Show MARCH THURSDAY 18 1920 THE MOAB TIMES-INDEPENDENT !A i You Men this! Get Every The Greatest Tobacco of Word Value CUT is old Packed in handy tins pocket all at from i Why Union Leader 50c and 1 I A thirdp Oldest eed l ' We j ! dealers Bought Yard in for also packed fruit Sold and I Connection in are a and Corrals Store I Located Just of East the Moab Co-op Co r Seal I position to supply your wants hay and grain no matter how large or how small your order be Your patronage is solicited may ' More? ' in style humidors new jars Made by LORltLA RD COMPANY Tobacco Manufacturers at h-i-l ' 85c in Established in de t -K -k- -K-K-K-lHfr j P The Grain 'and Co Supply ' ! Cut Tobacco and E Z Redi Hay 1 & r Tin Pay i eed ' finest the progressive Per Week j I l Oc Moab for I hurley2iVes pipe and cigarette Kentucky state grows this J- TOBACCO for SoeciallY prepared Arrangements are being made by federal reserve banks of the coun-I the exchange of the permanent I bonds of the several Liberty and Vic-! lory issues for the temporary certifi-i cates which were given to subscribers the x March 23 1900 al times of issue It 1A was at first planned to be able to i rich strike in Miner's basin was exchanges on M- rch la the A reported by Thomas Kinci interest payment date for the last couX Sheep shearing commenced in Moab pons attached to the seeon and 'luring the week issues but an extension of time has ruit made necessary to enable the trees were in bloom through- becn X out the treasury department to make adequate valley A printing and distribution arrangeSeveral Elgin farmers were putting ments f r 11 new water wheels on the Green rivCharles H Stewart managerof the Xel' Salt Lake branch of the federal rePhil Croat left for a visit with his bank of the Twelfth district servethis X said although ths last children who were attending school in week that Durango bonds were coupons of some of the X payable Monday the next interest n b tn'wii ur'lsw0Ib date will be months away and $ had eon to comsome gone to Wilsons mesa t'at ln taat tnn coinnleti ‘nu-nce arrangefarm work X meats will be perfeced Several of the B Hammond had commenced takissues hail attached but feur interest X in£ out ore fr01" his copper property coupons and it will be those tempor-at Court House ry pon(js for which the exchange is It is understood that John H being arranged Clark w AvtwrtAH the khand Junction th week to commence tle banks which handled bonds in work Gold basin will assist in the distribution so as to a minimum'of confusion and a cause Tlin n'ld if inn rif mmti hvv' viciin tatu mtiH'inii'iH'ta rizvl4 in Jiii in vr evil iiiv iivv vrU 'wry on the Rio Grande was a great' riiivinniHi fTrt ut w I nun inc exriRinjreis ijiaue Aiie iHinvnnmnAn u c tv mnionh v uj reserve system will pave charge of the Messrs McIlroy Price and Probusco details fiscal for the acting as agent returned from a prospecting trip down the Grand river going as far as the1 government Colorado O DIMES UTAH CHILDREN Y "If the present weather remains the SOUGHT OR MONUMENT merry click of the mowltTg machines will be heard in the valley in April" Small subscriptions not to exceed commented The Tinies a dollar are to make up the two hunThe Elgin correspondent reported dGd and fiftX thousand dollars to be that the & D R G contributed by men bridge gang had women and the United States for Amerone span of the new bridge dren of ica's gift to over the Green rance in the shape of The-Green River Land and Irrigav a memerorial statue on the battlefield th n Through the plans of company bought 1000 acres of of the Marne t school land on the Emery county side the Utah committee the hundred and of Green river at the thirty-five thousand school children of recent sale t this state will be given an opportunity J Brown of Elgin had accepted ofa to U S take an active part in the raising department X contract fromto the raise a This was announced agriculture new variety of of Utah's quota of the tor following a meeting executive beans two years at Salt last X committee Lake City Messrs Wilson and Miler Mijler were in where they had been Saturday from Salt wash C" sinking a shaft on a gold-silver pro" of i B Soldier Summit was H ShafLottis perty owned by them and in Moab the last of the week checking el oil claims which he I up on and O W Warner who had been ill others some in this county Mr Loft-so i own since his return from California call-' was for the superintendent ls a division much worse that Dr Dunn was & Rio ed from Springville Grande railroad enver LEADER UNION REDI :' tin- try Ago Today p Years THREE PAGE UTAH TOXCKkNfEMVML i' -c I It America in Twenty Moab! of ' i I the World 1760 i ri-sw ' j 1 1 - i v i 1 i Walls! 1 Your The c v v Up Brighten 1 ' Ralston i of colors making or including the possible for it ef artistic feet delicate tints out carry I X Special j kinds all with Moab of and paints varnishes Co Drug V 1 Sunday j JINUI mil ' ' i i i i - ' - "t- - JUNCTION GRAND T Economy Goodyear Tire That Smaller of owners the HI UMMM I auto highest-priced W1 fX rjijcy worth only and X X X X X in the afford money a s ? which satisfaction experience in utmost to and performance to the sizes Heavy UKHak WMKMHw WOKmIf Public of J Single-Cure 150 200 COMPANY He ready is to Tubes Tourist supply the at 235° - $21- Necessity is Insurance nearest a Goodyear you or same time Years We Twenty ire Home Have Insurance of Dozens Goodyear $125 200 200 300 RE I n ff 30x3'22 GoodyearDouble-Cure Anti-Skid Commission I Moab by homes xoo oXVKA 2 Utilities CORBIN Manager N rv abric Designs 1919 TELEPHONE MIDLAND their 30x3' our agents our 1 OCT tires these Tread purchase from or lane Residence Party Party Line Business Private Line Residence Private Line Business within two miles of town Party Line Ranch limits outside two mile limit and Party Line Ranch than eight miles not more Station Service Goodyear for your ord Tires for Dealer Goodyear other cars taking Chevrolet Dort Maxwell or Go All-Weather anything see not of abric make to X This il cannot come you Order By resources produce can care built are of sizes 31x4-inch worth begins money's extraordinary the merit of these tires but only with also with the first cost which in most cases actually is less and is sometimes no greater makes of the same types than that of other I J v atv y Tires Goodyear mIWi and 30x3V2- 30x3- if EECTIVE get advantages The machinery Can cost nothing will M 6 0 ved It Car mileage and greater economy the Tires Goodyear can so owners out of Goodyear similarly enjoy of smaller cars A quarries own Stock Write 1 as Junction XCobratfe LOWEST: THE A H mobiles ARE We have the LATBST impro modem monumental LINE or for Grand PRICES our WORKS MANAGER Street OUR have the : MONUMENT CALLAHAN ifth South WHY We in Just Mill ' 129-131 Get Dinners T supply you r x can - j X We I I to you desired ii any line a bright colors scheme color and thick strong tubes that Heavy Tourit Tubes are with a properly Why risk a good casing reinforce Heavy Tourist Tubes cost little more cheap tube' ofGoodyear less site in merit 30x3' water- $X50 than tubes We Goodyear Shall be Been people carrying with us Glad to Agents Local Co of New of the York are protecting their policies Quote You Rates ca-ings Cooper Martin 2 bag - - - Tread -proof ' & RADIUM -A- - - - W- G ix? an t r by V r 1 i Barlow tTn Company ORE 1 killer JL- L Wlllmarth - full have and Cleanliness Chef Spell Success irst Class a i We Prop Service ehit-completed Kalsomine of a J X big new shipment just received sanitary and durable wall coating have the RALSTON G i KALSOMINE We ALEX ' of f costing new a 1 I giving them RiiiMine Montrose Colo |