Show -rm u 1 ' ' I Mr " 1-r A J PAGE - '3 THE OUR! SEPTEMBER THURSDAY UTAH MOAB TIMES-INDEPENDENT being who Education is more phone could get and Wading steadily ruddy cheeks TIMES-INDEPENDENT widely diffused and is being given a with me write shorthand reach love he cannot quite eves to life that direct useful relation have a speciallypre J8? really loves a woman more ?' of the n man providing full Wta is admirable cilwith platinum point and daily program and when a making the will grow old All of which she of li never that cooling e dccrc along equipment A Censolidatibh 6f the Grand Valley Times and the Independent health crusade a part he is not suggested above run with modern love as a man n'ye'It ‘‘ woman out at all no thing which the specialist training open speeds and sixh grade work a or tremulous with narrow bowed cop?"1''' Published by 'The Times-Independent Publishing Company and he fact a guranteed double other state has yet been able to ‘lo-1 same he wcoed is taught the broader view and literature ted She is the Issued Every Thursday at Moab Grand County Utah fe laid out gallat of the seamless hand-buHe young the It is a wonderful program as always the same art and other things w her hand drop forged low as really cally welded and wlo wot her heart and spirit recognized follows out the great idea of our are am Entered a's'Sddond-classMatter at the Postoflice at Moab tempered specimen of hum? a' of the building up That are absolute equals happy modern thinkers superior to bread and butter learning Under the Act of March 3 1879 paid ning on a 45 frame ground will throw to rut1 bodily resistance which to-1 though less attention is h° are traveling even thousandth of inch lovers an These two At they but SUBSCRIPTION RATES off every sort of disease them juggling you have nothing ward the City of Silence to be Im-! to plan In it is one thing and Payable Advance But - left a Spare picture re never your time and money have - - - - the co-) Three Months 50 another to execute Without gotten-Exchange you want to pay at least $7 per"' the! EIGHT BACK AT HIM Six cash Months 100 operation of the parents and in or its equivalent"- the Year $200 in One teachers program the state) CARNEGIE AND EDUATION of E E Brazier sales friend and the REPORt" heads the suncrintendents Electric WEATHER Intermountain th ii managerfor LOREN L TAYLOR Editor supervisorswill find their work very lv" money sriven away iTThTueteroiol0fe1 or THE Salt ivetiBel ollow HC Uk much harder Unless tne leacuei! Amlrew Cow STRONG Manager of the right of the problem observations branch angle gets the of the U S bureau the fact that her work is really lesdepartment 18 1919 (stenographer must get it as fast as SEPTEMBER educational puipo MOAB UTAH THURSDAY agriculture for Moab for the J not increased by teaching!voted to sened inwardlv! on orchnntre He established libraries can dictate and get it right must be ending Sept 17 1919 habits she will ho health v ord particularly right be of lien are comparing decayed in of fav-l must absolutely accurate The friends was a number places opposed to it though outwardly educational institutions and must'have human Date High Low PrT intelligence if you him to Abraham Lincoln If Limbs were dead and farmers pre-it The Utah He was orable Public Health As-1 along technical lines 11' cracker-jack 91 i6u i he not don't bother Thursday yield for are n Lincoln dieted that public were living wy believe never would sociation has offered to the state de-j ready to help any plan be riday 12 81 65 13 that us" CL could recover more than six cents for again if it shown could 13 82 partment of education every means Manhattan Saturday 61 is 'he answer that made p T this and Here CL holes with cement 14 illing the in its to 85 forward the program the plan was practical "I note requirements Sunday 58 06 power PC the tremble: your chains and 15 88 bracing broken limbs with will to Monday 58 furnish supplies each He have in the CH may aired news-paper mid Tuesday of dif-l i'S 16 in ‘a this 87 awhile wo hear later grafted on a number district Certainly even 57l CJ Every once school request Help utilitarian view upon to inquiry as to this Wednesday 'hasten make 17 90 w the American of after than steel L! hi ferent kinds apples Year the life is department to "put across" the modern that man say that he believes more business takes such strenuous ETIIELMOORETi and What people have been deprived of year he added on new grafts until new and electricity are boosting chinery extraodinary stenographer! program you an the is tree rewarding "liberal enough by the profiteers without the this Cooperative Observer" summer Utah Before the entire nation fdehioned neonle call advertisement appeals Your udrpiW his "the prohibitionists making matters worse painstaking care with more than humanities" to cation" and o strongly When it comes me still C three dozen varieties of fruit Peavey of Deep Creek CoV "general culture" are necessary jg nhin music nronosition have M PEEPING is that the tree is the estimated be than ever dictain town Monday that It insisted on more found a or vyas a caller General Pershing declares to man woman never years old and it shows As a rule wc have not the slightperhaps because the present tend-a American doughboy was the finest seventy-five senility for it bears est ib a! Vi rt the signs of soldier in Quite so The no "peeper"or an eaveswar use for ency is so niuvn uie yuicx WAV to late fall it apples from early summer the severely practical doughhoy knew and but to xVard American dropper wc have a confession But Mr Carnegie never placed a that's what made him the best make on the first count Here it is: HEALTH in ban on the education of the spirit In A YARD O One moonless night we were on our the libraries he founded and even in is the opening dark As both partes allege and state the way down street Several rods the Schoos are starting It institutions he created anyone Leagueof Nations question of course and be little shaft of for teacher ahead could a read and in of a era seen might as much poetry study 30 mile east of Mack western Colorado and has the new acres 'a is not jvolitical rmlitical a issue But isn't light and when the spot was reached as much philosophy and Colo all raised record of the best production of religion and sown ofto alfalfa pupil alike As part of the state program we it all rather strange co'ncidence that found a window with the blinds art and history as he liked And he 40 wheat to the kinds of small grains and bushels the schools of Utah education IC-I last all good general corn alfalfa hay sugar beets the Democrats should line up solidly Hili up uui nui inaniacre niUKViiiy Put 110 the ?e year lctters on colleses land and p'otatoes A splendid for the hesitated stopped- and and exceptionally stock this have in their dauy iously we farm league while the Republicans year will friended the professors xvere free to beet land and beautiful location peeped ranch high good potato and sugar are almost equally as unanimous on routine the teaching of health habits old and old A good house bam for Illf an an continue their cultural humanitarian stock ranch sat man the other side of the iald fence in the has al-! with the techni-dal horses poultry for 600 past the idcalistk work along Price $3000 house No other state counry They were well of woman head other outbuildingsfenced lotted three score He such a program for the inculcation years and ten work with which the philanthropist 40 acres 2 miles west Loma Big acreage of alfalfa and the well-seasoned experiment was smoking a cob Colo alfalfa 30 An exchange says: "A lawyer in a health habits and was primarily concerned acres in 30 acres in fall wheat and other school pipe reading the Bible She by the and was to winter wheat call liar will be closely waifehed Mr Carnegie's philanthropy might court room a acres now sown may man a crops knitting be said to and alfalfa Good farm and other states represent the present attitude scoundrel villian or thief and no one authorities of many 55 acres on The Redlands miles Still we peped stock ranch A fine location for of the American people There Grand Junction Red makes complaint when Health education has come at last to west of court she looked at him and stoci h and is Then up a ranch good poof the big is If greater' than sandy soil best fruit land in the such a be recognized as one and said He laid a stress ever placed tato and beet land a newspaper prints smiled something sugar Grand valley Water rights for bulk of reflection on a man's character there factors in the school life In othvi down the Book on (ducation The public Price $4000 reached out for his irrigation realized is is libel suit or a got always spent on schools a dead editor This words the school heads have up and hobbled from the! money mile cane east of Mack 350 acres 25 acres 2 miles from Main St is health or the children is room returning shortly carrying a Instruction is being made more pracowing to the fact that the people that as the Colo and 2 miles west of Loma Grand Junction 2 acres Tearing of he glass water which handed to tical than Colo believe what an editor says" increased so is their efficiency ever before more closely on Midland Trail peach trees 4 acres alfalfa water the look her And him ''he two are so she gave and relatedto highway and main lino house cistern vaneed every day life better calright he like shafts) the look gave her were of the Denver & Rio culated to hep boys to a Grande R 42x42 ft barn and girs "The main trouble with some Moab Mosely that all over the country R This is of the best farms sunsine breaking through the mastery of the knowledge one Price $3500 and skill they urging incorporation of of stop to are men is that consider oi ram never murky clouds alter clays of the to their in this that they make i B be and way Colo might wrong" direct health teaching as part weeks that picture required or days modern industrial world Vocational school curriculum states tie Smi Juan Reccrd To haunted us and we realized the and technical training are which we might add that Utah has taken the lead Not only gaining after rigid truth of the words of the poet: "Let of his sickle far the sitate department Time reach out with as investigation it has been found has that teaching of health as ever he can althoughhe can reach there is only bne human being placed the in the world who is invariably right it is that hardly necessary to say Reserve District No 12 Charter No 10925 this erudite genletman is the editor Report of Condition of the of the O Record in the Sept 12 1919 State of Utah at the close of businesson at Moab THE ripe and I-! lips I I j f I -()1- ' s i j j t - k ' r f t ! i ' j r I I - i 1 MW: ' W ‘ I t s j instruction a ! 1 1 over-emphasized I ' i I i l ma-old-edu-and ' ! 1 "" - t I s f - i a a - i Good Bargains arms a ! :i I -way I j 5-room 6 1-0 ? i 1 c-f i ij i i 6 adjourns : I i I 1 i automobile 6-room co-ordinated educators ' Kiefer Loma education IRST BURNING BANK NATIONAL and discounts discounts 1'aid on Liberty Loan Loans including is Mornings Chilly re- blithe and sunnv 16027768 gay and the hit not collected the 117600 breeze peace dove burning money just as every one is Total loans 16145368 insist on though it grew on trees and bills rediscounted (other Notes thrift and saving but there's none to 3265068 than bank acceptances sold) heed my U S Government Securities owned: words johnnies say that S to secure circulation (U throw money to the Deposited am raving and 5000000 bonds par value) birds Men are drawing princely U S Bonds pledged as collateralfor and their filled wages breasts are State or other deposits or bills payable 1700000 with mil th and they jeer foreboding Owned and unpledged 935000 who predict a day of dearth War sages Savings Certificates and Thrift but that (lay will as! as surely come Stamps actually owned 102G3 tomorrow's sun will rise things will: Total U S Government securities then be going poorly with the giddy Securities other than U S bonds (not 63757' including stocks) owned unpledged mi: h u spending enani boom i 2 guvs ngs h won oStock of zrn ederal Reserve rBank (50 along forever as they're booming cent of per subscripion) urniture and fixtures now my friends and the man who's ably as as he Lawful reserve with federal Reserve saves Bank spends It is patent to the knowing in Casj auit ‘and 'net 'due amount like that the expansive limes times 11KC these tnat the wjhuinw tnese from from national banks kopecks won't be growing always1 on Total of Items 13 14 15 16 and 17 3621350 the U S shrubs and trees Treasurer There will come Redemption fund with O ID - uuv iii'in m o day of trouble when this boom is 'Monu rlllzi Aieasurer a Interest earned but not collected- left behind and the kopecks and the Bills Re on Notes and ruble will be mighty hard to find ceivable -not past due fiPPy then the lads whose wages TOTAI have been safely placed in brine who LIABILITIES obeyed the seers and sages when the Capital stock paid In saving graft was fine And how sick Surplus fund will be the like speridUndivided profits mortals who like 651807 interest and thrifts now b( have current expenses who reply with a Less taxes paid 238662 jeers ana chortles when - we call on Circulating notes outstanding to them save! v asnier checks on own bank Life since These MOAB RESOURCES MONEY Are reminders I 12880300 that 1 : Winter Will Soon Here : ' 1 t 7645203 We 63757 have goods and t 1 f ' : anything which we 175000 188387 you are just received can fit out Among are: 3621350 Men's 250000 Wool 326312 Mackinaws Woolen Sox I Sweaters Comforts Cotton Blankets I 1 T - 1-1I - - - ! - - A - approximate 1 4 s MASON Total Items 30 31 32 and 33 one Walt Mason's Individual deposits subject to check poeme although copyrighted State county or other municipal printed through secured by pledge of assets special of this permssion given by Mr bank Mason to the of Total demand deposits (other United States war loan organization tnan oank deposits) subject to Buy war savings stamps Reserve Items 34 35 36 37 38 The above famous prose 26739915 5000000 820000 Lined Coats Wool Blankets Canton 413145 4999750 276874 276874 10180759 deposits is 440179 1 And c inc onn oo of deposit (other than borrowed) 2328358 deposits- Savings 270850 "By their fruits ye shall of know Total time deposits subject to them" the Bible tells us says the Reserve Items 40 41 42 and 43 25 99238 Salt Lake Bills Tribune Applying this payabe other than with ederal rule to an Reserve Bank apple tree at indlay Cal 1000000 that payable with ederal Reserve remarkable horticultural specimen Bills Bank 1000000 should become known from one end of the earth to the other TOTAJ 26739915 This tree bears thirty-two rediscounts including kinds of Liabilities for those with ederal Reserve Bank apples and six kinds of pears It is 3265068 by pronounced experts to be one of Total contingent liabilities the 3265068 of wonders plant growth and STATE O UTAH COUNTY' O GRAND SS unique i jj b among its fellows if indeed Doudelock president of the above-named bank do solemnly that the is best of others presume to the dignity swear above true to the any may statement my knowledge and belief D of L GOUDELOCK fellowship" President Correct- Attest: Many years ago Henry later en-' A C ROBERTSON countered this tree wasn't much H G GREEN of a tree but as apple trees go somehow W R McCONKIE Directors x later had confidence in it and Sul 'cribed to this and sworn before me 17th dav of September 1919 set alout its rehabilitation When EDNA BANKHEAD Notary Public it the later went to wor on trunk uy commission expires June 17 1921 A RUITUL 39 - Certificates I REE fop Other money time ' you if will soon be thinkingof you need a new stove let ig assortment-all sizes putting up that heater us show you our line al prices-just receiv- '' ' ' ‘ -It lannels ' outstanding ' WALT of of fall and winter for the season with the neW goods big lines you might need opening up 1589546 -n ' be Cooper Martin Company y |