Show to 10 Persecution of hl P u ut t 3 an n End Rou man ian Jews 1 r IN 1 N I I II 1 11 fl pull c rob 11 I l J DailY Dall I le 3 Tho Io CIt on G jUt rc al Ih In fl a n or orun O Ovy un uh I IS II 8 note sa sat saye e t vy s e ma may bO Je the phe Ho eyer U se of at t tU 0 little doubt I 10 t I IS t lal there ot of the Ibl powers will t tte b e ing nn W UI o g ar to ot of which Is 1 condition und a 11 tu mo Jern 3 tC I a country evry c h to tl ty tyM ellin M jr L be that Count on Le If e I co dip 1 o 11 Ut t tItle at ther tile the tO O I crudely IY tI IU utI iU I ml lt l 11 CI cetOr O I J upon IW ron jle sd IOUS II r II CI that lifter the te I of r tile the toe bY JY at Panther tt It Is tt he UI th IO United UIt States has fur to t say III I this to 10 sayS ays the In any c cllon hils US tort rd 1 be I 7 States no noon riot the on avaunt aL ot of thet Of t the ttO treatY treat a the to Brit Sll S the th t th 8 n J at the present th b n note te Is 18 as s to t what viII sIt the IhL Inquiry 1 to take ot of ether fh JOwerS pub Bayt note ote TineS II tIu 1 e fay u he e I Iii Great Gleat reon If tb Mt col the statements U a e to 0 without lie delay lay LII o I 0 mile It 8 however ever It and IS s w willing to Incur any t Pt the c t rid riel Itself ot of call only l rII k li If It Jews There Is shrewd In the the cufa ng ot of the govern Intention lI by all that no ett t that lOll and to lie be tU Is l by one I or h orto Is I not likely e to be beyond the ot of roman The of 01 enforcing t the I Ie 0 ob J ot o the th erlln trent treaty are oJ oh ly verv verc great and It If an any I I check I the ot It will I likely be done In an Indirect wa w Is not In such prosperous condition ns 05 10 he ahle with Impunity to to a race ruce which rek reck ont among Its members l ot Europe In another dt OM the ot Times that Sec not only the a topic but that It has iv dIplomacy a task More lore than one ot tho re with PO the correspondent but it their been Ignored The persecution ot t the Jews and there Is no ot of Its Austria Ha pr long ago ao warnell arned d what ahat Austria to achIeve the tilted States Stales I is not to sh even with the th moral support ot of th III oth r powers bd ed continues th correspond f t I h hear ar tram fro that a an n ot H ot II Berlin I ns as a repy to tobi at r IrI a bi ot of Is out ot of the ta rj ct government t tHon mut t tf f Hon kon lIh li I R own Jewish bit element Lt uI It Is nt to re resort ort to 10 an any lle a tho till 01 Jews while the which root t to mCle In the ot I he are not ly to In ot the the ener rr will lend to no reo HA AT iS NO O U Lu UtI tn t ept answer Jet e IH rr Ivd i Itus Hus or Austria at the h tato tJ rl nse to Fey an Jel JewiS j I er p It Inay III jt sahl that no nil an S e r 11 any ot of the pow r hI bl the II nen that the tue United nor t 11 a th have tart t R In to tn ho forel n Ibl r and Promises ot oC 1111 It h l t fal t r th e etI I lI lies s tI Ir I he meat s tune tunc cit Ir hI Jewis h ter terI I lr r nt at Ic ot till tillI aI If I o othe ty Ir P II t the I e th the tr ot of flerita s t r tn Ps 11 II Ii h i i It f id In II I q cor cort t follow on till tt on I M tI rf t II an an Tw I IH I l r h tati rR and ani In It the no part lan T l noM OM nour 1 1 3 II tt i 3 of Eee pc ty tit 1 0 10 I tn 55 In i trtat I I In I 0 iI I to t rp In en ent Ia Ib l I n tf th U tn el t In t r a th t nr of I mt r f rom I ur I ACini nn nIs r ri tt r r ir irto A to i I tiler t or r rI J An 1401 1111 I tra u e h ot Hou tt I F FIt Fe Fer Femal It t b mal U r 6 n I I Ii en f th 2 j iM iMar t I S f number i lit RN tr i Hebrew ar t r n t P hI be I es roia other nth er manIa Ie aP Gr GrF Ite 1 2 mans b F J 2 12 I Jjr 1 15 5 ne 2 IiO ia tun Iun from HOliman Omana dur In iiii Jul July August of of thIs ell eat I has been ns as follows Fe Month Males Total July o i e 3 O STO t liB 41 1021 Ot Of the Jul July total were ere hebrews fOil bUs while Among the arrivals In August AUgURt thieve thure were er LOtO 1000 lie brews all ad three Germans from Hou nanIa Only 1 t vori few tew ot of the rants that dur during ur urI I ing n the last fIscal year were ot of vms OF 01 N Sept Sel Bulletin In with the object ns as It announces Itself of It bring bringing Ing to 10 the knowledge ot of the civIlized word authentic facts relating to of the Jews con talus u a number ot of letters from eminent to the editor Jos Joseph eph the British colonial 11 I am consistently to 10 all I on n ot of I belief anti deeply regret tiLe the unreason lag Ing Prejudice of so many dl against the Jews III history tury shows that the tho Jews Jows nrc th most subjects or of the states In which th they fount homes and the ot of theIr is 18 great greater PI that Its cruelty CruellY ot of expressed deep fur tor the Jews ot of Hou floU mania as 1111 n a r result of It cruel treat nent by the herbert In r In Intolerance tolerance l any I can cun hardly l doubt tint that Ti will Its policy polley nth 10 o void avoid JJ 11 I ekl th the hIstorian hns salti that the labors ot of will viii make the tho and the people realize per ot of the J Is and thuit tO In the es ot of men It forms one of the moat l disgraceful pages history Prot Prof ot of the Horal of Edinburgh Ir Charles Duke Booth ot of tue Salvation A the marquIs or of m Iii ron lon and others all joIn In the prote t against Prof Diecy s In Inn Ina n a letter Ietter AUgUSt 20 IS as the gros o s ot of the Jews Iw by the gOY gay ot of which Is not on onI only I ly gross Injustice to the sufferers hut mit nn nil injury to the whole of 11 Europe anti Is doing direct Injury to other countries by overcrowding them with n a foreign and R pou pau hod hotly ot of emigrants JEWS 1 IN London Sept n a dispatch train Geneva the ot of tue Dall Daily Chronicle says e great indignation has hils been aroused at Basil Switzerland b by bythe the arrival there of 01 hundreds s ot of lieu Rau manian refugees who have come In the hope ot of refuge e In 1 England or ortho orthe the tho United StateR Most ot of them are arc utterly and have hae so 10 mans of proceeding further on their Journey The Swiss authorities will not nol nIlo the refugees eR to settle In Switzerland because th they are destitute They have been Leen to one room In Inthe Inthe the station nail are receivIng temporary aid from the tue loyal authorities Their Increasing numbers ore I heading to em cm Some or of them ore lire In a terrible condition and a visiting doctor fount found n a starving mother hOlding a 0 naked baby to her breast to this Its Geneva VIL correspondent the Chronicle mentions the contention oC oCt o ot t Premier ot of that the rapid Increase of the tue Jewish Is a 0 danger to that country countr and FY ays Tue Tho answer Is obvious It 11 Is Isas as assistance to 10 should Ito os as the United do n aln t pauper aliens Jut but tf If the Ihl Increase Is In natu natsi ml horn born subjects ia 10 has no right to drive the thc poor cr cra a turl s In n a starving condition Into neIghboring territory |