Show - --- ‘ ' i - V a ' ' -'HiV - At'-- ' ' 'H ' w "& ' ' A -'T'? '-SMV- f ' -S3 T"' --T aa£L-1- - PAGE THURSDAY MOABJJTAH TIMES-INDEPENDENT THE TWO ! frfrlH"Hi' AND BRIDES WAR THEIR CHILDREN Presentation ir:t Land Maori In Evening An 1 f Hotel 1 hMWt jSXflb I "1 1' Ralston The 4- Si-vernl heir York -W ' iii'iny k®® X fj v it 4 this also Ainerlcniibovs who louglit with the Englund innke their homes with Most of the war bndes me Biltnsh country represented front THE LPJ 1 WZ4 S 4 :: Stopping Place Southeaster! in Utah f kr iy fall teatlire musical the Maori is ! number Company I I to SAN HIGH JUAN SHERI MAN WITH RILE Prices Moderate at I '1' I : SAMPLE SERVICE 1 1 1 !" I Your Here's ROM IIIH I Chance I Your Bought Served t4 ATTENTIVE If you not getting your pa-IS are per regularly you will confer a favor upon us by notifying this office tm-The following from the Salt Lake mediately ot Tribune tells honors won at ntie shooting by rank Barnes formerly sheriff of San MICKIE SAYS Juan county who is well known here: "The first practice of the Salt Lake' Rifle and Revolver club since the team TV? THIS AINT J OAVIGONE returned from Caldwell N where fwcll Liwmgondest it business annwan placein class C was hel won fifth RO ort cow in N'Th an late on the Douglas range when the first a boob qualification course was staged M The lbs' nunnit m nlakesus N H fHEN WE HADTA STOP 'N PLANE O Graham was on A HICrH CUT N TH PAPERS GOT the assisting the THEN range and new members N and ULE or 'LECTRICITN STUCK T EVERYTHIN' ammunition were guns to N XNRAPEP 'ROUNP Th rowers any members who did not TH INK STARTED STRERKUJ have a gun The match was attended) M TvaEN b'f Lt 'N LME TH' big rifle N THE by a 6USEO WSO crowd of enthusiastic O' Th SACK N fans PAPERS SOKAE rank Barnes won the honor: TRAIN WH of the the excel-j OLKS COME pesterin' ROUND day by piling up 'n lent THAE same boobcofae papers score of 224 out of a possible 250 Although Barnes is a recent acqu'-) UnT'kick'boui a mistake intu'ao'ni sition the Salt JL'T PIER (HIS HjRtA-'N of he has Lake club NOW pt than made good and would have 'GONE 5U‘ CWNGONt LUCK ANVWAtJ more been counted among the winners atj Caldwell but for an illness in the fam-1 ily which calbd him home during the' early stages of the national matches'') ORMER Meals inest Zealand i You Leading The 1 Have O 1 the Klhson-V lute st va is be presentedon 1‘apakura who is famed headed by N H These native th rmiehoiit New Zealand as the leading tenor of the island and tin simple New Zealand singers carry the melody ot the South Seas to solo ami grandeur of their peaceful island into their music In addition ot theii chorus work the Maoris will present in their native costumes some of Mr will also tell something Papakura unique and beautifulfolk dances the life the Maori people of picturesque New customs and traditions ot The jjg MANAGEMENT t this ! ' 1 i Lieutenant-Colonel Season Ticket? furnished ord j The doing Greatest longer any enjoy so want you to Entertainment of east 1 ATERTviEie 'vj- I Touring V Ever 5 Had DR EVENINGS - CATTRON CHIE 5 IS APPOINTED REVENUE DEPUTY The Salt Lake Tribune Thursdayhas the following appointment of James - the of October 11 Salt to Lake the say L A Cat-tron office Company " A Most The Gibbons Arthur Sergeant Guest Thrilling Lecture of ( i cor CHCRf Prop - - Utah - hi c I ect here Salt in i (ry to He will s th f : department his duties Lake October with the establishment here of the collector'soffice Mr Cattron from the state industrial commission last week in order fo take his over He has been ‘a new work commission member since January 1919 or six years previous to 191n of Mr Cattron was St Mark's hospital During the war he was draft board inspector for Salt new Herbsnian C RANZ H Green'River (tVt REN4 MlfeEl'1 j? arranging Year the the J Vfc Ng 1 the'Kaiser" of G excellent Entertainer Wit A ay Epperson Music An Evening of Worth-While Received Just Carload cuaeiEs KlhrTUJCK I Concert Rims MIDLAND GARAGE industrial a Stearns-Gregg Demountable of chief deputy of the Utah headquarters of internal revenue collections Dr Cattron made several tbips to south-i astern Utah as a member of the commission and later as draft board inspector at which time he made friends in this section many who will pleased to know of the recognition tendered him for his record in war work "James L Cattron of Salt Lake former member of the state industrial has commission been appointed as chief deputy of the Utah headquarters of internal revenue collections tinder D C Dunbar recently appointed head of the inew district according to an announcement made by C yesterday in Helena Mont D Croissant of rt d intendent of collectors of internal revenue "Mr Cattron isnow-in Helena details of the work of transferring -16 and Self-Starter With I last) of) of to Equipped All 5- Moab in Car ) if 1 delay Dont £ Qm Of ifir X5 assume J 1 resigned "America's A Man'Who Need" Thrill and Will Inspire You Ida ? jk 1 Land Lake" Singers ive and Direct Land Zealand Native Entertainers New in from t i their Pig Clubs Successful Illinois during the past: year pig clubs were organized with of this enrollment of 934 number finished the work and kept complete records Members reporting managed 562 pigs weighing in all pounds The value of these animals $2468456 cost of production was $13 68 34 profit $1100422 Caesar In an 480 Nayphe 92-841 Oriental "The Pageant" Defies that Lecture-Entertainment Will You Certainly Description order will have certain make to seat a you all at of have must Records Important Boys and girls in this you the programs 116492 U The cost season a These Your Season Ticket MEN S of the DEAD to IN I I and Now - n'a-HruM -a k -SLjamM A-- A n if nr Kill'd in action 355S5 or 11 per of the entirelist died of wounds died of died 14742 disease 58073 and accidents other causes 8092 the Under htad of "missing" the announcementrecords a zero with the' notation "all corrected" of i ) i On Quality! is I O1A - cents a package Caaipi sold everywhere in ecientifically scaled packages of'Q cigarettes or ten packages 200 cigarettes) in carton We strongly thia carton for the home oroCtce supply or when youtraveL glassine-paper-covered a recommend B 8 eliminated after-taste Camels are made of an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos and are smooth and mild but have that desirablefull in body and certainly hand out satisfaction generous measure You will prefer this Camel straight! blend to either kind of tobacco smoked HV tv the United established and 205-690 of wounded a total 322182 figures include! losses to army all marine units on fronts to 1 You Your enjoyment of Camels will be very great because their refreshing flavor and fragrance You and mellowness so enticingly different Bite never tasted such a cigarette of is and there cheerful absence any a unpleasant cigaretty or any cigareltyodor unpleasant 18 W: 1' September a- A is Give Camels the stiffest tryout then in compare them with any cigarette the world at any price forquaiuy matte? flavor satisfaction No smoke ® how liberally you will not tire Camels they your taste! I U is cent iiiltb Ml Bin I WAR war States in man power is now officiallyas 11692 dead ticket Buy Mkywja accurate that Win They mi in Club Work club wont learn to keep accurate accounts from day to In day of their projects animal feeding for example their records contain such items as cost of feed cost of hired labor if value of club any members' time or Isbor receipts from sales or value at end of feeding period and profit Aside from the value of the work to the boy or girl in the project itself there is a training and educational value in complete and record keeping and a benefit from actual ownership which will be helpful to these future farmers when they assume larger responsibilities This Seize Opportunity of Enjoying of Series Splendid Entertainments In jI 109 Julius A Z I Maori -rtA igarettes sup-rintendent in Evening An - but A children of hundred wives mid urrived In New liushniidsand fathersIn ranco and Belgium are Ttriilsh 1 wlMaJH 1 l ? 'dtoi Company Hotel OWNER i" 1 UNDER " PRIQj It Thompson " OCTORp 1 REASONABLE EQUIPPED NEWLY t America In 1 I1 IL J REYNOLDS Vinston-Salem i TOBACCO N C CO 1 |