Show ®be ®mes-lnbqmtitenf A VOLUME MOAB SURACING OBSERVANCE MEI f'ONSOLIDATlON O THE GRAND TO GRAND - PROCEED COUNTY UTAH AND THURSDAY W NATAT ON LOCAL POST JULY 1 THE INDEPENDENT NUMBER 1920 30 r- OLD Bridge Low OUR O TIMES VALLEY 46 ARE LOCATIONS ROAD DRILLING VALUELESS HELD ' 1$ ON WM TEST RILL NEW HIGHWAY WJLI elkd wherever BE A AT 1 COST O 1 chav NEEDED li 000 GROUND OIL I ' CANNOT feA? BE SION O UNDER HOLE A(T HELD DECI TO LAND ACCORDING IS 'TO NO L OICE K will TAKEN PLACER-l'ETROIEUM I COMMISSION AGREE To PLAN ERS I ? 11 COUNTY f PROGRAM PATRIOTIC WILL main feature of cedeBRATION BALL GAME xrn PininDDKDO CHILDREN'S AND SPORTS ON JULY ITH 7 I I CEDCEB UNDER SPUDDED IN AND POINT AVORABLY RAPID COMPLETION SURACE WATER ENCOUNTERED INDICATIONS 1I quiet though Moab stage That the Thompsons-Moab Oil genuine celebration of road will be surfaced in the near fulocations made under the old The cooperative test well on the none the less day this Independence Horse ture m order that the new grade placer-petroleum law Six Oil lease west of year unless oil had Big company to may racing and other sports common be put in use by fall been Grand river was spudded in the first the decision discovered prior to ebruary 25 of here will be was tho celebrations probably state 1900 the locators cannot week and operations are proceeding or the road are invalid and commission at a the with entirely and favorably The hole is notv program meeting held in Salt Lake City Tuesday now hold the ground and hope to will consist of a patriotic meeting a ® according to a decision down considerably below the depth secure patent by the parade children's sports and a baseball handed down United States of the river bed and no surface water Resident Engineer Eugene Bush of t this land ofice The decision will bo of nor quicksand have been encountered game place presented a plan under wide makes it practically certainthat As July 4 falls on Sunday the entire which the post road between Thompsons interest in this section and will Tins will be will take place on July and f the experienced in definitely dispose of contention litth' difficulty program Moab will be surfaced with the Well down On the that the leasing bill according to morning of the 5th a parade gravel or shale at a cost of $55000 in was not retroactive putting in y and Drilling Contractor George H Mulvey which the children of Moab tne state is to could not affect locations furnish ten automobile the old law fact that Were is no will participate will take place This and a under The surface trucks this steam shovel under will be a The following the Oil and Gas water which caused months of pageant of the natons the and the from many arrangement portions to be (Ckvyrta children delay on the Western Allies well will representing thei different surfaced now will be the most difficult CARTOOM-ZOM Journal probably the leading oil 1 facilitate the hn mIIiph rinrinff tno in the tells of the greatly operations on xv country uu woro 111V nn4c ail ill the road in for awc'-r J' w-11 land test hole and will enable the drillers world war Immediately following the 6000 feetOt out of Thompsons 6000 about office decision: feet to Artesia N M June 12 - J II make rapid progress parade the patriotic program will be -at Valley City feet IS viVT 17100 IrrL between I1UU WPP of the field division rig and all the equipment if XI cx xx Mile avorite chief Tlie drilling neiu hg une duh Seven iituoiey ueurge wash and Moab canyon the of United States Land have been rigged up substantially Constantine will be the orator of the 9000 feet below Moab and last of the week has and by the day The program will be as follows: 6000 feet fromthe Grand canyon river Office Washington D C bridge the work will proceed continuously on the nations children to the Moab city limits The handed down I decision as'to the Pageant of well of the oil cogregation H to validity placer "America" one-half of this cost out of AT prayerConstantine pay in drill that will be of spudding the its claims interest to In penetrated W Balsley oration Attorney recently authorized bond funds thousands of people throughout a slide and encountered numerous male quartet Robt M and the federal government tn nuv tiw Arizona and New Mexico and will boulders causing some caving and Boyle West Hammond Earl Harris other half mii An amended projectstatestatethe nun authorized anienuea necessitating casing off surface and L L by project forever set at rest the question Taylor piano solo Miss vuiici nient was the commisof validity This formation Yesterday an ample ruling states: Dorotny Kirk reading Miss Hazel sion ami the matter is to be submitted of twelve-inch quantity casing was "Performanceof annual Berry national airs children: beneto the county commissioners of (BY SPECIAL WIRE SERVICE TO TIMES-INDEPENDENT) placed on the ground work on placer claims and is today diction W R McConkie for their consideration assessment Grand county in the is not being set" hole the Convention Hall San rancisco July 2 Convened sufficient to make them This will eliminate In aftenoon a children's dance If the county authorities sanction the Convention - valid oil land the trouble as locations and it is expected and at 10:35 a The report of the platform sports for the work will start at once It is Committee was young folks will plan m that slight within depth the hard be conducted the under the placer mining sports to be held planned by the commission io defer submitted by the chairman Senator Carter Glass By the laws to this formation will be drilled into the Central park A according ruling at baseball game work on seven miles of the Thompsons-Moab The league of nations plank advocates immediate ratification end of this week two towers will be will also be held but except those on withdrawn lands whether it will road the is where present road relief of working Drilling Contractor Mulvey but does not reservations making clear' or specific as covered in provisions take is in oppose more place Sunday or Monday good shape though not in accord 19 of the that after the Sections 18 and estimates walking beam will be with the American obligations to her league associates new The game probably survey location This portion leasing bill are valueless 1'atents is in use a minimum rate of 10 or 40 between the Moab team and a team of the highway lies just east of Court The Irish plank expresses the sympathy of the Democratic feet be maintained cannot be secured for such locutions per dayof will recruited from the post road crews It house station and constructed party for the aspirations of Ireland for the was within the of oil In view favorable unless a discovery progress nirs neen impossible to two years ago by state convicts Lat arrange a game of had already made and the fact that there limitations internationalcomity and usage been made thereon prior to road will be witn eitner Green Kiver or Bego on er the convict-built was declared 1920 no surface difficultes caused ebruary 25 or unless on No mention of the liquor question is made in the platform account of other engagements those unsatisfactory to the government and that by it is confidently date the claimants were in water and quicksand teams have There will be the usual a Balloting on the candidates for the nomination of president diligent eliminating well be new survey numerous prosecution of leading believe) that the can big dances in the" work will evening and special adopted this afternoon in curves was commence to completed six weeks or two months discovery and continued feature productions have been anThe plans of the stcte road commis-1 there will be such with to though considerable work diligence even nounced by the Ides theater sii do not at this time The Democratic national convention Agriculture Meredith he lime formations hard drilling through on each claim at San construction of the post The 'subcommittee on platform road opened Monday rrancisco and which it is There are many holders of placer known will be in session throughout the adopted a liquor plank unsatisfactory HOSPITAL COMPANY grade through the city limits of Moab has been i: claims which were initiated week The first two days were spent to Bryan who states that he will carry before ebruary 25 1920 that are Officials of the Big Six Oil company ILES ARTICLES in and the the the floor of the preliminary nomfight to matters convenin and the Oil returns are canvassed Embar doubt as to the validity of company who are inating speeches did not commence tion their and cooperating in putting down the test claims others Articled of incorporation of the until many yesterday afternoon Kentucky yielded to Ohio and J G bole jubilant have are The board 01" county commissioners paid for legal adyice which over the favorable Moab Hosnital comnanv were filed The convention was called to order Jnhnann nnminnwri Cnvpmnr (nv indiations of an early completion of this lu tne advice stated the claims were still week with the secretary of state nieu iviuiiuay eanvaas returns by S Cummings big Monday Chairman Homer who given demonstration the and they was valid The from the special bond election held location or well are confident that of even though no company is incorporated for who delivered the keynote lasting 35 minutes The states 19 The result was found to be when the drill reaches the sands Moab assessment work had been performed with shares of a par value of $1 June speech in which he vigorously assailed Kentucky Arizona Ohio Maryland the will as the unofficialcount comdefinitely be placed among the nook same The A the thereon TLa nX11 the Republican platform feature and lorida joined in Times-Independent Aransas fields of the west Piled by and The ruling is clear concise and subscribed is S31 RO Thfinffinprs arpof the opening day was the parade around the hall as' 126 against to the direct follows:or point and coming John Peterson present H G of a Green was portraitof President Wilson B A Jenkins of Kansas City nominated 29 Commissioners vice majority for bonds 87 from the Interior Departmentat R president W McConkie which resulted in an enthusiastic McAdoo after stating that he GAS PRESSURE J and W Williams Heber Washington shouldbe sufficient J P Miller in the had told do but who with president's honor been not to so with and Murphy were present at the meeting parade AS DRILL NEARS SAND C A cqnclusive Hammond Don Taylor and On Tuesday the convention opened the assurance that McAdoo would C A Enthusiastic Robertson at if form the boad of o'clock and the reports of the drafted by party directors That the well being put down by the The stockholders are given TIMELY RAIN committees on credentials and permanent parade of states followed Minnesota ROADS ARE WORTH DRAGGED MonumentalOil company on the Hul-kito organization were accepted The Maine New Hampshire Arizona to county SOAKING RAIN structure south of the San Juan committee on order of business recommended Colorado Texas Louisiana Kansas H that the river is nearing the oil sands and that Strong J R Menominations proceed Wisconsin Utah Massachusetts Bankhead W J? P ollowing Saturday night's soaking another hundred feet should bring in Conkie Nevda South Dakota Wyoming CalMiller Abe Day H W One of the best and most timely before the adoption of a platform and the' Moab-Thomsons rain road was Balsley Alex G Ralston C S productive well is the statement of Thom- rains that has the report was adopted ifornia Michigan South Carolina Nebeen enjoyed in thorough dragging by the J E Charles Youle driller for the company Snyder John T Loveridge The nominating speeches comment'- braka and' Maryland joining (lemoned given a tion for a onff time took placeSat-O A Moab Garage company The big who was in Moab a 'few minutes Tangren Albert C Wednesday On the roll call of stration Taylor W urday nht There was a steady states Arizona yielded to Oklahoma freight trucks were taken off the line Monday Mr' Youle was on his way Bliss J E Burke Cochran of New York nominated for DuBois Vivian C Du-I used in to and day and pulling the to Salt Lake City X5O1S k (J Senator Owens was placed in Governor Smith of that state secure repairs Clark R letcher Lydia downpour all the night and the ram A tools and stated that he TlvlnP Cl YlvrYvn TT TzyLtt nn part oi rne The convention reconvened at 11:30 drags The roads are now reported for some general over tins nomination There xas no demonstra-inn was The garage been nnnwtBifinn snrnndpdl today The platform tx be in very good shape would return to the fields immediately T Learning Andrew Somerville state The range and crops havethou(Thursday) it the P A to the of many by of Arkansas and that it not While dragged Me conferred with Clark Earl xfuivvn Dalton XJD SO IjL McCorkle J A benefited extent Governor Brough committee anounccd was company 2A vx w IVlVVUlKlt feels to gratis amply repaid manager of Hie company while here Somerville V R C A Ham-1 sands of dollars Mrs iLztrura itzgerald oiof Boston report The understanding roads Rush Mrs hoslod ormer isready that the platform will not be subthrough the improvementthat was Mr Youle minted that u strong gitff mond Knnx PpfWnn nQi Governor Shellenberger of Nebaska m vi The desert ranges were already and has been by the drill it until the brought about motorist tapped riott B J the being higher than nominated Hitchcock There mitted after nominating every pressure Max Maud 1JEno 'good grass Senator J Taylor u ixri 1I1UUM nv owho has occasion to use the road will tho pressure being sufficient to blow and Loren L Taylor Robert had been for a number of years no uemonsiruuoii auu no wJamesDalton' was first secuniis speecnes nave ueen cuiiipieieu feel kindly toward the truck "hands" off a heavy board placed over the holo rain will result in better feed for Thomson D L Goudelock B The demonstration followed the New Mexico Oregon and Utah seconded for their timely workv It is believed that the sands will soon H cattle and the nomination of March D H E Bald-! sheep than has been had for naming of Homer S Cummings by McAdoo Dalton D be win time to S the of pierced and a good production is Don Taylor W J according stockmen John Crosby nominafion being Carter Glass Virginia was nominated Meador Anna a long The well is by of Los by lood of looked for down Jn the seconded Parker Angeles Representative H OIL MAN wirx ano Snarer of 1300 feet of put that state neighborhood O CISCO SOLDIER Bigelow Pennsylvania John S AITH IN MOAB Mr Clark will leave for the fields A SEGO WlkS CLOSEBALI Mitchell Palmer in nomination At 1:10 this afternoon the convenOR BURIAL in days by a few accompanied this number Indiana did not present name of tion adiourued until 8 o clock will G AMR of prominent oil WITH HIVXBU MH AD TPA M Vit e Carl Westesen of Olathe Colo them President Marshall Claude Poreveim? at which time balloting men among JUT11U' well the The body of Phillip Campbell oi ter of general manager and the president jowa nominated Secretary of probably commence known oil operator and stockman died in of the A ("lisco who LngTand soon after Carter OH close cjimp n an arrival Monday on business company was his to - was either side's gapie until the last his arrival there on way connected with oil holdings which he G M COX this country McADOO JAMES has here O inning was over Prance Mr Westesen will leave in VALUATION was returned to COUNTY day was played hereandSun- aland rest at few between the on Sunday was laid to a days for his holdings in the Sego team IVE-MILLION his parents MARK Moab team organized on the spur of Grand Junction where Burnett field of Texas where he has flio nh one drilled The ri family at rTa time imo twelve wells After spending uii nuiy 'niyr give uie cuai uuys camp total a contest final lived at Picturegallery near Cisco he will The assessed valuation of contest The return to - It score Wwas 8 to III 7 some time hasthere In cnir included in the Grand county Is $5099824 according fact thai the local boys and ComnMl was Moab He utmost confidence T he iac unaj ii ine local coys diiu yvuii young uampoen was mouueu v in the Moab fields and looks for a to figures justof made public by the "u naa no previous pratice they put the draft from this countyHe although good well to be board equalization This UP a good game and the crowd thor-ou‘'y he registered in Arizona brought in this sea state was tne includes the valuations as computed enjoyed the perforin ance second Grand county boy to lose his son by the rhe The following ac-ik county assessor amounting to Sunday game was the starter life in the war the Grand and the assesshients made is $2555668 one and from RUITA BIG ar - and season anu WUICI other nintUlltfN matches wirn Willi uiv LANS by the state board amountingto ego Green River will be arrang- vvunuui Junction Sentinel: TIME ON JULY 5 All public utilities such fed fc(i as afternoon at 1:30 there "Sunday the Jr'S V railroads car companies telegraph A meeting of Moab fans ahd busi-1 will be held at Episcopal church ruita Moab's neighbor just across and lines as wrell as the of telephone pess held mines pess men was funeral services over remains the Monday evening funeral state line will conduct a rousing and tor the mining by V soldier property are assessed Campbell a young purpose of organizing the ball Phillip i celebration on July 5 and a cordial the team and bosid of equalization and entered the service assuring the boys that the bov who army service invitationis extended to Moab people thesestate in Grand county town is r 1 behind them who passed aggregate $2 Ample finan- J1V1II from this county and to attend in view of the fact that 544156 ial Janit is at Winchester England on Jan-noped support was assured and has not arranged away awav Moab elaborate any that aiuary 6 1919 recent y Moab will soon The body was olj our country's natal day have celebration IS and SPLENDID GRADE that will be should returned to this country In reciprocation a credit to the town ruita will send a big oab COMPLETED BY CONTRACTORS line-up riday or Sunday was: reach' Grand Junction on delegation to Moab on July 24 when R aird and Thomson pitchers: EmSaturday the ruita ball team will come to this three Some miles of completed win oe neia "The funeral service place to meet the caira ana inomson Moab team post grade on the postroad from Thompsons base Baldwin base under the auspices of the local will include second The ruita celebration south has been surfaced and on n' 'fd base guard of honor American Legion and a big wrestling bout between Woods shortstop a DuCray and Ro'i its last Sunday Monday of this week was the to fight field will accompany body and for the middle-weight Reeves center Dudley The 1 rolled with ten-ton roller grade i?arris' lpft fiedresting place in Orchard Mesa ceme championship of Colorado several is in fine condition' and When it is R C meeting Clark was tery fast baseball games a program ol turned over to traffic will give a cKp knlsn as managerof the Moab base-team "Phillip V Campbell was 23 years and sports dances similar amusement speedway unequalled in this part of and David Baird was elect-ptCaBiainof age at the time of his death and is The affair being given un-uer the country IL AU of the road between of James J T the son Mr and Mrs the of the post of Learning Knox direction ruita Thompsons and Valley City will be cilriterson and Alex G who now reside on a ranch the Ralston were Campbell American Legion and the former completed at once by Clark Bush & west of thBven'HS a fnance committee and some three miles north and for service boys are sparing no efforts military Coan the contractors the He was registered see to treasury has a this city make it a whirlwind success post fuu ° but received has and Other portions of the road in Although MCAdbb's contenders from present least $50 on service Arizona name time hand at all The invitation to Moab people to be which ara now being constructed are transfer to go with the troops from been placed before the convention the convention will ruita's guests on July 5 on appears elsewhere the grade just south of the Moab stiffs Sunday the team will play a a Mesa county with a He left here in this his he is the first few ballots be deadlocked impression and the grade against protests bridge both east and of bfjdge team and on the Sunday contingent soldiers on November it is of stnfa the as not believed that Seven Mile wash New probably the strongestof west fnlbL dge teqm and on the Sunday His 1917 parents for some time Mr and Mrs Perry A Clarx and bridges are being constructed across 'rill ranch candidates and his nomnation is either can muster a two-thirds on a near Cisco Utah meet either Green River and Miss Bethel Watts motored Tack creek south of Moab and across-the or Valley majority during the initial bal children niifJt or July 241 a since moved to the Grandthat predicted by many' McAdoo just of the w'th but in Thompsons Sunday to wash dugway in Kame the from west 3 keen arranged to be play-"i and it was at their request ed Moab canyon Cox and Palmer are the leading loting attend the ball game it Moab body was returned here for burial ' a I dispensed s r ' ' 5 initiated m I1I W L'l -X -I - a i 1 la z i I i a i 1 l l i I 4? k l -COL pub-location ' X r DEADLOCKED R ' A - - x d countyis CONVENTION EMEO I SAN RANCISCO so-called i i so-called I -Alllocations a undecided self-government I I discovery contemplate'the" t ' encountered I i I - $5-000 oil-producing unveiling STRONG secretary-treasurer ‘ 1 accept 1 ' ‘ thousands ATER "l ' 1 thisn i a E ' -2 a J T-T T - 1-Tic ' v i ‘ J m a i r tr - -ne I PROMINENT HAS j I BODY RETURNED I i i a a - - - V ' - ' I i I W OVER L u - u u - - i n - t x r x i i a ' 1 t t i a : - -K 1 f - t I 1 II I I I X 1 - i ri1 ii I n i IL) 1 1 J -fnnpml - ‘ - $2-544156 1 i j " v - -- -V Ww- - t ' r a indications 1 resided |