Show JUNE 24 1920 THE TIMES INDEPENDENT UTAH MOAB PAGE IVE- i THURSDAY' Ranger C J Meador's ranger station cupied by the Hinton restaurant and Miss ern oy left today for Price he BURGLARS MAKE GET-AWAY report-i party returned Tuesday adjoining the Moab Meat Market where sho will spend the summer with having had most enjoyable time the cool her sister in of the Sals Mrs Roy Tidwell No trace of the two Mexicans who atmosphere Iji " lett this tor Cas uyer week robbed the1 Cisco store last week has where he will spend the sum Albert R Anderson is hauling the tleton Miss Mildred Sterling arrived last been found according to information in Thomp-11S from Branson was I'unibers amounting to 9000000 head (le‘S1'encer w9o1 from Bluff to mer night from Placerville Colo for a received from J G McBride yester-visit v' 51 Per mu Tuesday '? cent of the lhamPs"'s making the of entire trip her sister h's with T W'th Sheriff W Bliss left for Thomp Mrs Learn- day Although it is not known just ±dnhthe w7'd' Canaianumber trUck8' in hr and points west Tuesday on of'ng the cr sons how much merchandise burglars (' returned Saturday 7umb'‘' 51 PCT jj Clark cent ficial 7n New H L EE' trip to Salt business took the loss will exceed $100 Lake City in P'r cent' and the Baly wa Baty from business United was in" Indian tes 20 per T'ftvlrtl Q 'Pltrt lrtzl Lnll cent" creek and assisted in delivering the WflVHll PixrLl Ml KJ Il IUV IJIttPRUU Wl U umjui UaiHIH ttI-vxv WbV and children L Taylor are Indian Indian creek steers to vestenhiTfor Monti Ix)s and Mrs cattle buyers left twi"y fron‘ AnKpesJames Pappacostas at Thompsons and fpeiaiing the th( last of the week at Thompsons A' Mweek wil1 sPcnii the K'rtson and took the summer' summer at Moab and two diamonds valued at $2000 ald'u rt 1vM t'T ‘'''''I' frOm SaIt in 1 ke CUi B oy Monday ana no ciue came y yesterday where Mrs Robmaae gooa ms escape 'rinms Gioige W Johnson down from his ranch in the Dry valley disM N been ertson ui p rwf'nr j: La Sal thew last of the wasweek- nl rn Corbin returned the last of the ns to his whereabouts has diseov un m from ill is J' tiek8 trict recovering nicely fro"‘ tnP along the phone Miss Bessie Taylor of Salt Mr turned with his family who will spend Lake cred 7 aim urs t il r M r A the the ino Ia G Robertson motored to nt for visit Thomosummer ranch City arrived yesterday a I) S L P Superintendent McCorkle sons to meet them her sister of in the with Mrs Loren Draper Nessa Crouse from returned Thursday from a business down Glfim Taylor left Saturday for La Miss Dorothy Kirk - returned Satur-1 Sal Salt Lake City Miss Taylor will spend the Yellow Circle uranium property this trip to frorn where he will work for the Ln Sal Moab Before you Salt are through Uike City where she! reading hadY been here the univerLlVrtitock company summer week u nave caeful-Iy attending state down the last lv Al sity arsen came looked through all Amasa of the advertisements during the recent term isher the week from his ranch at of Moab each A daughter was born to Mr and valleyweek have messagesmerchants of R Mrs Arthur Loveridge Monday importance Albert Anderson left for Salt o their patrons and it will pay City this Mother and babe are reported to be Lake you week for the purpose doing jj H March and wife and W A to read the ads each of well week securing another large truck for and Shafer family motored to La Sal freighting purposes in this section Sunday returning that evening Don't forget that now is the time Mr and Mrs Howard W Bulsley and to swat the fly if Monb Mrs Lew rnrner daughter Carol and Miss Josephine hopes to keep lilirr mri Joseph M Titus was in from Indian thPSft CV nauiifowA nwp this WPek for CkilnrsiJn VlHlHVll Trout returned Tuesday from jiesLs wnnn hctnJe inin Mt cieek to assist in the delivery of the Ulis-Cummer Evquiicnius A little time spent now Turner who is working 'as a' govern- Salt Lake City theand Ogden Mr Bal-sley Indian Creek Cattle pool's steers in lighting the fly will result tn attended in Inent state bankers' convention a went trapper along the Utah-Colorado Ihie at the latter city m the Taylor arived Thursday surprising decrease later sum-1 Glenn Arm yourself with fly trap! Los where he from Angeles spent mer Hia HVi inm He left for La U1C vaiiipaili and T child-icn the winter Saturday juih Mr Mrs Wise and Mrs IL (J Green Airs H C Goodman Sal down from their ranch in came and Miss Louise Goodman returned Airs R Gee Kirk iimvo-l VillLiX' ilia uaiirin JjJSL look the last of the week p Salt vnuLUctY owl from Lockcr-by here kic'v '"I cuv nvi'K Lake City she had and will Mr and Mrs Lawrence M Johnson rom spend several months in They were accompaniedby Mrs ner She visiting by her parents will visit her from their evii was Moab Walter E Shutt who and children were down accompanied the brother Rev parents Mr and Mrs C Wilson mesa ranch the last of Goodman v his wife and rnmes Berkeley two I for week OR SALE-- Six child en of cows all young some time Newton Center Mass oi Mr' some tnem wnn calves Apply who will visit here spend to Taylor returned this William Smail Moab Mrs Lvdia A or Clifford off last Berkeley will C1RKUT PICTURES getting at the put La Sal Baptist Small Monticello Will sell at good where she had been church Sunday speak season week from evening price visit with her for daughter Mrs We have a limited number of cirBoyll Hammond of Moab W kut views vallev Allred is hi this week from which are W and Austin Thomnson If his cattle Willard going rapidly to south of Moab you wishha4 secure A rangethat Mr Christensen of Ephraim in Moab of Dr E Brickei of Green River Allred reports one these pictures the better you passed looks Monday and left Tuesday were through Moab Monday en better this spring than range morningfor order now Price framed $500 unfamed it has for Monticello where they will be located is all route to Monticello and Blanding at $200 to screen and cattle will soon be this openings will many years he spend where several months in fine summer UTAH VIEW CO condition He is very optimistic work on professional flies full line of the for H A Wood against A regarding outlook the and Hall Mr Mrs left Tuescattle business and is prices will sure day tor W the Big Indian where will M Geer who operates they get back to normal soon WEATHER REPORT Thompsons-Sego spend the well stage and mail line summer Mr Hall havin'' as on installed a with the has recently a accepted position Buena ollowing the new freight II E are meteorological Herbert deputy sheriff of and isui ovpinu company observations of the branch weather passenger truck to facilitate the Westwater in Moab riday Mr was that of the U S handling of hjs business bureau department of Herbert states conditions‘in his iles Verne Marker John and for agriculture for Moab the The week section are good Westwater Montgomery all of North Platte ending June 23 11)20 August E Nordlund and Ethel R ranch now owned by red Holmes of of Nebraska Naturita 'Colo were in Moab the first of those desire Kimzy both Dale Grand Junction will harvest a mamthe week High Low a looking over this section of or marriage license from County iniilh crop of beets this year Thursday 17 Clerk R J sugar the country They left Tuesday' for 81 OR Thomson Saturday and there being the Sherwood planted to Monticello riday 18 A over 300 acres 88 CR were married by Bishop C Ham thjs crop screen we carry is The farm 19 managed bv Saturday 85 CR mond All-Metal W A Wallace 20 A number of local Masons will go Sunday 89 CR over to Green River Saturday to atMonday 21 114 CR Supervisor Charles DeMoisy and C Mrs Knox Patterson Misses Zlllllcl Anna tend an imnnrtnnt Tuesday B v' Miiiv nun LI IU 111 (JI L1 mootimr Ur1 Enn 22 ‘J5 PC Morse assistant district forester bchmitt Gertrude imp Marof C the TIT Meador and quet will Green River lodge or 90 CR return to Moab the last of- the cia Tangren and Andrew Layton of which they' are members week from at two inspection weeks' ETHEL MOORE Jersey a nephew of Mrs Pattertrip of the timber resources of the New who Cooperative Observer here visit is on M son returned isher will in a few days open La Sal forest Sunday from a week's outing in the up an ice cream and soft ‘ drink essai hey mountains stayed at tablishment in the room formerly oc-N Leave D your orders for Window and other Screens now A Rusmussen of Monticello li passed h throug Moab 'Sunday en route type Salt City good good presses good R to means Lake When he arrived AND HIS SCULPTOR LINCOLN BUST and good at he workmen We have the Thompsons received word that paper his had son been suddenly equipment and the workmen tor you and young by appendicitis ahd he returned use Hammermill grades of bond safety to Monticello Tuesday Let show and us you cover papers and Lois Charles C Cato of Cisco made final proofs on their homesteads ? before Clerk R J Thomson Saturday rank Hickman was in from Cisco to act as witness for them AND LOCAL j PERSONAL j I 'ng- a I t J I 1 J J j from1 ' i 1 ‘ - A J a c r-v I ' V ) I- : 1 ' a 1 i z ' ' r 1 ! J i : I it- i i 1 1 ci i V j i v-i If 11 J I l a -ui i ( A a 1 i 1 1 J -i - ' J v-w - Time ly ‘ Is Here! - 11 ! I HOW ‘ r ' a J v ? r ' T ABOUT THAT Door Screen r I i a You 7-1 a hand Time J j I Doors Screen i hand Door j I and Screening j as Hardware Alfred I I who secured i portable a window i ( Portable i Screen ! I ! i x 1 J ‘ ‘ I ' n L J J j - r ' 1 1 T ! 1 l i J I I a I Effective I Printing j BOY Bush V 1 i Co Lumber j i attacked i The a of daughter Mr William Myers died Tuesday following a long illnes The baby had been an invalid since birth Mr and the Mrs Myers have sinceie sympathy of their many friends two-year-old The and Mrs A World Kimbll of Blanding' manager Juan armers' Exchange purchased the mercantile Kimball & of Johnson was a business visitor in Moab this week S which has business of Blanding- Is I line of photographic complete post card views of interest in and near Moab have just been placet! on display at the Moab Drug store See tiem while the Jine is complete- - 4 y - - the n-w tah iew V ' p Company John W Sullivan and Charles tumpbell were down from Wilson the last of the week Mr Suf-ivan that reports crops were never bitter ort the big hay mesa and a yield is being secured' J z jm z ttfcL?' A zV ! -I 1 old ri-( s character of Abraham Motor ever hlinj08'3 has blinds been tton VnrS Une awav'n man °A n nave an nothing lie has of ulaile play 11'8 Water or 1 f? X- k the in storm wicks or wick substitutes Burns gas makes from kerosene gasoline or Has all the beauty sturdiness and cooking efficiency of a fine gas range Cooks liases imhib or cries anyining tn the time call ed lor by the bdst recipes Z M ii ! MH IIP IU1b 1- - 1 ! RM H on a Why of a astpweek red shed-kP7p0u"taously where retumed vfnLer suffer while standing over range this summer when you can secure one of these wonderful O Ranges at such a nominal cost? hot A' wife were over Cashin mlne' ernpl°yed They esterday Mr Bender °Peratio1s are proceeding I and the The '8 ' Wonderful Burner Red a coal i us Bender distillate: it have been a white blan-town ground all over the these days some wide-ton harvest Moab's cot-havo then Mississippi will thl?°e it M J grip the trees and Gallon uel he Red Star is known for fuel economy It gives more heat - does better cooking and baking and less fuel uses Gives 19 hours of finest - cooking or baking heat from each gallon of of the keiosene Saves 25 fuel usually lias n which 1 v 'J Service re-pjirel Drinkwater's held tanwood (lino bust Land for ' u-hink8 the John m - hJj16- Utah State Press association Its sPmng session at Salt Lake Cin janp Kaysville on Monday and Tnn this week Much impor-priit Puslness was transacted by the the state at the session 'n's Pr°nounced one of the most sum successful Vehicle and Lincoln " ay over Hours rom Each 9 of II Soorup of the Indian Creek pool passed through Moab Thomas en route to Thompsons to turn father in the the outfit's to J J Old-Sunday steers 'Hlyer' Scorup returned A- pRattle 1 4 z mesa 1 Star re-steadilv k m- e 2 j t soon he al 5t silver-copper 's null f pro-Stion expected that will great achievements in oil stove construction kejosene gasoline or distillateinto tras Mixes automobile eas flame Consumes heat all smoke and odor Made of grey annealed iron Weighs 81? lb Impervious to effect of constant heating and moling Lasts for many years Saves 25 of fueb One like an gas with proper proportion of air carburetor Produces double rintr of hot hot Burner becomes red adding intense ft" commence a A kcwes superintendent of Petals Reduction com-urani'naS doMrn from the company's CastL?1 property on Polar mesa near kn' yestay- Mr Skewes Le comPany has seven men at will largPr present- and put on a OrC? 88 soon as secured nlners can the 0 Panv of the Converts the I Ports Pet-tv u-S rework We j HfW ofMn?cetders Gazette in the issue fullv rUippel is J nimi" as the TI Tbe 'S bnland following explana-pricesand when the ar e °Her in cattle an hour on one slumpgovernment :h tnrows trie pvwei csfrnates t4ccor(?ing t0 of water and it w re ls an increase in tne the rear of the car- or boat - rorM's supply of cattle hour over pre-war tion the in Star X 'rv A I Stove S the San of Oil Greatest a fZ i- S s 1 nini wishes vu idud r it ‘apable be can y capaDie ' oi making driven Into any mile body nroeier tu - ui u va on Have Mbah a stock Red of We shall be glad to have you install one of these oil ranges in your home for a week Then you are not absolutely satisfied with it in every way you are at Hberty to return it if We guarantee SMOKE and that this stove WILL NOT will not nauseate you with the kerosene odor usual with most oil stoves It in short the greatest oil range in the world A trial in your home will convince you of this is Star "EVERYTHING Ranges on hand Company Co-operative TO EAT USE AND WEAR" 'T |