Show TO COUNTY COUN CLERKS State Board Doard of is In Instructing Instructing Instructing Them Thom About Taxes Tho The state board of equalization U la I Is Issuing suing tho o Circular to all of ot the county clerks In tho the state i I Please take notice that the tho following I resolution fixing the tile levy lov for Cor state slate and state elate school district taxes was adopted by the time state etalo board of at equalization on Thursday July 21 lOOt 1904 Whereas Und Under r the th provisions of oC 1 chapter 00 90 session Boulon laws of ot Utah 1903 1003 It was wag as ordered and directed that the tho sum of at be raised ed for tor each enoh of at the tho fiscal Osell years 1903 1003 and 1901 1001 I from tram all tho the taxable property In the stale for tor each year for tor general state purposes es and Whereas For Tor the purpose o of raising such lIuch revenue an ad valorem tax of at 6 Ii mills mule was levied on each dollar In lu value I of oC tho the taxable property In tho the state for tOl 1903 and 1901 or such portion of laId Bald I tax ns as time the elate board of ot equalization I might find It necessary and Whereon This Thia board having ascer ascertained tanned tho the total valuation of oC all nil the tho property In tho the state assessed sl tl for tor tho year car 1904 1004 and herens From brom rom time the th best beet Information tho time board can obtain there will be he n a loss ions In ht collection of ot taxes for tor tho limo year yeLl 1001 1 01 of 3 per cont cent and Whereas An nd nil valorem tax tox of oC five lve mills milIA on each dollar dolla In value of oC nil the tho taxable property In tho the Stale ot of Utah for tor tho the year 1904 1001 Is necessary to ratan tho time directed b blaw by law to be bo raised for tor the limo year enl 1901 1001 for tor state purposes therefore be bC It That an nn oil l valorem alor m tax of at five fio milts mills bo be and Is hereby h levied on en each dollar In value of ot all the properly property In the state for tho the your year 1001 1110 to raise the time sum sUnt of ot directed to he ho raised for tor state purposes for the tho year 1901 1001 and that an nn nd nil valorem tax of or three mills be and an IH is hereby levied 1 on each ench dollar In value of at nit nil tho the taxable property In tho time state for tor the year 1901 for tor minis chums for or the time sup support support port of ot the tho district schools In tho time elate for fop tho the year 1904 making malting a n total tux lax levy lev of ot right eight mulls for tor or state and state district dl school purposes eR nn |