Show ®me£-Independent A CONSOLIDATION 45 MOAB ELECI LIGHTS RIC THE O GRAND GRAND COUNTY VALLEY UTAH THURSDAY SHOWING ENCOUNMNE HUNDRED A'l ErED casing ORDERED feet off 0 ' slow set the start at stem Allies progress well in the four over days four dred feet an day a NUMBER 1919 EQUIPMENT OR I t ben W kWWWWWW MOTHER WHERE pappy r'ffbw Does AAw)aSf MOAB HIGH PECTED With but number one yet be to received ' 1-1000 PUky Kyrtithu MOAB MAY GET $15000 1 1 CARNEGIE severe LIBRARY BUILDING s I v I c Robertson Meets With A ! Library Board couragement ! bringingf MOAB of the En and s hast-'-been t May at Once n Approved expertshe Capital at Application a be - That! ‘ HELD i Levi drilling LOCAL contractorheavily the APPRECIATE PEOPLE CLASS ENTERTAINMENT AND NUMBERS ARE WELL RECEIVED AND PROJECT expected k a CROWDS staged and that tonight the Ellison-White The equipment necessary for the Chautauqua festival has more construction of the post road project than lived up to its splendid reputation is between Thompson and Moab and provided high class entertainment at Thompson day having of Moab any now to the theater been loaded at Salt Lake several Every number producedgoers was well all In the and days go shipment will be a record crowd is expected the road building machinery needed on to turn out the star tonight when the job which will include graders number of ho program will be given rollers etc entitled carts compressors This number will be "An Messrs Clark and Bush have filed evening in Maori land" and promises with the state road commission one to be a great treat to the music lovers of the biggest surity bonds ever written Ellison-White of the valley booked in the The bond is for county these entertainers at great expense $1 and the faithful and the calls for it is the first appearance of performance of the terms of the contract group in America having come direct and signed delivered Zeawhich was from their native land in New to the bidders Nine successful land to this county' In the company1 months is allowed for the completion is N 11 I'apakura famed throughout road of the from the railroad to La New Zealand as the leading tenor of in th Sal and order to accomi si the island big task be allowed no delays can the opening night Last Saturday Contractor J J Coan of Sall Lake-who Julius Caesar Nayphe was the entertainer was successful in landing tliu "Oriental istaging 'n unique Valley Guy to Seven contract from the the aid of six of the Pageant" with Mile has subcontracted the balance high Nayphe cal school girls Mr of the work from Clark and Bush of his hold the audience interest and he will have active charge of the throughout his talk which is perhaps be work While a rock crew will the the public the most unusual before the at once started in canyon today bulk of the work will be done on the Sergeant Gibbons delivered his nies-sage road out of Thompson as far as Valley of the world war in a manner City of mention Although which is worthy District Engineer B 11 owles is teeming with the spirit of the trenches on the ground with n crew of men setting the is lecture a good dean story of by grade stakes to work so there and is free things as they1 really were this will be no delay from quarter usual profanity which from the part of a most of the war lecARE OIL LOCATIONS we have hoard tures Concert company The Stearns-Grogg delighted the audience on Tuesday TO BE VALID night with a program of worthwhile music Comment was made oil Hie splendid work done by Miss Lorna Gregg the pianist of the compny and ARIZONA SENATOR CLEARS WAV it is regretted that she gave no solo ay Epperson appearing numbers OR OIL PROSPECTOR STATUS with the Stearns-Gregg company made a very favorable impression with O LAND UNQUESher child impersonations and whistling ki I v 45 ESTIVAL BIG ATTRACTS WORK BETWEEN THOMPSON AND MOAB EX I a u HIGHWAY ACTIVITY SHOWN RAPID COMPLETION O I engaged al-lgh CHAUTAUQUA ARRIVING MUCH 81$ hundred feet was average of one The indications in the last strong oil became so that it dre4 fo' was decided that order that no chances might a string when drilling in that ground lasing should be on the been casing has ordered and first planned to contin-irilling it was pending the arrival of the miert small caves in the open the closing down of necessitated The rations shipment of casing underway ch lorence Colo The work proposed is in no of comes from aid arrive at Thompson within temporary nature and once the way dam is complete! ten days provisions are provided or whereby no flood no matter how of the he officers company are will affect the construction A of oil at the ed over the showing spillway sixteen feet wide is provided and estimate that another hun-1 and when a big flood occurs in the feet will tell the tale The creek the waters will have a space nation has changed somewhat and vi vnv nunuxeu unu xvx ivvb wxiiv shale is showing considerable now :k sand which runs very strong inal constructed with concrete the crest of Gas pockets have been struck finished! the dam being reinfored and and pent intervals every indica-i so that it will not be affected by' the points favorably to the action of the water passing over it good well Since the driller idrick Levi successful in was AND GREEN RIVER tting off the water in the surface ds capping of blue shale has rock drilled and lime was pass-at feet WILL seven hundred Stringers BATTLE SATURDAY rtite talc has occurred all through shale and according to oil ground indicationsof bringing good well is w excellent HIGH SCHOOL BALI Woab led INDEPENDENT Thoughts fi Electric lights are promised in Moab about November 15 if plans of the Moab Light and Power company' work out and according to manager C A Hammond nothing but the oceurance of a flood will handicap the A work thousand sacks of cement have been received and Engineer Richards will be on the ground this week to start work on the foundation of the dam A crew of men are now busily putting the finishing touches the on power house and by the last of the week a large pipe will be temporarily installed at the damsite in order to convey the water from the' creek channel while the concrete wbn is made of NOVEMK IS ON GROUND AND WORK ON DAM STARTS THIS WEEK MACHINERY ALL NEW ORDERED Maxwell farm the 1G CEMENT IS oil the on THE OCTOBER ‘ OIL toXG IN AND ARE Conflicting PROMISED sands oil nearing TIMES ' VOLUME Carnegie corportion will mended very highly the present plan of sending books to any resident of the pubic library building for on application and county recommended application therefore is this be continued and this time is the at judgment that the that leeting of directorswill be held both-ways postage charged GAME IS CALLED of Miss Mary E Doyvney state library be paid by the library' board TIONED 18 GETS SHIPMENT O Mr J C TTcrbrnan gave a stirring x organizer and secretary according to "On her next trip to Moab which appeal to the thinkers of the community Grand county high school pupils Attorney 0 A Robertson president may be either during the Litter part Much speculation has been and the base ball of the of current no doubt paved the way in all agog over November or game of the Moab Public Library who conferred early part' local CHANNEL CAT OR RIVER are be the oil locators regarding this with community for n clearer understanding played with Green River on Miss Downey on various April Miss Downey expects to hold a among to of the the the problems of the day Moab athletic field on Saturday library matters at Sait Lake City this district library meeting with representatives status of oil claims staked Ilis and P week by them during the past year lecture entitled "Anierica's Need" Oct 18 at M present from all of the public Leal deciples the organized and dearly stated of Isaac Walton wi'l It will be librariesof southeastern Utah In whether or not passing of the is well remembered that the "Miss Downey stated" said Mr interested to the corporation this meeting Mr llerhsman bases his assertions-on know that Moab brain and wits Robertson "that County Superintendent Smoot lensing bill in its present form team matched and of County Clerk H S Rutte the of the sound reasoning there is made practically McCorkle Principal Jones would in anyway affect title to lands with the Green River bunch about which during war gifts of undoubtedly a vast amount of truthin shipment of channel catfish this time last year and won a rather libraries has again high school and Principal Palmer bf located in this county upder the no received libraries his to and the and all of the act The following taken message from the government easy victory as will be indicated by commenced give Central School kies in has been here five to twenty-seven but is in to make a' of the and the Tribune Miss Helen Enberg Kansas Sunday and the of Moab position teachers high school pubic from Holbrook (Arizona) were score now kted in the school will be will shed Grand river near the particularly strong showing for a asked to considerable light on in capacity of director duringhasthe been since that time the home team has participate the Mr building It Ke Rutledge personally lost a number of its star players subject as Senator Ashurst as-1 program Her work expected to hold a two-day ses Carnegie and the have the hauling of the fish from such is not for a sisted Utah's in the very effeetve audiences an easy victory "Application was made sion" senator framing been well pipson and building' in pleased with the manner reports that the fish anticipated this 1915 and considerable The Board of County Commissioners of the leasing bill and should be post year Ived in in had which they have been taken care of excellent shape there being correspondence was with Coach Rigdon is bending every on Tuesday appointed the five ed Is lady of the Carnegie oil is in Miss a of unusual fry small The shape James Bertram secretary organization receipt Enherg young percentage dead to round his team into members of the county library board of "The has letter from f train carried three He however Of these two are a Senator Ashurst :n business acumen and Corporation members cans of the though the absence of several boys her las far as sent by ability in "putting it Grand Junction These from town makes it necessary to break raised the objection that the population namely R McConkic and answer to one Judge Sapp Mayor W the is It is in were placed in river atthat in some new material It expected within the town- was not sufficient J G relation to the standing ol over" The local guarantors were so McBride who was selected by oil gift of claim-holders the given Within very few years Grand that to justify the Carnegie the commissioners under leasing well pleased with the program the Green River bunch will have a as the commissioner should f The statement is (this season that they did not hesi-made provide good fishing for a little advantage in weight but not building and that a building for the member of the library board The law asthatproposed all Isportsmenhere could not be will tate to sign up contract for next The Moab Gar-Icompany enough to make considered in as additional members appointed were regular locations mich difference in county held valid not authorized C provided an free the results boys putting in A of the be and the new law will not season auto The are much as the county was Robertson president tharge the to haul the and it is by law to rights shipment- in ey Howard interfere inby any way ofwith extra time in practice own manage and levy Moab Public Library Board the railroad land BUILDING f for the acquired locators prior to SCHOOL pected that when the umpire shouts a tax building carryng on of a library W Balsley secretary of the board the law in desired the A Hammond who passage of the on Saturday afternoon Re Bishop C "Play ball" the by Bertram A printed of the law has the will be in raised since the copy been COMMISSIONERS team "The objection Mr Moab Public Library was or-I received and every ofboy on of th-: has of been of the a reproduction removed ganized has been a 'member AT CISCO pink condition course section (36) of the law shows McConkie and Mr McBride last the The public is most cordiallyisinvited the county library law passed by the board Mr claim-holders in will that the Holbrook 1919 BUSINESS: to attend this game and it legislature under which being members IRANSACT district are amply spectators will hereafter be operated Miss protected that a on the library hoard during the large crowd of that serve The wilt not be opinion that at locations will fill the Grand Stand our Downey was of the possibly tenure of their respective offices The with in the least That some sort of school building dads $15000 other members appointed will serve city have so generously erected least $10000 and The section follows: will have to be - for provided at Cisco if "" for their convenience might be obtained for the building one years one year one for two July se regular See 36 That the deposits of of by State of and for is to be continued at that place monthly meeting will be enlivened a "The Board Education one three from school The years coal game phosphate oil oil county library ‘organizer will at the podium commissioners was held of high school 1920 three members for the of the consignment acting through the The remainder term is the large shale and day the the has this week recommended to board gas herein referred session being completed veils now being prepared by the student organization meeting of the to in lands valuable for such minerals report that come to the county Board the morning Chairman R leadership of board the purchase of some 1100 which will be held iu Mr Robertson's body under shall be G McBride subject to disposition of Education Mrs J "'son the library This will bring at 7:30 from commissioner Heber Mnryell for office Tuesday evening efficient masters books next only in the an4 the form and manner of that place this week Clerk II S about the number of books in the institution o'clock various Rutledge were draw cuts for The coach isof stijl inof doubt provided in this act except as tnt the players up to about 4000 Mrs McBride writes that the tie the terms positions some to valid claims existent at date of has at Cisco rjh business was disposed of and but at the that to Robertson shack which been used Business according Mr when the game is called "Miss Downer recommended the and thereafter pterable time be in passage of this act for school purposes for the past several diamond at 3 Ocloc unusually good School person in every in compliance was given to the High some responsible seems to maintained ptnient Real of of the estate men which has Jong been taxes A grist of Saturday Abe Day will probably fi county outside of Moab Salt Lake City with the laws under which initial-ed years and were and and that recognized by the board as the barest passed for the pitcher's Lewis Geer will is appointed to represent the library there is hardly vacant payment box which be perfectclaims routine business and 'that in the city and may make-shift of a school building has during the fai taken care of he be behind the bat will be board in his or her section house ed under such laws been sold and there is no otherbuilding "dred and fifty dollars was ad as follows regular shipments of books be made the larger hotels such as the Newhouse Tentative lineup Senator Ashurst writes that the po to E of kind and waiting lists obtainable Owens on the and Robt Thomson to such represents tve thus extending Utah had any contract A Day c' conservationists are determined to section of the county practically Mrs McBride writes that she and p Castleton road Allen to from 50 to 200 people for whom they Geo Powell L Geer and R 1st every pass some law and most of them are will have 0 to Appointed registrar of vital statDalton the advantages now were unable to provide booms The anxious other mothers that it D Johnson and 2nd same library should lie a great several and She out of the state by people hotels equally crowded itake their children health officer for the Somerville enjoyed Moab comsmaller were deal than the Reed 3rd one under to complete the more drastic present school term RPson presinct and the that county L Somerville and L ruliei consideration He ays S S even is or Bert in of a school building not provided R Thomson will be December bill Newell was instructed R Allen and BL sometime Senator Smoot R TO author of the proceed to classify In either portable dr stationery Hector order to facilitatethe road work but is and appraise C does not like it afraid that if pad of uller It is board will pe light poles it is not cxpcced that the to Knight and L on main street the electric counfy all( empoy M passed a still more stringent immediately L the take that in he center one that steps to arrange for might need to expo E Turner and W Woods which are now situated result one would may the ANO be Manager A SHALLO of the street must moved a building work wreak great damage to the small new form ARE local RUIT GROWERS of the and oil adopted by the state will be LOCAL Hammond power man Therefore they LOCAL UNDERGOES this his willingness ATTORNEY year by the inclined to company the has signafied are support the present assessor This "all to make change and it is leing supply the office informa-Ineretofore rather than take chances on OPERATION AT SALT LAKE measure REAPING LARGE HARVESTS has been It definitely ascertained advocated that while the contractors on to follow later" overlooked that the state road commission will are working on this portion of the r chapter 72 of the Utah laws C A Robertson returne state highway road Attorney ienibers of the that treet be NON-PARTISAN shortly begin work on the main shaled from CONVENTION the no a rd of capital Monday night after the from couJity libraryof through corporate curb to curb the state to stand the While away Grand counto The local fruit growers are buthis limits passing spending a week there the The roadway feet and the of town d is he a result as follows 'Mayor W their pears apples at in expense of theto sixteen A underwent an operuton as of the mass in convention tonkie packing will be the regulation sixteen feet the cost his tonsils G Mc-rk be de business called to the district of he is commissioner J a keen men pay hereby which the meet row minus There seems to and will town Atranversethe The town trustees Robertson president of time balance of the work Grand Robertson stated that most of his for the Moab product this ea J width the Snyder ranch southern court room at Moab county Mr mand to will be called to make provisions the city in prary board JI W upon October 20 1919 Balsley sec-L been contract fromlimits of the town at the old Tes-cher Utah on Monday' tme while at but that hewas spent °f the The Moab pears have for the stringing of a line of at 5 o'clock p for the of the hospital noted that board and Bishop C A ed E Slohm who is repi esen m purpose L onc ranch According to plans this poles on the south side of the street nominating a president and four trustees member of the present ing to theMr Carpenter-Liebhardt nn conditions were generally prosperous available will be are the for real work done when projects men for lights be demand larg power company to voted for qn the Citizens' and there is a big one of the other which will street Cnmnanv of Denver comp:'?'eIiripa‘14 from the set their power line on the north municipal election for estate due to the great shortage of h ticket at the ia?eon' "Scotty" Baird anl est also side poles will which carry said town of Moab to be held therein houses City street ters wprt to lights 4 1919 Citizens lav Valley on Tuesday November contracted for next they II demonstrated the II W Morse who that Pean Slohm has already of all parties are urgently Jones and M L Y'1 the which fact demonstrates king and he states year's crop John Sullivan and Mrs Sullivan scatter gun upon to be have been in Monticello for several present 0? well pleased with Moab that he returned L$f'ony at the reservoir' A from their Wilson mesa days transacting business C A ROBERTSON T P Miller Is furnishing most came down ducks and twelve home the last of the wqek fruit Tn-rlni Chairman Citizens' Party the pears mR4e Mt llr 'mf purenasea ov mr "Scotty" tak- bLITU Blv Hi 14 ' has ever honorsfor the biggest bag his company endrick interested companyTuesday morning Price for of the company PREPARED TO DELIV GOODS WHEN TEAM in Quarters the ER where give Moab THE a the free if renewed - 3 throughefforts placer-petroleum a ie library su-frised entire consequently s energy demonstrated ex-officio I a i a NO ffl AVAILABLE th-brary expected ex-officio -oil ' a ' n ' -- interfered I 1 i library J ' ' ' ' locality advise ' I a r ' f I i ' STREET W It GW whicht)oeri I investor I directorse y non-partisan y r ' fruit-commission L requested I g s I I -uty-three J I - - J i - -with ?-i -J-- |