United States increased 52 ers of the ebruary 15 to March per cent from 15in thepast ten yeas prices in like period 39 per cent On index figure of prices March 15 the about 307 for these meat animals was cent 388 per lower than a year ago than two ago and per cent lower year? than the average 4 ° per cent lower 15 ten on March for the past years " of Visit Your &? past cron that - Uno next xu- 1 '' fashion Just a poor little In working a New model WatchYork modiste shop the intrigues- ing foibles of tbe wealthy and worse- buy to who wasters came Wondering if- clothes I estimates agricultural statistician nils m't'iveu n rix7irQ Justin a the last (townward ( rrt VW-aW'C uc -- I rt iw f t 1 W-VUH- Sr- W ft AA J ? f A I -VA 'Art t'i' I 1 r-M- f v' I the usual seasonal trend f(irm products paid to pro'"'w"ri Mre"' " '!T" is - I ARMERS PRODUCTS DECLINE ()R " V effort though pupils i kA' I Stockings Silk ! I'IOTO last BENNETT ENID I are : add instruc This amusementbut npwto live I post week the a effort 11 tail nuAnhn 1OIIUIIV and thoughtful - a fi H I e is nine in hard times that men an(i work hard living is a business not U UrsiVA (TCTAH nose oi u if wiw fn nothine: out i- - I as --ivtn r 1 I- tne lU ii-m- ' Ll NEXT v limitu (1I noimai vc mv 1 ami TA'S : wnn : I pm - rviu-‘" t h Enjoy and This ilm Star Play ' Next i increased ‘ WlHJf-?r TkJff is® rtz I of wd f u ! funds sr m tot YOUR ‘ protect r i 1 V Thursday i torr I I ! ' ‘ thiHW A r u Aftn w ua I t x-i V W 'W''' wicr tawiDa MrUal lb ' 1 of ne u'DV v failure i of the Germans to - -- V vyt-P the Larsen Attorney Lewis visitor a ! 1 t'rlp?' ‘''I soldiers iruwii'nd"1Rhine unied troops lhrve Gerrnun c"le"meet Hie rrnsmtiun demands P- -olller the 1 I i ' ni rtf H rRANKUNl rankuni PRIHTIWG KCEUSTl I wHJpnm-i 'he lirat Penalty for ' dicefl j- Xv - c"lHT'i assQr8 8 wv - v A The I Xk n- WAWVajJV"V - w A WL' A Att DiiDVd ! I W ll- sr I i I I 4 i r offonfinn- 5 ' ' Mrs Kn'inioBnri R WrUlc ptey known throughout Utah '1 I I ii- r 1 4 I joy i a Muchhe ' I I ' A I I qsii' - I district court in of Manti Moab is this I" Ides Theater |