Show FISHERMEN GOT OOT BAIT Worked a Smooth Game on 01 Murray Saloon Keepers Hour of n Murray J II n BUICh Nels Neil Nelson John Carlson 0 Q W V Burch have been heen bee I by hy hyCl CIU Cl CIt Michael Mains Matiss tIUS and his ti deputy y John lohl 1 1 in for COl Helling lb g I I q liar on oil 01 host In t and one ole man John Johl haiti WI was ns 11 le for fOI sellIng liquor without license n rt I Marshal wot w Iced a 1 pretty smooth on Ott 01 the tho saloon keepers und secured some IUle good evidence against them lie Ie two to lo lodo toro do tic ro the lie detectIve work The rhe lie men Inca tile tH as IH fishermen with iotis mil It It I other at va tin arrived a In Iii Murray SUndI morning and culled at lt secial hue I saloons lo to got some conic 1011 liquid halt for fo their trip trill They scented the ito goods antI and then disappeared The he re to returned turned agaIn In hit II the afternoon about R G anul 1111 secured Rome Home mote mOle berlin hinting evidence t the saloon salamI saloonkeepers keepers 1 They hey reported to 10 Mattes Mauss nud Ild accompanied him to the Ih I afternoon Olt was the to titan man arrested and after his attest a I number of ot the saloon and became Indignant and very tery rr 1111 threatened to 10 tun the hi tAo ill spotters spoilers out alit of ot town tOI looked so po for COI a II time pmt pint huitt tin the I two men len had lo to 0 draw their to them thel themselves selves Thu crowd finally down and no further demonstration was l made le The 11 of 01 Murray Murm been attempting for BOtne time to tn catch tho hue who Iho have halve been the Iho he Sunday Sunda liquor ordinance henc much muc In Is II cx pressed among them over tie the lie result of ot ule raid mid I |