Show Thursday PAGE THE TWO Life Hen Old the Consider Moab in Years Twenty This Ago Week She returned Doesn’t Quit Scratching When the Worms Scarce LL WE SAY DON’T! SHE On the other hand when the pickin’ is poor she does more scratching than ever before going over the back yard fine tooth scratcher so to speak — and more than that invades new territory and opens up new fields of en deavor lesson from the homely How many of us can learn of hen and when business bad instead sitting idly by waiting for “to pick up again” proceed to do more — more intensive advertising— better advertising than ever before? — with a --she a ad--vertisiqg I I I I 2 Adams ullerton R Simons and Oscar Turner came in to from the Book mountains attend the preliminary hearing of Tod Carv er P C from Gribbons who came Iowa to inspect Gold basin mining properties his returned to home well the district pleased with John H Clark was down from Gold and basin for supplies expected to meet a party of Iowa people who were interested with him in the Gold basin properties The county teachers’ examination week there being was conducted this one two applicants for certificates from a Mr Rice of Castleton and the other from Miss Brown of Elgin tAt John Skewes company came the B and of r 4 I rank is it t Sals La R Are 1o? — — t X X X I Phil Crout was rusticating in the mountains Mr and Mrs H G Green had mountains from the Blue W L Taylor came back from Salt Lake L H Eddy and George Powell had returned from the mountains Messrs Hayes and McGalliard of the Grand View gang were down from the hills enjoying Moab peaches The late 'strike of Wolf brothers on Mineral mountain was considered the biggest thing yet uncovered in Augug UTAH MOAB TIMES-INDEPENDENT Sr went to shipping a of the Big in from Provo for the purpose of ore for further Indian mines carload I AmmPute laanfeasm You Have X X X X Think To Stopped Ever carefully That that stockings shouldbe fittedas as shoes? unless your hose fit properly your shoes won’t either? of The comfort and well-being our customers concern satisfied is vitally— customer us customer have permanent study of In made a our hosiery department we result we stronglyrecommend “foot-comfort” and as experimentswith ' ’ v a new process being devised International company was forms of sane publicity and like the working a large force of men in Bachelor scratching radius? basin and the directors of the company were making an inspection We stand ready with a battery of presses linotypemachine of the property outlying further op type paper and ink and more important yet the erations brains necessary to operate them in the successfulproduction Reports from the mining property of high class printed advertising rock House on which near Court In other wbrds we furnish the scratcher rank Dixon and others were sinking Knit to Shape and size exactly — not shrunk or stretched Therefore they 6t the foot into shape oter knitting a shaft were that a very fine showing without sagging or wrinkling Here’s to the old hen long may she scratch ankle and leg perf-ctly of ore being uncovered copper was And may we have sense enough to profit by her ex-ample The shaft was down sixty feet longer wear as well as fast color meansGet pair A cloudburst on the mesa east of today for each memberof the family Moab caused a big flood in Mill creek did Times-Independent that T considerable damage especially at the Darrow house The creek bed at the Darrow place was 100 feet w wide and five years previous a bridge had spanned it Printers — Publishers— Stationers Sheriff Young and Deputy Trout expected to leave tomorrowfor Salt Lake with Tod Carver alias Hilliard who by order of the district court was We have been informed that Denver MAIL SCHEDULE is out to build to be confined in the state prisonfor with a proposition is of the arrival ollowng a schedule safe keeping until the next session of the a railroad through Montezuma of the and dispatching mails at valley and the Dove Creek country court postoffice: Moab to connect with the Rio and Grande The district court officials returned DAILY in Western where Utah This they had been 9:00 a m some from Monticello where Leave Moab road is to be built by bonding the land to hold court The cafee of the state Arrive Moab 11:00 a m t l for a distance of five miles on either against Hulbert McClure was tried Arrive Moab (irst class side of the right-of-way for dollar one 6:30 p a only) m jury and resulted in an acquittal V an acre Dolores Star DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY — The only other business transacted Parcel post truck arrive 5:00 p m was the hearing of probate mat Parcel post truck dis Your printing needs can be supplied ters by patched 7:00 a The Times-Independent m The Toll Road company as a result four large radium producing plants constant process of emanation from that is locked in the electron of the visit of its Thte president Reed in the United States country is the substance These are the alpha The professor who ranks as one of Smoot of Provo had put on a force of leading the world in production of the the beta and the gamma the foremost “radium scientists” is rays to repair the road to putting substance well in visible prior as as supplies The gamma the United men in toll rays Dr Kabakjian States and who was called had of the and Colorado gates The company Utah are similar to the and to execute a special demonstration raw ore upon to to mail of agreed make no charge have large sources Of his work before carnotite the beta are identicalwith the electrons MadameCurie the of of during continuance ore An ounce radium at existing of radium during her which emanate from atoms with values is worth $3260000 the terrific present contracts velocity of light Scientists recent visit in the United States Experimentation with radium has vicvn inm many front countries 45 old He The preliminary hearing of Tod developed ivuiiuics today are oiu ne graduated uvui luuay years gruuuatcu the associated identificationof three probing into the recently disin 1910 and has been with the of deeply Penn Carver charged murder light To have Telephone Service a continuous wire fastened and rays which are under covered mysterioussource of energy with the Sheriff Tyler Deputy Jenkins powerful university since that time held of the glass insulators is necessity before Justice to a was Peace Hinkley Carver stated his real name was T C Hilliard hnd he was defended Some person or ‘persons have made themselves obnoxious by M M Warner the state represented by stealing wire poles and insulatorsfrom our lines between by Livingston District Attorney Cisco and Castleton and Cisco and Moab and County Attorney Corbin Three men escaping from Arizona I will will lead passed through Moab going pay the above reward for information that to north several days before the killing their arrest and conviction of the Grand county sheriff and his deputy in the Book mountains The horses and outfit left by outlaws in escaping after the l murder were MOAB J N CORBIN Manager UTAH identified at the time the 'same And reach not only that farther with out — can’t we too direct-by-mail up new fields — newspaper and other old hen increase our open that a a was The a Armor Plate 'r Hosiery ! I X a The &Co Martin Cooper six-teen-foot i j I 1— before Reward $50 explains X-rays contractors co-discoverer ii I I officers We THE MIDLAND TELEPHONE CO -the as Moab Residence Properties ixtures ' Lansdowne Pa into a Get I u the We ( rfaca it Xlbarf in tappy rad "J you joy that’s tap to be lower-grade makinguse ores that is 1 smoke a And on pipe if —get the biir you don’t know mv’ne limmv some Prince Albert and You bet if teTWWSa Ca?” smokA-onnof you play the game say— oh Do it on and get right now go a pipe and some JasM BC r with P Al Price 1 WlMte-SjM " the a ringe Albert per ores I And Prince the laboratory of ! howdy-do a Albert! carnotite containing but 1 per cent of uranium oxide There are in the world today it is estimated but three ounces of radium of which sone two ounces are in the United States There are now right here that friendshin of Albert’s quality coolness-ragrance — flavor— in a class of its own! — You never tasted such tobacco! You never dreamed such smoke joy could be yours! Why figure out what it alone means youfi to ongue and temper when we tell you that Prince: bert can’t bite can’t parch! Our exclusive patj ented process fixes that! Lansdowne or ONE you! due is (- in 11 it and the GET or tin ""eracrytttl aninthe lla aaia heat and light is not a thing of the near future if ever” he “It is say because of its hidden pow that er to destroy its use in larger quantitiee possibly always will be precluded for ordinary purposes” the Until reputed discovery at the the laboratory of new of 2 per cent extraction has been utilized manufactureof radium The feel Dang laboratory process print GO and workshop and there he is his pursuing researches Little is known of radium he explains to those who seek him out except that it is the the most remarkable source of of What energy and light the uses men of the future will find for this wonderful substance may not now be even hinted at the professor says “Radium pipe— a discoverer is said -i Buy and some PA new process of extracting radium has been perfected by a University of Pennsylvania (scientist a professor in the departmentof physics The is H Dr D Kabakjian an American-born Armenian The mcth-or it is said enables the professorto obtain the precious substance from low-grade carnotite Dr Kabakjian has turned his garage cent Times-Independent Z-- A ore Particulars Inquire of Moab Utah I RADIUM O concentration Choice Corner Business Lot on Main Street Two-story Business Block 600 Head of Angora Goats Office Equipment and of AU Kinds Stock Cattle Saddle and Work Horses Other MiscellaneousProperty ull -m Illi X OR EXTRACTION at or wl i iii ill- PROCESS NEW Property or Sale Several n Rij I as passed through Moab connecting the men who had the outfit as the murderers The testimony introduced at the preliminary went to show that Hilliard was one of the three men who were seen by a number of people between Monticello and Thompsons held to Hilliard was answer to the district court if the national Joy tmoke |