Show W A° - PAGE THE SIX Classic Christmas Hand Author's in MOAB TIMES-INDEPENDENT LIVESTOCK MARKET REPORT SPECIAL Kansas City Stock -A reaction from the Yards high Dec With 19 levels revailed The during show week and the Christmas trade in Chicago was and prices for fat cattle this T J Waddell is in Green River this week sagged sharply Hog prices with his old visiting week many of 50 to 75 fluctuatedwithin a range He is Wyoming fiends enroute to cents and closed with a moderate net sheep where he is interested in the Sheen and lambs old at the cram highest prices of the season business- Green River Dispatch j A Nicholas" Written by Clement 100 Years Ago and Known St rom Moore THIS at Kevii jiuiai Luy 6y It tfunt would Eat AND BREAD Receipts PASTRY Confectioneries Cigars Tobacco and Soft Drinks 5196 J hi 5s to Reasonable WEEK'S RECEIPTS District Attorney Knox Patterson this week were 55918 cattle business calves 71400 hogs 26672 was here from Moab on court He this week states that he has not sheep compared with 56453 cattle of calling a hogs the idea grand 436 calves 71600 36750 sheep dropped last and 4936 week 58000 cattle jury in Carbon county out uiai wm calves 124329 hogs and 18 550 sheep not be done until ebruary-Price year News-Advocate ago all an Place the Market Affords Prices that Are s A Wt Good A Everything j Child Every to Cafe Hinton expected Visit 1919 Our Exchanges that DECEMBER THURSDAY UTAH 25 the is Service Our Best fs a jj1 tAufdnt'n oU 'uuttt LKii fnvyAs CATTLE BEE Mrs II N Erickson and little one Chicago prices this week of Gunnison Utah arrived recently $150 to $250 lower and the in ruita her to join husband who other lIldlhuLb markets has been in this sectionfor some time X ?nson VLIIVL luwvH UL LU" bviltivlll were forced to curtail prices Here working on a Utah reservoir proposition the decline in fat steers was 50 cents in which he and his frother H X to 50 cents $100 and cows 25 to are interested They will make eal calves Mail ruita were off 50 to 75 cents ruita- home in I in the Declines usually prevail week preceding the Christmas holidays and Doc Gavin last week completed a A tiie general opinion is that following deal whereby he becomes the owner rhe first of the of a year there will be a prosperous cattle ranch on Cow In general improvement demand Some cieek in the territory tributary to I Colo Consideration was prime 1300 pound Missouri steers Ridgway and in sold at and $1950 other seasonably approximately $35000 return of land fed he steers brought $1650 to $1750 secures about 1000 acres Other offerings were "warmed up" over 200 head of cattle 30 head of to hogs chickens ranch short fed grades that brought $12horses many 25 to $1550 Some grass fat steel's houses barns granaries and the hun-brought and essentials which go in $1000 to $1250 but the one for son them is practically ended the making of an stock He also receivesin the transfer Cows sold at $500 to $1150 Those ranch below $600 about 300 tons of hay 1500 bushels were "canners'' Cutters sold to Veal up $750 calves are of wheat and considerable other grain quoted at $800 to $1550 ruita Mail - With I f uuoted Vln yUu mP Hi4 OJiHt Jc eltrtM A K The Hospital Moab Bffi J th-ir J tf't' o'm tHu th OH VCn utKmI Cl ftny d Mm CL ft Any (AivMthey service of southeastern Utah We attention and tSatn public the offer expert rates our are reasonable very RATES: sea-Tired AyevrfMnt'S jTw the at now of i O cd ha 1 " dttfo is up-to-date oU ' Private week Room per per week Cases per week Maternity Appendicitis Operation Major Cases ' STOCKERS manuscript AND EEDERS T aclia book bound in red companying the original Pwinn from thn camp un holds the kernel when it was presented to the society Trade in stockers and feeders im- or territory below Bluff Utah last W Moore a relative celebration by T some fifty proved some early in the week but week where he had spent the previous 4 is letter in 1he days Christmas a which later getting acquainted with years ago became dull and prices are clos thirty tbe oil situation He reported that 'To look at it no one would dream its welter tellj how the verses camo to ing 25 to 50cents lower ollowing inter-' are hidden words are even now vibrating be written and how It happened that the holidays an improved demand is five strong oil companies in that terriotory in the esting themselves hearts of countless children they were eventually published drilling yet the are bringing in heavy standard charm Its bright covers embrace Mr Moore lived at the time in a expected will be rigs is is the manuscript handsome house overlookingthe Hudson HOGS some of them perennial It soon One of the old of the famous at Twenty-third Hog prices today are 10 15 cents operating very children'sclassic Ninth avenue and to wells put down some ten years ago like Greenwich Visit St street Then Chelsea 25 "A from Nicholas" written higher than a wei1t ago about has been uncapped and a pump by Clement C village Moore almost further south was quite cents under the high level Monday and it is producing several and Each was largely and 35 to 50 ago dedicated to his remote from the city the cents low barrels of oil a day which will be i above in particular and as it has populated by the Dutch settlerspoint Tuesday for fuel The (used Such reports general market purposes Living near since proved to childhood tlie world from Nleuw Amsterdam to say the least are encouraging is stability than in pre his rubicund is showing more stability nre r " ° country seat was a portly snowing tnan in Times-Tnbune them - "Mancos for k Dutchman who suggested to ituiii This season it has ns its companion wtcKa ciiiQ iiiuiCcXLioiis &re indL tbe idea of making St prices will and in the library of the New York him Nicholas hantr between $1300 County ! Historical societyin Central Park West tlie hero of a Christmas piece for his $1400 some time to come The top 'llilrPnprice a photographic copy of the original today was $1415 and the bulk turres uenarurr it Io It wits X text enlarged sufficiently enable it however with no tlmiight 's remedy World k matest to be easily read for though tlie original its ever being published that Mr only one Backed by of pigs and ana stock hogs are Ik SSO clilrograpliy Is quite remarkable Moore wrote the poem but Hit' lines Receipts BOND it yuur hairGOLD laaaragODr fallinr relnfivo of tlie out try Luokf for nu- small and prices are firm at $12'o Twor - tho rail num of Dr Moore's years- were copied ly Ihatrcrowar Doobleata beauty llior in lier album rom it another to $1350 1ASK YOUR HARB when he indited tlie poem - friend of hers copy was made by AND LAM BS SHEEP much to the Early in week lambs sold upi of it foi tbe surprise Moore was id $1680 but later fell back 25 to 35 the first time news-1 iri'Ht to ilie library pn irons and it is published in a cents and closed at a range of $1550 with what 11 41il ititi'i'csting tn note rever-etice uti ii xi nil in aii xi Ewes sold up to $1025 and It is liandleil by women choice II Ilf poem saved for posterity t& U650 men and On there such yearlings $1325 today's market In those days whs no 'whose childhood days are lone past yet feeding lambs sold up to $1410 Com-nisf whose liolliliiy inentories are still (vlobriii ion of Christ inns ns Is now iIif ludf are eonbut M' bright Two pages and Mooio linvlng nbsorbed pared with last week average price' rndit ions of iiis b tlie mt minted the poem ancient arc 50 (ents hjgher Receipts rp pa pm and tlie neighbors w ove tltem into tlie poem ":'ln hht practicallyall the ofHe lid ids cliildren familiar linos brums to mind pleasant fo more than to local killers '''K8 s°hl tleir for lie built mi iiromitl tlie cen-1 thoughts uf tbe season Tor no one has M trnl CHARLES PIPKIN thought an Inlerpretation which' visualized our American t'lnist-mas ever from tlie Market Correspondent children's viewpoint as lias gradually come to lie our ownj lias 'As sumo one has so aptly said it has Clement U Moore in hi little miii‘li Hirl nilil nuri''l mil poem MOUNTAIN C LUB IS literaturethat it seldom The lines wore occursto peoLORMED BY UTAHNS young pie it ever linl nn author Since fot mas gift for the lUiihor'H'two lint nearlv httmlred years American childaughters nearly century ago it 1ms ormed for the purpose of enjoying since now! become a progressive gift Ilren hnve been fed on It 111(1 boys Acextolling the natural beauties of1 to countless other girls and 'lecome tlielrs in very truth tah the Utah Mountain club - - was or--1 ganized last night at Civic Center-ivis M ashburn in his newest picture "Ve-1 OR IDES PROGRAM in the Notable outdoor enthusiasts were East" which is from the t'hosen pilot to the Saturday Evening Post story in the new club on the ly of its existence including! Wallace Irwin end which will be 1rsl ytwr THE COMING WEEK W Middleton president Pro-dny shown at the Ides theater next Tues- Dr G fessor red J Pack vice president 0-11 lldin E to Broaddus secretary-treasur-1 Gardner Hunting adapted it and D Tomorrow (riday) night with skill Donfcr' W Parratt A O Tregan-tld great screen purposes w in a big special feaDr M 'directed the picture Walter appears Crisp with Stookey Professor i tore ‘‘The alse aces'' which is lull sympathyand appreciationof its J T and A Kingsbury Palm eC&A of the sensational one successes of th purely typical American humor members of the executive committee The role afforded by Mr Washburn It is the plan of the new organiza-j turn to call public is said to be so suited to him that it attention to the Elsie J' e" uson the beautiful Artscenic wonders of the state It is pro-j might have been written with him in star osed to mis a superb photoplay jn npattern procedure upon methds the "His Parisian Wife" her latest star-1 fine adopted by A supporting cast throughout Rocky Mountian vehicle by f'1 ring written Eve Unsell tun' fj of Denver anil the Sierra club of MA'IJVA many of which were 'made directed by Emile Chautard 'in New York City the utmost pains California Pictures of Zion National tjirti 'diich will be Shown at the Ides thea 'to it realistic and to make embody ipuikand the Pink Cliffs of Bryce car-' Saturday Miss V'n ter erguson play£tvel v the origin al wi re shown during the evening' striking point in Salt Lake ai lre part of a girl reporter of aris will C0Plbine to nakc this pro Telegram - end the role is said to affordhir ample bblv the most populal nd successful opportunities for the display of hertf all thc COUSIN O Bryant Washburn seiie MOAB MAN IS rich diamatic talents WELL KNOWN ATHLETE' under the Paramount trademark As auvette Miss erguson v axis' J C Lillywhite and wife were down A Douglas airbanks picture s' Boston lawyer whose parents from Monticello riday and Saturday to recognize her as their daughtmeans a big crowd and hapi'v Mr Lillywhite who filed on a home-1 and On their hostility towards ciowd in Moab New Year's stead at Monticello several years vo l"cst her ight Tan this star with the famS°"sin Ranger Levis based upon a complete misunder of her leads to oi standing ous smile will again delight local thendZ nature a The homeltoad separation from her husband 3 he tergoers in "The Knickerbocker Buck- sent 'UHVWhite wns r$AntKr his latest feature and one oft release! from the marine Ciernal trianclo enters into Ihe n'nrv liroo corp m tp best organization he served durmz trier wit happy results for the bnde This picture was nnlv reand her husband are reconciled con tly released and Aiieiuuer oi ine mar"The was secured aiic :esinv nt which went into action' the has her considerable by the Ides former for won spurs as a expense M C'i:teau Thierry in July 1917 The novelist of rare holiday progra ai the crucial point in the powers story e After war 4 the is of unusual interest and Lilly one deep armistice signed Mr white who is awaswell-known athlete! heart appeal and its development to a TQ KILL PESTS 1 J was appointed to arrange for tha logical denouement is accomplished L G Christensen of Monticello athletic moot between the army and without jarring note David wUtah has been appointed to assist "hich took-place in rance ell is the the leading man and state the' best government record as an athlete trappers in in either instructing the Navajo Indians in anJ' man branch of the ' tatl anJ rvice Anna Q Nilsson and Margery Wilolier1 New Mexico how being responsbilefor the vic-J for the eradicate predatory animals (ry athletes in the v naval both beautiful and accomplished Salt -'(service n Lake Tribune Mr stresses and each a star in her own' Lillywhite was formerly a boxin of the e' °f r:ght appear Call at' natlonal repute and also support ever-! OUND- A fountain pen was of the president Sheepsheartrs' union popular Paramount star office Errant Tmes-Independent ‘ number of years before the war $2500 2000 2500 1000 1500 Ward LITTLE morocco of the children's the world over of We invite public the modern our yourselves -and for to call hospital the and inspect and conveniences see and installed hundredyears ownJilldren a i t equipment have installed to we health and lives of people safeguard in " Lucky ( this Utah of part Tiger I ' f ( Moab Hospital Company t i n i-iglitj-two J 1 1 I a t -it a ' 1 r j j I MOAB 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 t i ! 1 1 1 it 11 x I 1 STATE j I I a BANK I t i I ' i i - ' i - I L I ' i I j i 5 ithaa a 1 I a 1 ' : : : 1 1 I i ' 1 WISH'S J I 520 Henry!Walthall I : i fpP S Q I T4 I i Li r a 1 -J very j- 't y OLCJ j j I 2OP I i ( I -craft 1 ! I 11 4 i I r i j r i ‘ ' I i I always rc-fuse i ) a j cr-in-law i i 1 j i 1 ' Moab i -aMv I i n ' t State Bank ' I f i ' ' 1 1 a Bank With a Heart r ' : I I h-- I 1 ! i a li'v-v ' t r-ntle ! 1 t I MOAB STATE ! I I v a 1 ‘i 4W |