Show f THE EIGHT PAGE NS KI I ELMER WED MM MUM WH IOS fffl APRIL THURSDAY UTAH 8 192U- ORGANEE SPORTSMEN WK tt LAKE SALT IN MOAB TIMES-INDEPENDENT NB Sale Bargain M CJ Shoes! on A white auto people were not greatly surpassenger Monday at today when word was receiv-1 bus the l)Ul IK5V of increasing and nrised iaaioj 7 was inc caniu piifttu wNvu O ptnqwse mu I7nrli well local or t'he R n Bush NNrftI! brinum known Infill Thf Thompsons by he Moab Gat igo comfish and (ynmu ed iithat V tlI rOSiHirCC game resources ami will be end Miss May Elmer pany placed on the Mobusinessman c)try ndjacent to Moab the Jhc b married ab-l hompsona btagu hne popular Moab girl Sal' Mountain and aswere Nh Game constructed especially City Two machine was Monday at Salt ElLake left -£ riday night will eomto " ""el JtBthc Sl n W slag b duly kplfl Jit tho nixlhiiiJoL'ELi azi Id y lhe rl Cll UIIUIU0HIQWVvrx vz- Lake for a visit and on Saturday carry twelvethepassengers office There was a large the will trip in almost local forest of ear negotiate Giris' and Mr Bush quietly hied himself to Alcitizens and is interested and Pairs of Boys' attendance capital business tune as a touring car ostensibly m as fast indicates that tlie spirit Pre-War manifested comfortable for passen-made at though no announcement' had been equally as said Offered be Shoes most much made by the It to be the moprogress will it is was generally thought that gers and protecting organization in restocking Prices couple would return to deni bus for stage line duty in the the young the fish and The gane of this part of Moab Garage company Moab firmly bound together by the state the order fmr the car several the country nuptial knot placed but tbe The following officers were elected tin1 manufacturera for After spending' few days m and months the President IL the state inmiednte deliv-Mrs ensuing year: Mr northern partwillof return were unable to give S Rutledge vice president Don Taylor Bush to Moab to ery to Jr secretary Charles DeMoisy hey wrtl uuii'i make their home W R this McConkic These here treasurer modern residence summer' ot'icers with J P A Hammond Miller C OIL MEN SUCCESSULLY The bride is form the board and R C Clark Vim Ar VI ot directors The directors will have school anil graduate of the local high NEGOTIATE RIVER ROAD charge of the business affairs of the in the teaching shoes and are lines of spent twoShe years closing out some old is veiv popular association and will work in fish coopera are among countv has tion with state and her The and federal T hese acquaintances groombeing the benefit' remnants the pri giving customers authorities Perhaps our vecrs in Moab the first auto to scucess-fullv game object spent several Probably of the club is contracting' to secure engaged in the lumber ami river toad from mary include some splendid values travene the of the proiish try restocking the He one in for business valley to Moab several more Castle and has Moab streams the La Sal mountains and ad- ss gressive citizens of that of E B Emrich gcbusiness years was the -x built up huge volume of jacent valleys and steps have already Carter Oil company ii Kt indnfctrv been taken'to get a large quantity of xs AnEaHM'H'i find they are all gone LiiriHlgll IHB before VX joins with when lie and four companions camo Times-Independent this year Call today and look at these The President Rutledge an the road its entire distance this try over that he had hr hill id rpd ot i'icnils oi cue eounounced already made nrMdent two vrhnmlil the of heartiest applications to federal bureau pie in extending the left Moab Wednesday Mr Rmrich good and wishes Castle fisheries for trout fry for Mill creek morning for Richardson of examining and Dark canyon lake which had been 'valley for the purpose A ish WSTRTYN IS IXED oil letter from State for prosepels The approved '' Hthat country ON BQQTI EGGING by of R H Siddo-rt Thompand Game Commissioner p out xxas made way also that fish way' stated would be L Boziccvich nn Austrian Austrian was ana a Lucas Boziccvich sons visvu Ironi the state for this dis-: available h timol By returnInj x hinilrd snvon niilcs at in® iHiv ut trict aTrevSieu mv during the year Letters receiv-I: Trlltiolhie tha llOftflV event Ti vivnr tiv w Deputy fli mier ??u ?tz ed by members ironi S B Locke in foUild thftt ll3 nml ui huk'i nnnn Qnnrrhofit iviH nines states vvv amvx nJ n tf rich Li charge ot the fish and liquor in his posrrsii lt tr ttADCiiuivuiL game department quantity ill plot in Hl5 pwrtiv li ovwvv1 had dolof district two forest service illllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllulll Tin IV flS brought to Moab front five hundred to a thousandIll also CAeuiA'n gave to the f held much encouragement his was Monday in nvc ivAi n n rue iumii hi and hearing travel The uotvv great local association and indicated his1L TV T WhanCt vmiY't Bozi-1 condition for auto H IIVIU uit hearty cooperation experu'ncea during and cevich was fined $50 est difficulty road B with centers S Locke unanimously elect-1 trip high was was of sand ed an "r'" honorary member of the associa-1 HOLDINGS SOLD bad stretchesthe CATTLE tion party besides Mr Tavlor this week' closed Those in Ralph AAurand and L K Walter V Boyle and T dial between Emr ich were H A Learning whereby he purchased Em-rich cattle Geo oil Robert as to solicit '200 and 00 head of from Tinker Denver men were named a committee The also with the Carter Oil company members for the Johnson and Bift Allred association 'It is W and for W Strong of the Big hoped to securea membership of about purchase price was $50 per headtransferal fifty local citizens who are interestthe herd and rights are range stock cc in the piopagation and with the The cattle aiu Success protection The Great Drury Lane Melodramatic Sal district in La oUfish and game and who will give ranged will giie muiei LOST- A gnme II rooster Messrs Johnson and Allied nearly support G kindly notil v'Mrs Green and unurcirtbiKJrtuvii It is believed that uneJr will bo their entire attention to their sheen no difficulty -Lj receive rewad and experienced in recruiting the ranch interests tership lemu An initiation feeme if del is charged :id the funds thus WITH LAME will be used to defray expeuss J incidentalto the planting of fish and life Two men 1 You never saw such a scene C game throughout this district at death grips at the lei of the viean eight fathoms below of the One the husband who seeks to cast Zzl man ‘ eyes : his The 1 aside the youth other the man faithful wife of COUNTY MUST RAISE ' J and loves her still who loved hoi : ' to evidence ot ' husband destioy the only The i his the certificate that L buried m' the silent EUNOS EUR PliST ROAD marnage xvaters of the deep other fights to p'ie'ent him The fig'? be s £ Av A that the honor of the woman he loved might beheld such a have never (Continued oh last page) The eyes of irmtal splendor The imagination of hunn ne county's share is simply has conceived such magnificence nnatter of as inis eter-that mans never has produced picture ii iiiu Mciuj anti govizadry of Maurice Tourneur a ftuvu'uiwiituhs v U' t eminent are willing to four tin r nal- on you would be everlastingly soirjr to say you dollars for every dofla JACK GILBSKT'' missed the people who arc ducctly I 'MAURICE TOURNEURS' county should by all means make The White Heather every effort to put up its dollar T hr Ji B 11 confronts practically same problem ' every county m the state that IRwoi has asked for a federal aid road proA large number of these coun-o ties have bonds They felt that' no in matter what the cost is to them'1 ' !a ' Moab i r I i l t 1 ' j f I L i ' n i 1 1 wk p t-a I Nearly 1OO Women's i " i i i - a I 1 !oi- $400 60c rom f Pair the - - - - 4 1 I A I I I a "We j i i a f t r I shoes : ' I I l - i : i I : : i r - a t v l l1 i j -- j j I tv o P t i ci Company & Martin Cooper 1 i i - SHn i -- i r -y-o i- ' i --- i 5 I a l ! t h X - ! V V t x 1 1 L I T l) u A - a J Tourner Maurice I j --presents- I I I t -the I 4-8 - n-i MELTING THROWER SNOW de-rived ' I i I "The Heather" White in-your ' i R t -seeks x mant-ihomn 4 1 4 1 1 I 1 X f - f i i j' r- a - i of-stae'eering I i - ‘ J-Tr' I ' ‘ k I benefitedthe i RRRnl 'let j Night Saturday r RRr Reid Wallace -issued pi otlei A lish I ‘ chemical used trench'fter the recent tin' rri I u- the z 'O' government cooperation re- U ' modem Z' ' LUMBER f-' - I I for do to repairs any is now JERSEY all while so : materials may high seem and higher the harder are With time steadily are what with have together coming can I to stock other going all obtain I now stock supply any what they l-on job at I far prices below be can in a Reports hax'e come to this office at least 'which oneof narrow escape the town had from two ranchers' hn bull attack by a stray Jersey which has been xvandering at large town'In through the streets of: the this instance there were happily no casualties dux' no doubt to the agility of those men who were unfortunate enough as to arouse the combative instinct of Bull: It is stated Mr that with the animal at large safe women and children arc It hardly is understood our thoroughfaies that complaint has been filed and that theJtow-n authorities with stens will be taktm to remedy the situation GOES OVER THE TOP Grand school children went Lover the county in the drive for top funds for erecting a monument in rance to commemorate the defeat of the months few BEOI'LE L i furnished O MENACES M()B of i ! they present BULL SAETY i1 at 1 i j I I I attention I Germans in the first battle of i V miles hour! an road to ' One cover Bush Lumber Co L ir to it? the the to ' Ho you snail's of TUESDAY NEXT Washburn Bryant m Ohi W 3 G s B M - ' ' d ' ' 'Z Z I & : j' ' ' f the did last-word uselessness in anybody in anything for life Then he got a sudden ambition to "something for somebody'' Oh boy Oh boy! where ignorance I v r-Crt' v'ts 4air( do " bliss tJ 1 'tis folly be to Washburn doesn't Don't miss it wise- play is and Bryant "wise one" a w kSx Next Thursday Thechildren $10 I j Do w'-r s kJ' Ih® in H-- He was He never his I iAia s To J t 's I? "Something w rR ' n- ' atthe engine thrill mighty a I Somehow or other the things that be unspec-tadilar-for to really count in life seemthrift and the instance government's thrift movement repr sentod in the sales of thrift and war savings stamps and treasury savings certificates pace who folks throb-throb 'Lasky-Paramounf The SOME A the girl?' clear--' Was post traveled "the for: The county Was asked and the pupils gave $1150 of the elementary grades the contributed 2 cents each and cents high school pupils each Marne Make EJ2VANTuXASflollPl'l 5 I 1 R to chug-chug REID JI WALLACE -'Wt time building roads he road -X the wo and 1 build contemplating those making or 2 1 election! The WjI a I j To I Hell-bent-for k f'avor-able Js ing SPEED? t' " i f) Roaring -should sum a i " 3 Road'' ?' 1 state-and the -U'l in the worth number ot citizens feel countv raise in sufticient funds to estab-5 J highway system connecting all parts ot the county They have suggested that instead of issuing bonds for the $60000 sum re-' to the post road (pined meet apportionment that the amount should be: $75000 which would provide funds for the Grand river ami Wilson mesa (aids The commisioners are to this plan and it is probable that the taxpayers will be asked to for bond issue $75000' approve which would take care of the road needs m all parts of the county w Good roads is the urgent and pressing need of southeastern Utah No better investment can be made by the taxpayers of Grand county than ta authorize the issuance of bonds in an nmount'sufficient to insure the completion of the construction work which is now' under way With an adequate highway connecting this the the section with outisde world that rlid prosjerity development five would result within the next than would more balance the yearn actual 'financial outlay that lump ! -thill of was red large i I the y |