Show THE MOAB TIMES-INDEPENDENT ) THE TIMES-INDEPENDENT Consolidation A of the - Thursday Every Entered as at Matter at the of March Second-class Under Grand County Moab the Act SUBSCRIPTION 8j In Payable LIVESTOCK 10' 1920 PREMIUM STATE LISTREADY RY STEAK I 1 riday ' thatday 3 o J RATES Advance Months Months Year BEE AT AIR OlCg of Moabs younger About thirty-five The Utah State air association married set motored to the river received beel the W enjoyed a premium list for th Williams riday evening and Dr Pure Lard Milton steak fry of the to say nothing of the fish livestock departments fair h telegram from Congressman paiLs anj had ‘the - II men caught Those presentVere: copies may be had by applicationto Welling stating that he 5-1 b rab'r-Evelvn pails 190 E Wenzel for R D nominated TIohn Williams Mesdames W Parratt state fair manager 10-lh Me lenthin pails 375 Taylor Blanche addition to announcing classifj admission to West Point the national and B Taylor Mf In Max CongressmanAlbert Beach and military university Mrs cations and rules which have been al Bkinding lour $750 cwt be land Mrs Warren Bush andMr B Welling stated that it would to necessary Mrs J be at Boyle Mr tered somewhat from those in effecj Robert M for Young Williams Claik in Will Mrs R C ami Skewcs Mr and previous years' this nr Point on and ne m publication MEAT MARKET West rOIBL Dll July um win cw WeSL UUtY and m Mrs D W uaiuwm list of the Mr r therefore be unable to come to Moab gives prize winners and vinwr Mr am Mrs ixeiuon hofnrn en- ni Mr Baldwin exhibitors at the 1919 TYPHOID VACCINE C E state fair It U VIMI WIL11 IlH 1UHW Mr and Mrs letcher also list of fair tering upon his duties a the university Christensen carries a and Mr dates in ad Mr Mrs R TO BE AVAILABLE HERE last week's edition joining territory as well aa all state As detailed in Mrs T Mr and Mrs the graduating illl( Learning throughout the John was honor man of Military W lair dates United Mr and Mrs I' AcaCharles DeMoisy class of Wentworth and R n March States Oa' In connection with the campaign nOI som Mr and TUr Mrs pMr -Canada Pictures of Missouri and as M-oiis ng H-an of the demy Lexington and being launched by the town board to G Mrs prize winners of last nl P Woods uill RD - year arare the win nnf not linvn to n pass ruiRS an QXUmi- Mi shown clean up sanitary conditions of such Uvll pill nave and J A shown L Taylor Llmtr in to admission order Moab further precautions against the nation Point secure spread of typhoid fever will be taken to West people are Pighly pleased to by Moab cooperating with the state board of health in learn of the young man's success and furnishing typhoid vaccine to the people of the town practically are confident that he will disinguish at free of cost himself equally as much West 'IlTThk The primary purpose of the campaign Point it is is to rid the announced lUlh ACCEPTED town of a number of MINORS 1 traps that are a disgrace to the community f The just I marshal will be instructed The following telegram has to take action against all people been received from the navy departC who fail to cooperate in the removal ment Washington D of for i unsanitary conditions from their granted en-1 "Authority accept premises listment minors over seventeen years who The people of Moab are also urged of are qualified in all other to i fight againstthe parents execute wage an incessant respects provided flies of fly by III The use traps Minimum R I every necessary consent papers family is urged Those can be secured weight required is one hundred twenat a nominal cost at the stores ty pounds minimum height sixty-two The proposition of the state hoard inches No waivers will be granted 7 y of We 1 health in relation to typhoid vacon weight or height These enlist-1 be for period of vuiiibion is coticanieii in trie made leuergivmerits mayuntil of en below: minority twenty-one years "The state board of health is or-of or for straight period of three age gariizing a campaign against typhoid years" fever and in recognition of the fact buy a that inoculation with typhoid vaccine CIRCUIT PICTURE O MOAB you is one of the most important methods of first birdseye prevention desires to promote its one of the INSTRUMENT 0$ QUALITY We ofhave Moab extensive use in the photographed State views valley ever "To this end the board has made The picture is 24 inclies in R a contract with E Squibb & Sons length and takes in from the La Sal the full In whereby treatment will be mountains to the Moab canyon furnished for thirtv-six cents the town most every street is plainly Q CLIAR AS A BELL "The vaccine will be placed in drug seen and the lower end of the valley the throughout state is This stores which shown under water picture will be designated depots the would make a beautiful adornment for that city and walls of "We earnestly request the home Price any Moab picture town authoritiesshall arrange for the of framed complete $5 unfree administration of the vaccine by framed or unmounted $2 the local health officerif a physician MOAB VIEW COMPANY by otherwise a physician employed for the is purpose in order to encourage the made of the mar-riage in of the inoculation which if generally use on Thursday at Moab Utah of adopted will eliminate the disease Air Harry Baughman of Grand JuneIn of indigents from the state tion and Miss Helen Haller of all your friends it! eases ruita and know the state board of heath will furnish daughterof Mr and Mrs II W Haller the vaccine free of charge The Hence wedding was a quiet affair The Sonora is easily distinguished from phonographs if free administration is provided the the bride being accompaniedto Moab sister made to sell at a low price only expense to other persons who by her Miss Virginia The will be thirty-six bride has been Magnificent Upright and Period Styles may befor innoculated employedat a cafeteria the cents vaccine in this city for time and some "An agent of the board will conduct has made many friends here by her to $1000 the the field and campaign in genial disposition and pleasant wil call upon you in the near future groom is a farmernear here and Will you please advise whether we the happy pair will resideon a farm Ion it is expect cooperation as may your Orchard avenue - Grand Junction important that the campaignshall not News be delayed zi!" Yours very trulv Moab has been sweltering in some Use Sonora Semipermanent Silvered Needle on a steel needle B hot They play T BEATTY rather this week the 19 records weather many times and increase the records life State Health Commissioner" thermometerclimbing as high as 95 degrees Tuesday 2-lb 1879 Three Six line Utah Postofllceat Moab 3 ENTER POINT JULY WEST ONLY J - Issued WILL HAVE ha-printed Independent the BOY MOAB OR THE SPECIALS COMING WEEK and Grand Valley Times JUNE' THURSDAY UTAH MOAB REE 50 100 $200 I I 1 1 A r I OUR PAGE a 1 I J j LOREN HAU OHMS ASOCIA11CN STA1L kRBj E L W J TAYLOR STRONG Editor Manager f ! i - 11 U i I - - - v I v gx - I 1 fake 1 that the concoctor of fables intended to deceive will soon get busy and stay busy until November orming our opinion from reading outside newspapers we do not hesitate to predict the hottest presidential campaign in the history of the present generation The best season for the campaign a stories j i ' the lit-- campaign lie real - and not 1 help i 1920 j country prices of wheat and Inno (rP'iinu nnw tmivullliw " im II VI local farmers to rxn j v u I high I the 10 I if llAT w w I Thcte is a general impression over the country that this is going to be a good year for roorbacks or political this in mer But AKES O JUNE I YEAR 1 A THURSDAY UTAH MOAB ri 1 ? r any great exunt( in thal mosl of tllem sold theif The wheat last fall great bulk of the has (crop in fact passed out of the it all farmer's hands That makes the harder If the farmer were getting the three dollars a bushel it 'would help everybody in this commun-ity and the cost of flour would not then prove so burdensome But as it is the profitgoes elsewhere and the consumer bears the burden without 'receiving any benefit of the the parlor variety- is in Maybe the chief reason most Moab of closing days a campaign when people like to talk about the high cost there is little time left for exposure living is because talk is cheap investigation or denial Campaign The farmer who used zxtil Vi amL HH uut Cill-II Uliu UllUl WU1K JAAVP with rr vi It nxxxii' hou iur a son nun rv who uu mlirnulz havoc those against whom they Speil(s his time breaking up an autoart intended mobile But 'forewarned is forearmed and that is noticed that the why we are warmning citizens We have always allow their wives to choose men who of Moab to weigh carefully their office help usually get the most believing or repeating any of work done the campaign stories they are going It's to Be not a pretty good idea have handed them never to boast of what you can do unless you're Prove everything before ac-1 take off and willing to your coat Be little inclined cepting it to make good one III j I j I i I a j I 4 9 ti v x ! 1 i I f 11-'' i i deceived a-biological Highest Machine ! doubt when noon hour even y"u Call for an there isn anything sun is directly oveihead just try to prevent a Moab affidavit to support an affidavit impossible ir patting her hair when she is about Require even trusted old friends to to meet a stranger repeat their narrations so as to be Personally we've about decided to sure you get things straight for the candidate who is for No such campaign ns is n5w open- vote the cheaper sugar at ratio of two ing has ever been waged in this counto one of coffee cup spoons and try as far as possible everything If the is but being arranged to see that it averageof Moab girl had two wishes one them would be for nnpR nnt Inrk- fnr nnlihnnl fnlraa and a she'd husband and save the other deception one until she saw how he turned out t i I j - -Announcement I Class Talking the World $60 i I fl own ' the Speaking of foolish things have ADVERTISING you found anyone in Moab so foolish as to believe all this talk about few days ago our attention was in kisses will stop kissing? called to enimore a copy of the otten can Ray Times as an Wifi example of the ef-! 'anything about you please about a fectiveuse which the farmers of- the wjfc or family as long as you mans don't CUUJM1T G1VEIN middle west and west are making of knock the make of automobile he drives SOME GOOD advertising in their local papers In PUBLICITY issue of The Times there were 7 one 18 display ads relating to agriculture goinj? t0 the dogs so long as we still Sunday's Salt Lake Herald contam-Seyen pf them quarter-page ad-' f1 "'I0® county have a few wives who pafe were by still Alber Philips veteran In adare willing to get up and get vertisements of auction sales newspaperman who is perhaps more nusnanu preaKiast dition there were over a column of familiar with Utah than any other The article the want ads of which more than one-half OIL LAND ILINGS person re pertained to farming And The Tinies sources of Grand counv in facts and There seemingly still exists much figures and also gives some very is like this one and a paper much with the of the history early settle-iiies respect to work- teresting 900 printed in town of only about of of the ment Moab vallev The accountof new oil land leasing law population Land office officials are beinir con- the Billings colonization expeditionin first attempt at settling neighborhoodof stantly beseiged by interested parties J855 the armers in the uncier trie ano moor misanprenension mono wnicn naa to ue anamioned Moab should awaken to the fact that wno that it is not for them to owing to the continued depredations necessary what has proven beneficialfor farm file through the land of the of the offices J W Indians is one most other sections of the country Mavoritc San rancisco chief of field Lhrillin narratives of the settlement ers in also will benefit them There is envisions oi tne land ot ice oi it me ilic west was twenty years tYinif-ni Hillincvc civnlnitiu nn CrJ vuv vnau UHV mum- have antvwvoa someone m inis cummuimy who wains estabimpression "Many persons in erroneous pioneers of Utah succeeded the very thing he advertises for sale about oil claims and inlishing a community at this place in city or a n farm paper The only numerable inquiriesarc being made at! The agricultural and livestock infarmer doesn't the general land office from such dustnes the mining and oil resources reason the average Irnnw--'flita he has cl:1'mantswho think they have a right! and the sCenie attractionsof the couniq hai 11 ana never tried to their All oil loca-I ty are by Philips retain claims dwelt on Mr who his advertising in home paper tions under the placer mining law terms Grand county "a great empire the relief pro-epgs m ‘pays a fancy price to advertise stock except those covered by and itself" What the county did to 39 of the win the war is also narrated visions of sections 18 poultry or fancy produce in a bi'" and leas'7 '' "' valueless class journal never relizing that an be and E patents cannot secured therefor Mr Mrs W Bush of Moab ad costing much lesv money can be indiscovery has Utah been made former residents of his place uness a will 1920 are this week expecting a visit from serted in the county paper and (hereon prior to ebruary 25 date the fipd a or unless on said claimants their daughter May who has been buver closer home who piny be-1 in and Mrs vere Prosecution of work teaching at Auburn Wash customer for life But all the leading come to discovery on such claim Jerome Thompsonand sons of Elmira This will take the argument in tho world will not serveThe only way such claims may be re-to N Y nature of It takes mofe thfirf' tained is by filing convince them application to family reunion as both Roy and Warren an So lease them under the new law'' reside in Moab - ruita Mail argument It takes actual tests the farmer with something - ARM I you I a i When : before 'the il j wl In hi -age a I 1 4- 4 tvll : old-fashioned 1 fl fly-breeding e-erms waysThe MOAB THE DRUG COMPANY ? A H- I ' i t ' : old-fashioned 1 i i BACK s e-ives O EVERY BANK: i OR MEMBER STRENGTH EMERGENCY EVERY inuncertainty 1 a I i ' 1 K I- i c-enerai 1 IL n uvi-vuipi MEMBER j i EDERAL : RESERVE SYSTEM I ' ' ' a a we-invite office 1 and back of YOU there always- is Reserve ederal A Bank like other business men tell US what he has to offer We'll do the fest and the result will prove more convincing than all the talking we could do between now and doomsday THREE And 1 Pull Together American DOLLAR WHEAT of Citizens Moab vicinity who watch the market reports know flat wheat is selling at three dollarsa in bushel 'in most communitiesand Corn is some markets at even more bringing two dollars a bushel and oats dollar and a quarter - unheard of a prices and the highest since the days following the civil war We are about entering on another harvest with 150000000 bushels of and the harvest wheat still on hand will be this rear the 700000000 yepr And yet no one seems bushel mark able to' give a definite reason for the high price Some say it is due to speculators and others to poor trans-poration Still other say facilities the labor high farm wages paid is back of it But this one thing is certain European buyers are in this country bidding for wheat and if a Europe is willing to pay man from the price the owner of the wheat isn't going to take any less from a custo- The marine war for an Merchant resulted the In tons -10JW00O $3000000000 Everybody agrees of- thal creation American Marine of great a ships which merchant cost us " we must keep this fleet on the Back of every member bank in Ike strength of the organued banking ederal the Reserve System resourcesof the country seas If cent we of conditions- when only 9 per our foreign trade was carried In American ships- We shall be in the position of a department store whose goods are delivered in its competitor's wagons Congress is considering legislation which will perpetuate our war-built merchant marine Until this Is done the ships we have should not be sold to face conditions which prior to the war resulted in the decline of our merchant marine to insignificance This Committee calls attention to these facts because a right solution of our shipping problem is vital to the future prosperity of shipbuilding but equally vital to the safety and prosperity of the nation Send for free copy of ‘‘or an American Merchant Marine" fall back to pre-war By Keserve 3C CHURCH American STREET Shipbuilders NEW YORK CITY wUh thi bank whkh fa o System the system's facilities aid resources are you- virtually just across the street What is this worth giving conSdence as to the stability of banking your avail-able to to : Committee of dealing you in ar-rangements? irst National Bank of Moab |