Show 1920 THE Han Mr lor in was from 1WHI III Big Charles DeMoisy yesterday to be gone sev- Sal days Indian UIUUUI led down week 2 from I Engineer M Murtaugh luesday morning from a nSe where ht" hai1 liee for a road matters returnto! trip the List the to eiinrir jv eks Nathan Sunday n re few a ' ‘I rift -r 4 I couple M j U-H 7 A 1 W Evans state bank examiner trip through made and San' Grand C' L counties the last of the week on lla‘ of La Sal was daught- Juan Gm-luv official business MpI enthm A U priwer and mid sons Sunday 4I1U ftutls left Last week for jtuiay Grand Junction to pend of bevera! weeks Charles Snell returned the last was a visit-1 p McGuire of Sego the from trip' week prospecting jiab the'first of the week Superintendent D S L or McCorkle spent in Arizona and New Mexico the last of the lie will returned to the Navajo reservaoounty school trusj tjip of inspection to theweek from a tion this return William Muller schools in week is down troni ucIsuhoh wveiv Castle valley and Green River e Mel Mrs Stewart Mrs C A RobS Orr business visiwas and Mrs nr Ross Beach returned the last of the ertson Ada Darrow return-1 from Given River the last of the ed the last of the week from trio wees Sunnyside Utah where he had iiom Sult nt('ll e week been working for a crial com-j i ©ait Lake lity county and Sanpete points pany during the winter ('Icon Mie itzpairicK was of uown fribCastle the last the valley Mennel Ray came down from La 1) E P Baldwin Miller and 0 week A S1 np Inttf- v nf U1V WCCh iUiU Ku Tangren left Sunday for Price to on attend the Republican state congresheen'fm-J'5 10?! whero I'lnrles DeMoisey made a brief trip R and judicial siona district conventions as delegates from Grand county following A' (jiSlH lyjjo 1' i ' Dav after A Burn tn n PALE aftfcL- wv-ek Mrs Li Sal and r UTAH SPECIALS! i ami Mrs Joseph Johnson are happy parents of a baby girl bom last tinned t M and Devon Lea-j in were ofvisiting the week Sal days of M j 'IhuisihH X last of was J Wilkinson the La oral - Ul-vins the the Supervisor Tiiomp- La i from in is Albert last of Jameson of few ti SOU''- the fl-xn y master Moab MOAB i couple of days the week i Personal TiMES-lNDEl'ENDENT Redd spent a i and Local Charles in AfiVili Ill Moab 4 6 t MAY tjUKSDAY E j a i in-town ' ' 1 p 1 Don't II I ! ! a I'1 orget i riint ! a J I 1 t I Groceries f ! Hammond's at w -1- 1 on the makes following J t i DISCOUNT CASH vour a I h LOW I -lay Pick Glen Bailey and nil down from Monticello Saturday ami u I I - Mrs 11 R Pike the Carms J q the last the of i" fur will live this Ln rd 11 the ranch for the Vin An j i 4U v -P4Iia o Richard mn Mr Evelyn Mrs season Grade I) S Bacon less our 5''e Discount only Grade Breakfast Bacon less our Discount only Premium Hams less our 5 Discount only Lard less our 5'' Discount only 10 Pounds Best only Discount Wieners less our 5 Best ull ('ream Cheese less our 5 Discount only 50 Pounds lour less our 5 Discount only less Rice per Pound our 5 Discount only 8 Bars Palmolive Soap less our 5 Discount only Discount only 8 Bars Jap Rose less our 5 6 Cans Best Milk less our 5 Discount only Tomatoes per Can less our 5 Discount only Corn less our per Can Discount only Peas June per Can less our 5 Discount only 2 Packages Armour's Oats less our 5 Discount only Discount only Cans Shilling Coffee less our 5 10 Pounds Salt less out 5 Discount only 5 Pounds Loose Coffee less our 5 Discount only Carnation Wheat lakes less our 5' Discount only Taylor Mrs Brewer this M her Helen into the court uctCtld moved of I week west s a ' I i i t i - i rv i w t - I-Iirjiii - ' ii s r i i n -v-t i r i i !£-- - 1 w 10144 ruui V z the 4- L Ulis 1 I 4 A 11 (CHUI V flVJC I AnA V I 11 II I 1 1 UCti the week from Pottsville Texwhere she was called by the (leath Mr Patterson's father rt:inzrbz Martha : Moors zC - - rnis N Corbin left Mondav for week for New York City where he will take charge from where she will Thompsons sail tor Africa to serve toe mg warenouse wnicn v K as a uusn medical or S D Pace and Redd leased arrived the" last of the Charles missionary among the natives of Portugal have from week from Grand Junction and after the Africa Utah Eastern company Mr spending a in Moab-left days for will the railroad few Morse remain at the Pace Brothers after the 11 M range near Sidbad Adkinsotl minimr pni'ini'M town permanently looking who has purchased five earloads of warehouse business Sid Pace Jr and Miss Cleoh vanadium ore from II W Balsley an rode down from the Pace others left Sunday for Price where he Claude N Taylor motored in from ranch in Castle valley the last of the by Prewas delegate to the state convention' his ranch riday accompanied week and spent a few days here Irnm StJiif Cifv datory Animal Inspector B B Turner Mr laylor was joined here bntThe Joseph II Bankhead family are by Mrs A G the' Taylor and daughter Dr Ralston returned moving into their handsome last of the Grand Junction week from Oakland Calif v'110 h:)J heen at bungalow build by Contractor W new A where he had been to visit Mrs Rai-1 T1eV win sPentl fpw days here visit-ston Shafer inb' relatives and The residence is one of the hospital H friends Mr Tay-reports who is in there most attractiveand lor reports that stock have wintered modern in Moab that his wife's condition and is his credit to the community in fair conditionin mains unimproved section Miss j Mrs - : J $361 281' 17'4 - $325 19 95 $100 1919 7b $1 2-lb summer j I -uorse ' Hundred One Bars Best White WHILE Laundry 3J 47'j - $237 'A $698 Soap LASTS IT 'itzpatrick 1 i Discount your Cash Remember Per Cent Discount prevails in all the departments and reduces all prices to a low level It T i a I a to pays that I get 5 the r- ! a or office Earl V Woolley came down from the York Mining uranium company claims the first of the week and left fnr CrfHid Junction where 'I'nocdnv V OU IV no win receive uenuu aivtnuun See d i our splendid line of i There predate dresses is quality ourself of I I no the than better to way ap merits of these to examine materials the YOU real vate sale the following-described Predatory Animals Inspector B B and peisonal property to wit: Turner returned the lajit of the week REAL PROPERTY from the Book mountain section north the of the said All interests estate of Mack where he had been to inspect in and to the following mining claims the work of II J and Lew Turner trap-pers situated in Grand County state of who are operating in that section Utah and recorded in the office of the lie reports that hey are meeting with County Recorder of Grand County good success Wolves are numerous of to wit: State Utah ir that locality and Menard cattlemen have Menard No Menard No 2 experiencedheavy losses as a result raction Sangamon and an of the depredations of the interest in the pests The one-half Betivur have ext Turner brothers already ermQueen mining claims inated one (en of wojf puppies PERSONAL PROPERTY One 25-35 Caliber Winchester rifle pig pair blankets LOST - A small red inder one saddle two quilts one notify Mrs George Powell and one tarpaulin To be sold at 2 o'clock p m on the D 1920 May A Now that the Russian "Reds" are 29th day of bids will be Written received in insisting upon their members going to at the will Moab State work Bolshevism soon begin to sealed envelopes Bank Moab Grand County State of wane in this country Utah Terms of sale cash 11 W BALSLEY Administrator O THE DISTRICT COURT IN CHAS KELLEY Attorney for Estate GRAND COUNTY STATE O irst pub May (Iplast May 20 1920 II J Clark returned riday from Pueblo where he had been for sever-his vacation While weeks on visited his old home away Mr Clark at Ashland Kansas and renewal UTAH old time with friends Colorado and Kansas Estate of Ellis D Crawford He reports that have experienced some very severe ceased uTirinu han hoinr hit worse SAnn iuntr ur will sell at The undersigned UUh was me for al i ' CO BEST" undivided Christensen returned the last Vol ne ot A the week lzx-w from La Sal where Mil had been shearing sheep He reports the La got that Sal sheepmen fine the through shearing in shape loss due to the storms not exceeding ten animals white SERVES 1 Heber esses THAT STORE t I Hk pound for cleancotton delivered at this 1- " HAMMOND will Times-Independent a cents if 5 rags at once Girls THE L I The pay X- - ' zV THE Spring Dresses ' I I It Unft 1H last of I i ac-quaintanceship ! over Shoes Girls our for De- t ' TORNADO Red DEVASTATION CAUSES Stoves Star As one popular Moab business mai yesterday many a fellow who is crooked in everything else will votn straight politically said ! in and look Come of White new line Indies Misses and -- as of G -47''i 5 I i 'J i ' - 31 15 Bes-t Best summer ng new home just house which was conB Hammond Jr J II Wood and 1r'nR Ute past month by and Kendrick Levi and Mr Mrs George L Perkins of Monticello passed contractor V R Bush The house is children were over from Green River through n1eni throughout and is Moab Sunday most of the enroute to the last week tractive addition the Price to attend the to residence Republican condistrict of Moab as delegates from San Juan Sid Pace and Ralph Boyle spent a ventions couple of days in town from Castle county of Jack Rasmussen Monticello who valley the last of the week County Assessor 0 II Newell re had been shearing sheep at Ln Sal turned riday from was 111 town Saturday on his way to P G Woods left where he had been during Thompsons in' Albert Beachtheand last Gunnison and other points where he shearing of the for the desert of week to order to get the correct count on sheen v!1 sPt‘11 a monthson sheep chohi'inir wnrL' khave been La ill commence tnen spring ride which iiiwt-i mklnk oHav jaiitrni ranged in in urai Ltiiii w "'v - the county during lurii to ni winter Monticello ury itirm fer of last LEVEL PRICES READ THEM a Tuesday where they I (lay spent a week rs left ron and I'l in Moab left during the summer It hh'terstoodthat he and H T Jacktnn IriPmnvlv he lk nn in n o kV HIV iUUclU n located nt 'i"ug company out now Roosevelt will be associated in drug business there i Mrs Johnson located 1 1 i ail(j 1 and be p i ri-1 ' will isi V ----- I and the home in vrnnk modern home there P were anil Mr Homer L ov a' ? will Into vnni i (i3y week 1 jam Hyde Pvatfln rT adjoining the construct ' JttlJfcL'" last of the 1 Vrc - pri- IN ' "'"W"1'1 GEORGIA IIIIIIIYWNWM wonderful stoves are now in stock of these Samples of This m They burn for 19 hours from one gallon its fuel econo?y'ranoe gwhen stove is renowned for coal range when yyou with a hot wood or the summer I efficient of these can secure one minal cost and can operate bill would amount to Let Us Moab it at cSal 011 much le Them Demonstrate You or Comp Co-operative "EVERYTHING rffSAVL - TO EAT USE AND gr " -1 a y WEAR" 1'i fiiC' in cotton ii mill tike Ha ir district beds of among 1-a the Grange was wreckage aituosi 3 ent he lower r-ly upturned hy me picture shows an ccctit tornado Immense holt The tioinelw torn In n Imn-e were by n |