Show T1MES-1N THE LIVESTOCK SPECIAL ZX DEPENDENT MARK Kansas City Stock Yards-Dec 26 usually Though Christmas week period of slack' demand prices in all is except divisions stnntial hoi sub- Hogs broke - one-third o ! I MOAB he will you that American world the best in the roads - in He saw the foreign in Europe - and rance the best countries - and he knows Hot Air Heating Stove Repairing WEEK'S ' i 1 j r Independent Publishing Company Building Moab Utah A I i I1 - j 1 " j i Billiard Moab I Hall aHmMm 1 : II ! ' RECEIPTS UTAH MOAB L A RATH Gentleman's place Amusement of 1 Engineer Civil ( MOAB Candies Soft Drinks and Tobaccos Make Your Headquarters While in Moab UTAH Cigars ! i This i ' V -i a i I railroads are INSURE PAUL WITH IRE THE & MARINE t DAY ABE CO INSURANCE t Prop 1 1 were England other in and Continental day this the four week and trade days Plain to $100 but the cents 75 was to ordinaryquality prevailed the supply all killers WLocal STRONG Agent McGONAGLE G for total gain 1 State Engineer! Date Date of first pub Dec 18 1919 of completion of pub Jan 15 1920 J I I 1 ' needed has Sam ARMERS a Uncle took billion dolto fill orders and them appropriated NOTICE TO WATER USERS HAMMOND & KELLER hia guaranty of lars to back up Short red rcadilv at the advance Office Salt Lali for every bushel of wheat State Engineer's $226 sold up to Nothing $1500 LAWYERS steers' 19 With City Utah Nov 1919 assurance" Ordinary you produce of tip-top far-sighted choice to prime was offered a price awaiting the Notice is hereby given that N B I Utah J Monticello ean Utah has made harvest of short fed steers brought $1075 to Knight of Moab your crop you the look to of 1050 in with forward with pleasure A few pound accordance $1225 bunches of the meeting all outstanding obligeCompiled Laws of $10 reWestern grass fat steers brought by the Session tiona and creating a goodly 1917 as amended sold Utah at for to to appropriate fund future needs $1075 "Canner'i cows of Utah 1919 serve Laws Thia bank works for and with (5) of a sccond-foot $550 to $600 cutters $fi25 to $750 in M BOYLE the farmer and respectfully Grand and fat cows $800 to $1050 prime of water from Monty Spring solicits your deposits Said spring is situate N 60 at heifers County AND CLOCK were deg grades up to $1210 the northeast W? 1100 ft from to Veal calves brought $850 36 Z'' lacking Township Section REPAIRING corner of $1600 South Range 23 East Salt Lake Meri-1 reptRAL RES1RV" EEDERS dian The water will be divert d at Efficient Work Guaranteed svsTBwrodWi STOCKERS AND spring and conveyed by means of Demand for Stockers and feeders the ditch to equalizing reservoir UTAH a an to moderate sufficient though was will be" located S 35 deg W which for all the offerings at 50 to 75 400 ft care from the spring The water good A reservoir many will be conveyed from this National Bank cents higher prices irst there and further distance ofto'500 ft and feeders brought $1050 to $1175 November of reconstruction in used from April to $1025 Trade of land Stockers $900 40 each to irrigate year acres reduce both stock calves and stock cows and embraced sail in the NW14NE14-of BARBER SHOP As much of said water heifers was dull Section 36 Props MARCH & HARRIS be will be used dur-in1? may necessaryfor stic purposes the entire year dorm Hog prices' today were 15 to 25 TWO CHAIRS This application is designated than' Wednesday's and office higher average in the State Engineer's as No Prompt and Courteous Service 50 cents above' the low time Tuesday 8191 Baths in Connection grantin'' protests against the when the market broke owing to heavy ofAIL bidding said application stating the reasons in Compared receipts Chicago be "made by therefore must 15 cents a accompaniedwith week ago prices are 10 to lu dunlicate Iinavil in LlUpilUUlV fttVUKIjMUinu Active demand prevails with a fee of $250 and filed in this ofSoutheastern lower map of (30) the days nfvr this packerstrying to hold the market un- fice within ofthirty the uf Hotel publcation completon Utah showing sections and townships nA 'T'U ICI WAS notice lue uup jovvv ? of sales $1340 to of Grand and San Juan counties 1385 and bulkG McGONAGLE " pigs' remain State Engineer $1375' Stock hog's and Newly Painted Papered if first 27 Date-of publication Nov and together with valuable Information in active demand of publication 1919 of completion Date LAMBS SHEEP AND and oil Dec 25 1919 Water on for the home-seeker Hot and Cold loor Sheep and lamb prices today are Second ed lambs the highestof the locator season USERS ffiLS' bylhe TO for the adverliAement 1a published NOTICE WATER Every Attention Given only fair quality sold up to $1730 Coinfort and Convenience brought State Engineer's Office Salt Lake of Our (SlA'SoclatioticJ Prime grades would have Gueata City Ewes brought $11-oo Utah Dec 10 1919that $1750 or better is given Amasa $1400 Notice hereby MONS PETERSON Prop and yearlings are quoted at of MRS Moab and Lottie Larsen to $1500 Thou detirinq informationconcerningthe railroad Owing to lack of offerings Larsen application in Utah have made The Auocia-twit obtain literature by writing to may a good many orders for feeding lambs with the requirements of the only is the accurate map ever pub lurk 61 of 1917 aJeeJoejHjpeJeejMjMfoeJooJseJoeJseJaeJeMjMjosMjMjoejMjeejMjs of Railway Ezecutiue Rroadway New Utah as remain unfilled Compiled Laws by the Laws of I amended Session I lished of this section and is easily CHARLES M PIPKIN 1AY and tan Utah Itnl to 1919 imn vvu J' Correspondent Uppiupitavc Market of second-feet water from Beaver worth many times the price asked X f'votiV unamed tributary of REPAIRED nnd an Said County said creek in Grand NOTICE OR PUBLICATION at a $ diverted Hoint hoe having a similar Will V'5 A SADDLE grubbing WtiVcrft south and UiVClVvU HARNESS AND or a 410 ft east POISON PLANTS AND THE from effective in digging 1968 WORK A SPECIALTY LIVESTOCK LOSSES blade has been found Department of the Interior 52 CONTROL O the southeast comer of bee soil-a the plants Merlout or rocky at Salt 25 S R: 25 E S L and U' S Lake M Base LAND Times-Independent the end pick with one flattened to a City dian and coneveyed 196835 ft in a All Work Guaranteed The losses 'of livestock within Utah d:tch isher Valto poisonous width of about 2 inches or a pick-mat and discharged into national forests due December 1919 that Mar-cuc ley Creek from' which creek it will given plants aggregate about 6000 cattle fork having a 9 inch blade is recomNotice is be diverted at points namely N two Considering V who on and Beeson Ia Sal Utah deg 15 16000 sheep annually n ended min E 1845 ft from southboth 1914 made Homestead Entry 48 7 the and S 9 deg present high value of The cost of grubbing varies from May corner of Sec SWV4 west Serial No 012525 for N14 Section-27 the north52 min E per acre ac3126 ft from sheep and cattle it is of great importance $250 to $1300 about SW'4 SWU'-SE in said township SE'A west of Sec 6 of the the accessibility S R E Salt Lake Meridian corner to control or prevent the losse T 28 25 rnrrlinoT to and range The water will be of filed of intention to of soil and has notice The forest service patches type number to Oct 31 inch of so far as possible used from April inal three-year Proof to 4 make Las 3407 acres of accomplished a great deal within plants per acre land claim to the above described each year to irrigate 26 34 35 land in Secs 25 the past than few years in way of larkspur before PRICES Between 1915 and 1917 more the Clerk of the District and 36embraced Secs T 24 S R 24 E 30 and EQUIPPED of cattle of a Utah the million acres Moab on 3 eradication a quarter Court at R 25 E Secs 2 31 T 24 S 1920 R 24 E and Secs The principal poisonous plants on range were freed of tall larkspur at 26th day of January 11 and 12 T 25 S Claimant names as witnesses: the 6 and 7 T 25 S R 25 E locos and lupines a cost of $1100000 Cattle valued at ranges are: the A Day George W Johnson In addition nine hundred also in 1917 N of the to saved pea family which nearly $1600000 were of La Sal Utah A L Larsen all of is to be acre-feet water the alfalfas and vetches water as a result of grubbing on 9 national and James Moore of Moab Utah to January Decmcber the parsley stored from BLAKELY Register 31 GOULD B hemlock or poison parsnip of forests inclusive of'each year in a reservoir the realirst pub 25 last Jan 22 also includes results already Dec unamed tributary family which The excellent located on an in of Creek and embraced ruch relished vegetable celery death r ed through grubbing should induce Beaver T 25 S R 25 E the shareholders Sec 32 center notice to onion of the stockmen to cooperate fully with comas which resemble wild'the of the impoundingdaps of which will in the vigorous the bunchflower family and much the Service that in 1990 ft orest 70 Notice is hereby given Lear' N deg 30 min W the crowfoot eradication of this dangerous weed with dieaded larkspurs of the provisions of its from the southeast corner of skid the regular Sec 32 The water will be released Ralston Hotel fcmily of which the buttercup and articles of association of RATE DROPS' meeting shareholders of during annual the irrigation season ana representatives DEATH peony are familiar irst National Bank of Moab to flow The down the natural channel of directors and' The distribution of these plants is for the Beaver election to a point on the canal from of and Armenian the transaction of such other or further witn of thousamls oi wide over Lives of ihousnnus western ranges Creek N 48 deg 42 min Eof 1492 been saved by said the are larkspur they children already have business as may properly come ft from the southeast corner exception of the annual meeting of the Sec 32 where it will be commingled the Near East Relief taking before an considered poisonous to all classes of to detailed wi according of spid association orp'mnages shareholders conveyed and used in connection with Armenian O stock The locos probably cause more just reached held in its banking namely flow to the land UNDER THE MANAGEMENT which have be house the irrigate reports direct that organisation NationalBank building at above described This application is damage to livestock than any other the lieaBquarters The irst of the 13tn single The larkspur Tlicco institutionshad been run by the Moab Utah designated in ihe State Engineer's on Tuesday group of plants losses D 1920 at 10 beginning-of the of A c:y January as No 80577 among' since lhe which causes excessive Armenians the o'clock m for children whose All protests against the' granting cettle in the care war to great basin region an-' by the President of said application stating the reasons D L GOUDELOCK to the loco-s 's parents had been ofmurdered which Cashier ranks next lack of food V P MARTIN therefore must be made by affidavit Because Jan 8 1920 Turks pub 11 Inst in Dec duplicate accompaniedwith worthy of special consideration medicine the death rate clothing and of fee $250 and filed in this ofr a Various methods of preventing serious these Institutions Place in Southeastern children in Beading Stopping among the NOTICE TO WATER USERS fice within' thirty (30) days after by losses eliminating sarkspur averaged as high ns twenty or the of the publication of completion Grazing larkspur thirty a day in some cases have been tried Engineer's Office Salt Lake this notice State (sinceit is not poiWhen Armenian funds became took City Utah G McGONAGLE pr tches by sheep Dec 10 1919 the Relief Near East ' State Engineer this Notice is hereby given thatof Amasa class of stock) nous to Since that and Moab cattle off Lottie Larsen Cate of first pub Dec 18' 191$ Date charge of the orphanage Larsen have of fences to hold rate has been greatly of completion of pub the death made application Jan 15 1920 time Utah mof the and grubbing have good food care infested areas and with the requirements inest Meals Served reduced Given at Moderate Prices to Utah 1917 ns been resorted to The latter method the Compiled Laws of Session children are quickly returning of by N mental condition amended the Laws STILES been found most effective DR normal physical and hun-snot eight It is estimated by persons who bare Utah 1919 to appropriate main roots must In grubbing the of Eye Ear Nose and that ncre-feet water from Throat-Specialist be ent cut to a depth of about 6 to 8 made survey of Armeniathe next 120000 tributary year the South ork of an in unamed County children will die duringfood of Grand itted inches below the ground surface This Beaver Creek Glasses they and care ROOM are given Said water be stored in a organization practice has yielded results of great unlessEast is the only Belief to air Bldg isear December Asia from Jaunary Colo economic value Grand Junction now operating in Western inclusive of each year embraced off 31 the cut to tare and it is making an appeal A mattock with spur in Sec T R 25 E the center 4 H HIM 26 S tnd the blade drawn to about 9 inches these Christian children J ' j ! 1 part the i 1 I1 ' n 1 - application i ' requirements -' -50 J five-tenths ROBERT j J WATCH s MOAB The a 1 1 MOAB v HOGS investment a MAPS ' -witii af-firtnvit Up-to-date Merchant's I j i o J I - Re-finished " : This bldilluuxecidLve Map itn-ation accordance 1 - Shoes I ? Boots 100 i ? Price 1 ( OICE 1 -hereby MOAB 7 UTAH s 1 1 1 1 REASONABLE NEWLY i 1 establish 1 1 1 1 Hotel i f i Thompson 1 " 1 4 1 twenty(920) belong 1 1 Company 1 1 The allowed 4 accordance OWNER -over 4 1 1 1 1 - f AIEXRALSTON a 4 office " 4 I-rst 4 The k- 4 Utah inadequate -sc 4 ! I ' 4 accordance I I 4 construction 4 4 4 k k ' I I I SAMPLE reservoir -will 4 4 4 a 1 5 e HI! I 4 4 1 I of ‘ railroads have played in the development United States is beyond measure American railroads have achieved high standards of public service by and courageous investment of capital and by the constant strivingof managers and men for rewards for work well done We have the best railroads in the world - we must Continue to have the best But they must grow in our To the $20000000000 now investedrailroads there will have to be added in the next keep with the nation's business few years-to pace for additional tracks stations and billions more terminals cars and engines electric power houses safety devices the and trains automatic signals grade crossings - and- for elimination of and engineering economies that will the cost of transportation in the future the To attract to of the railroads directing funds many thrifty citizens the genius of the most capable builders and managers of workmen loyalty the best and the skill and in competition with other industries - and the railroad for capital managers men - to industry must hold out fair'rewards to capital to the men managers and will world railroads continue to set American' standards and adequately serve the Nation's needs they continue to be built and operated on the principleof rewards for work well done American -The I and 'H UTAH Metal Worker Plumber a 1 There" "Over tell ng 1 Was ii wille 24 S R 25 E Receipts thus far this week were 25 S R 24 E and Secs and 12 T 21767 cattle 3609 calves 44696 hogs This and T 25 S R 25 E ap-1 15842 sheep compared with 55-477 6 plication is in the designated State cattle 5086 calves 71956 hogs office as No 8057a Engineer's and 34460 the last week against granting"" and 26350 sheep All protests of said cattle 2099 and application stating the rea- calves 42050 hogs The decrease LIDIN HICICAV1V lliuov hu mnrlA nV Hill8953 sheep a year ago accomnaniedWith HuvU in rlnnlieatA this week due to the in receipts was unl in this fifztf eo RA ICC ST Ificc a days after holiday Thursday within thirty (30) he completion of- the publication of BEE CATTLE Cattle prices quoted up each this notice Who Doughboy CARTWRIGHT S Sheet isheralley 7 Any A ' and Duil Cooper-Marlin and Ask mn C A ROBERTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW v J advances net THIS a P S alloweu1 ! ing more than n full secovery of last nick's decline The ire ne nil action of the the trade reflected confidence that low prices of the winterseason have been passed a 25 -'-to 1- more thau of the world They one much of yearly trnfti greater than that carry that there n really taws for eo'uparr-a no any other country Indeed the trartic of anv wo nations may be combined dor approach lhe and still it not commcrcs of Auaetica borne upon American ruilwaya or the T a showed will ft i sharply Tuesday and regained the loss later lambs sold more Sheep and than $100 higher than last week Cattle were up 75 cents to $100 An niak railway o? the United Statenare The railway Dearly half of all the impoundingdam -the o t 1 of which o W southeast corner of Sec 32 R 25 E Hie water win leased October from Apvi incl of 31 each year and flow down th" natural channel of iTuiith ork to a point on the canal 42 min 48 deg from Beaver Creek N 1Uli ine suuuivhbi wihv inin nof said Sec 32 from wheie it ditch conveyed in approximately into 510J ft long discharged this Creek creek the rom bo diverted at two points water will xr v O jo io n namelythe of Sec 7 fvoA suuthwest corner and a deg omm auo it or ftet o 111 the northwest corner rt Tt nr 17' 'I'kxx m ft IV IV AIIC SURI to Oct 31 will be used from April incl of each year as 'a supplemental of land supply to irrigate 3407 acres and 25 26 34 35 embraced in Secs 24 E Sees 30 and 31 R 3G T 24 S !T Secs 2 3 11 of RLPQRP PI P SEVEN PAGE UTAH MOAB I 1920 ' 1 I JANUARY THURSDAY |