Show LIVE STOCK SIO CHICAGO Chicago July 7 OOIj 0 market t slow low tu to lower low r loud Good to 10 Ble Steen ra lu 10 poor to 10 4 60 fiM j und cows 17 JIW CO heIfer lOoy iM I bulls bUlU 60 calves tell Led ter 5 I ulcers steers 75 today 1700 tomorrow IO Vj steady V lv IJ cents centa lower Mixed and butcher H good to 10 Choice heavy rough neavy nOI Sw Hunt ium jJ n bulk of sates ulea f M MG market slow Iambs lumb slow loot to 10 choice 3 j fair to 10 mixed iJ 75 western huep 0 native lambs OMAHA South Omaha July He Ito market slow low to 0 cents conte lower loiter lUll fl Native stoats tows and l western we steer Texas Texus steers tows cows rind heifers cantiers 1 I WM 76 7 stockers and an feeders 2 tiO Oj Li II stage u eU site lc aLeY tou wu Z HORS market generally l 10 l lower lesser 16 pu f li light ilK III Iris I bulk of ot sales 8 les 5 KM im market steady 3 aO 30 Itei ewes ue cumUli coinon und and stock Block Blocken cri en or r tj U GW KANSAS City It July JiJU southern market markel steady to 10 a Q lower load Native stems steers southern hern st steers ri 75 south lOuth lOuthern urn orn cows 17 3 aliO 60 native rows COW A rind II nil W stockers feeders 7 4 O i hump bulie 16 calvel w steers alo rl U western rn cows I GO markit II 5 6 c cents nt Bulk of at Mice lel On JW Oj heavy i packers mild lights Slie COO t market steady Mutton 3 I lambB range wethe ewe eW |