Show PAI PARK K CITY Carl Oarl LORCH ulI n tiers rH Paris Parle City Summit Co Aug Sunday says tIme the Record about 6 Oclo I whIle Mrs Mr Witt and amid Mrs with three children were on theIr wa way to 10 lieber amid descending tram tIme tho summit the breeching ot of the gave wa and tho buggy run r lag upon the horse caused It to sun Iun away Just this ot of ranch the rapidly buggy bugy turned over overthrowing throwing sill all occupants to the ground with great fOrce rime fhe road at this point Ic quIte julto stony slony and all time the lar party ex cx one lne child wore seriously injured lit In their to their little on ones os time the received the full force of at the fail and their arc t They were up and brought back In a 0 wagon and md Dr LeCompte summoned On It was al that Mrs ha had 1 su sustained n a broken arm I a CI dislocated shoulder anti a true frac fracture ture ot of th collarbone Mrs Witts Witt left lett all dislocated nn and 1 her collar collor bone homme broken Two of time the three children wore sere also I o badly Injured but nil are along Colong ns as well veil nil as could coul l be eX cx eXpected under the circumstances LOST 1115 nAND hAND nANDOn Ott On Monday mornIng meriting Carl Gebhart while engaged In sawing out wedges nt at the tite mine in coins hat had his hilt hand thrown against the thea sair a w Lly fromn Crom Ll it knot In the wood and liz less than II c second that member was wall cleanlY sawed about midway of the palm pains Orly the tho thumb was a saved sund Time stump tump was dressed re sed as quickly nil as month and time the amputated portino burled buried The young oung was alt Lake that afternoon put In intile tile tho hands cut C Dr PInkerton and nt at last accounts mas as gei getting along nicely and expected to soon sCion bo be able to torR ShERMAN AN SNYDER DEAD er died Wednesday mornIng lUPI from typhoId fever Id was 27 years or of age and U Ie oung two sisters an amil a in III the Park besides other Sherman Snyder Is supposed to tl been the baby born In City anti uma Ia resided here con continuously FOr some time past hoe he lists hili been engaged tl os as brakeman on time Union railroad but had hod worked at nil ull kinds of employment Ho was wasa a ii young man and thought for some tIme his has been falling hut Caine as a cur ESCAPE OF MINER Win C who has been work lag for the at the head of Roller since incorporation of company with a serious Monday while at work in the bottom of the shaft that afternoon The shaft its down feet and lob at this time to be at tIme bottom lie had just spit six foci when lie chanced to notice that tire in one of the fuses tas at a rapId rate Knowing at once that It was a quick fuse he hastIly in the bucket and yelled to ha taken up The men on the top once responded and wound tip the for ill they were worth They got the miner up about six feet the shot ent off They re their efforts expecting to bring up a dead comrade but he was very much alive lie wits taken to Mrs Nelsons house near by where considerable rock and dirt sos out of his arm and sIde by Nelson a trained nurse and the wounds were dressed The injuries consist of a badly arm amut side peppered with gravel and rock hut tIme injury wait to ImIs ear the drum of which was by the concussion tt is to be about but it sas a very narrow escape escapeS S |