Show IRON BLOSSOM GOES TO KNIGHT Group of Patented Mining Claims In the Tintic District Sold To CONSIDERATION WAS Cn h HUM Jil Iken Paul Paid mid aunt Purchaser Is IsNow I iNow Now Xo In III lo c lolI o nt at Property Jes Jesse Jue o Knight the well wel known Provo roo mining operator has tho the op lion tion ton secured some time ago ngo on the property of ot tho thu Iron 10 som Consoli Consolidated Consol dated Mining company compan which Is beat located ed tt In time the Tintic mining district The Th properly Ilex le lie adjoining the tho Car lea I mine maine and consists of ot the iron Blos Blossom corn som Mild Winter VInter Excelsior J Little C lof and Little Lite Giant patented p lode lodo mining claims The consideration nam namn named nm ed 11 In the transaction tran Is said MId to have hae been The Tho stock of ot the Iron lo s1 com corn company compall pany pan pall was held hell principally by b parties partle who reside rc ll In n the tho Tintic district dt |