Show t i S Y j L 3 J I TOMMIE MOUSE AND THE BROWNIE Part BROWNIE Part I. I e. e Tommie Mouse ouse was lonesome one day and so 50 ho he took himself off to tho the woods Tommie Mouse ran tan alon along under the leaves and dry twi twigs twigs' s' s when he suddenly voice close him What heard beard a to sa say are you jou OU doing Tommie Mouse jumped and he ho crawled crawle close under t the e rock as 18 far ashe as ashe ashe he could but ho he peeked out and saw tho the tiniest man he be had ever seen He He cant can't hurt me thou thon thought ht Tom Tom- mio mie Mouse He lIe is not muc much longer than I am So Tommie ran out from his bis biding pla place e and the little man stood up an and looked at him So So you ou are tho the one who disturbed me said the little man What art at vou you doin doing out ont hero here Tommie Mouse rouse You ou better go born home c. c How did dill you rou known my name asked Tommie Oh we know all the Mouse rouse family family fam i ily answered the little man II Who are you f asked Mouse fouse I am a Brownie answered the tho little lit tic tle man you ever see bee one ono before belore f Tommie told him bim he had not but that ho he had always wanted to see one bec be- be c so he be wanted anted to ask a favor or What is it you want asked the Brownie nie Well you see I am tired of bein beina being a mouse and I should like very much to be a cat So if you please Mr fr Br Brownie will you chan change e me into a cat I think I should like to be white too if vou you please pease I will have to see the fairies about that said the Brownie I advise you though not Dot to be bo cha changed cd into a cat sou vou better keep your own shape But Tommie Mouse Monse pleaded so 80 hard bard and was so determined upon bein being a cat that the tho Brownie promised to see seo seea a a. fairy friend of his and ask her ber to chan change ge e Tommie Mouse into a cat and a white white- te one too Of course Tommie rommie Mouse thou thought ht he be would ba have ve to jo FO o to the woods a again lin to meet his friend the tho Brownie before the fair fairy could chan change e him into a cat so 50 ho he ran home and crawled into his bis sole which led into the cellar of a ahouse ahouse house bouse and it is a good thing thing- his bis home was in a 1 collar cellar because e the tho next moraine morning morn mora ine ing in when when Tommie Mouse Monso awoke be he wasn wasn't t a mouse at all aU but a big white cat Tommie was a little fri frightened when he thought of what mig might mig t have happened if his home omo had been in a ahole ahole ahole hole instead of in the corner of the cellar cel cel- lar Tommie looked all aU about the cellar but not a mouse could he find then he went to the tho hole bole he be usually crawled I through to get out forgetting he be was far lar larger er than he had bad been and found ho bo must look another way to leave his homo home now Tommie ran up tho the stairs and mewed which frightened him so he heran heran heran ran down lown do n the stairs falling in his haste baste t ts s WHAT VAT ty t tT rt V OU WANT 4 ASk KEt A IME e and the tho cook opened the door at the to toof top of the stairs to see what had happened II How How did that strange e cat get in inhere inhere inhere here she said getting gettin ettin the tho broom and chasin chasing poor Tommie a all around the col cel lar an and up the stairs where he be ran out into the yard Jard The dog seeing a strange cat began to bark and chase Tommie who ran u ua upa up upa a tree to escape and there he stayed with the tho do dog barking at him bim under the tree until Tommie thought he ho would I have to let go to of the limb By and by tho the dog went away and Tommie bc began an to wonder where he could find some breakfast but cheese did not seem to be bo the thin thing he wanted Tommie wanted milk and he wondered where he should get et itI itI it II I I ha have va always eaten cheese and thin things s I have found in the pantry and that is where I will go o now non I am sure I will win bo be hungry for or them when I Isee Isee Isee see them I never cared for milk and I Ido Ido Ido do not see BOO wh why I should want it BO so much now t thought ought Tommie forgetting forgetting forget forget- ting tin he was no longer loner a mouse and that ho he would have to eat things a cat liked having taken on the tho shape of one Copyright 1914 b by the McClure McClurG Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper News News- paper Syndicate New Xe York City Tomorrows Tomorrow's story story story- story Tommie I Tommie Mouse and the Brownie Part IL ll |