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Show FRIDAY, MAY i? PAGE TEN THE BINGHAM BULLETIN, BINGHAM CANYON. UTAH Jfa Labor Advised to Save for Future With U. S. Bonds Washington, D. C.-- The Secre-tary of Labor Maurice Tobln today urged American workers to partici-- pate In the Independence Bond Drive by buying a "share" of America in the form of a Savings Bond. He said: "Today millions of American ' workers have the good thrift habit of Investing their savings in Bonds. Most of them are buying Bonds regularly through Payroll Savings Plans where they work. "I urge every American wage earner to save for his personal fu- - ture security and, at the same time, 'Buy a Share in America,' by buying United States Savings Bonds regularly." uting poppies on the street to raise funds for the service work of the American Legion and their auxiliary. Poppy Day contributions are used to bring comfort and cheer to disabled veterans in hospitals. They provide for disabled men outside of hospitals who are hav-ing difficulties in reestablishing themselves economically, and for the children of veterans. We hope you gladly and proud-ly wear a poppy May 24 and 25. O POPPY DAY MAY 24-2- 5 In June 1919 during the home coming of the 32nd Division in Milwaukee, a booth from wrhich coffee and doughnuts were serv-ed, was decorated with paper poppies. Passer-b- y began taking the poppies and placing them in their button holes and leaving contributions on the counter in exchange for them. This experience gave Mrs. Mary Hanecy the idea of distrib- - indefinitely with her dau-ghter, visit Mrs. Arthur Bentley and Mr. Bentley. Joseph Llewellyn Mantle Tb, of Salt Lake City, died last Wed-nesday in a Salt Lake hospital incident to aye. He was of causes a brother of Alma Mantle of Bingham Canyon. Funeral servic-es were held Saturday at 1:30 p m at 4760 So. State. Burial was in Taylorsville cemetery. "Vendetta of Billy the Kid" I'll never quit till I kill every man who had a hand in the mur-der of my friend, swore Billy the Kid Relive this famous gun fight-er's most furious battles and mir-aculous escapes, in the American Weekly, that great magazine dis-tributed with next Sundays Los Angeles Examiner. Judy Slotte, well known Bing- - ham feminine bowlw Amy McCarthy, Roxi. Beth Lamper, K Fay Hales will ffVcS City May.12 (today? J U Minn., where under Z h banner they will reDr-- . in the women's Bowling Congress May Mr. and Mrs. Verb V were hosts Tuesday ...Jr5i' family dinner for Ross M. Cunning. pL celebrated Mrs. Cushtft day anniversary. Attending the Girl Scorn rual spring luncheon at Si V parish, Salt Lake Citv tk May 4 were Mrs. Emilv Mrs. Yvonne WilW nice Laycock, Mrs. ET; Mr- - ita Ugarte Si and Mrs. Kvarisl ' LOCAL NOTES Galena lodge members were entertained at a social at the home of "Mrs. A. Bentley, assist-ed by Mrs. Mamie English on Thursday evening of last week. Entertainment for the evening was furnished b Marty Peterson, playing selections on the accord-ion, followed by two readings by Mrs. Blanche Reid. Cootie was played and prizes awarded to Mrs. Eva Carpentier, first, and Mrs. Bern ice Foster, second. Mrs. Myrtle DeCol received house prize. Refreshments were served to twenty members. Mrs. Leah Rands of El Monte, Calif., arrived last Tuesday to R. C. GEMMELL CLUB DANCE SATURDAY. MAY 20 R. C. Gemmell club in Can-For-will be the scene of a club dance on Saturday evening, May 20th. Music by Max Engeman and his orchestra. UPPER BINGHAM SCHOOLJJOTES On May 3rd, our whole school went to Salt Lake. We went in two buses. The fourth, fifth and sixth grades visited a fish hatch-ery, the state capitol and Liberty park. The first, second and third grades went to a bakery and a dairy and then had fun taking our first ride on an escalator. We learned many interesting things and had a very pleasant day. The last meeting of the Upper Bingham P-T- for this year was held Tuesday evening, May 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the school auditor-ium. Guest speaker was Supt. The sixth grade students and their mothers will be guests of the school at a Promotion Tea to be held Thursday afternoon, May 18. A program Ls being planned It is hoped that the mothers will be able to attend. j Editors Georgia Mehan, Dolores Aguayo, Malcolm Robertson O Arthur r,. Peterson, who spoke on "The Needs of Children." Mu-sic was furnished by the school band and two vocal solos by Lu-en- e Jaterka. New officers install-ed were Mrs. Frank Moyeda, pre-sident; Mrs. Marvin Cowdell, vice president; Mrs. Joe Yamada, secretary-treasure- r. The evening was enjoyably "topped off" with square dancing directed by Sun-ny Allsop. A visit to the city jail, ice cream, hot dogs and punch on the lawn of the city and county build ing and a trip to the Villa theater to see "Cheaper by the Dozen" were the main items of the day as the Junior traffic officers of the Upper Bingham school en-joyed a day in Salt Lake as guests of the Salt Lake county sheriff's office on Saturday, May 0. The day began for the five officers, Malcolm Robertson, Danny Ja-- 1 terka, Mikie Gonzales, Kathryn Barton and Georgia Mehan when the representative of the sheriff's ' office met them at Salt Lake. From there they were taken to the jail, on a visit of course. Then taken to lunch and lastly to the Villa. "Gee, did we have fun", was the comment of all concern-ed. 'ENJOY THIS GREAT STRAIGHT P, BOURBON VcnA-- ,'. ) , , 10 j p't o Jf , : ' . ) W GOOD OLD IL LOW PRICE Xifc. v r - - rtnax "The "'vw Bourbon Buy Ml gin of the 0m itraight Bourbon.Whiskey 86 Proof lational Distillers Products Corp., N. Y. "ME LAY THIS? Are you kiddin'?" a$ks ti fni Bugs Bunny "Coupla months ago this little jerk come9 up to me and says, 'Hello, Mr. Wabbit. Will you bwing me a nice egg like that this Easter?' "'Are you kiddin?' I says. 'This is a nest egg, Buster. Go lay your own eggs, Doc. Beat it. Scwam.' !" What's a nest egg?' asks Bright Eyes. '"It ain't something the Easter Bunny brings, Junior,' I says. 'To get one of these, you gotta , save your lettuce . . . like me. save the sure, easy way. Buy U. S. Savings Bonds automatically. That vay, I got some-thing to fall back on when I get all stooped over and my ears are bald. "'And brother when you put your cabbage in Savings Bonds, it really multiplies.'!'. ' Bugs Bunny certainly has a point and it's not at the top of his head. Why don't you buy U. S. Savings Bonds automatically, too? Join the Payroll Savings Plan where you work or the Bond-A-Mont- h Plan where you bank. You'll be mighty glad you did, some day. SAVE FOR YOUR INDEPENDENCE BUY U.S. SAVINGS BONDS Jjjjpl IPirjiimcess TAneaittire T4jj it an officii; V. S. Trtttuty tdvtrtistmtat pnptrtj uodtr mspicti ol Trtisury Dtptrtmtat tad Advtrtitiat Council. When Ljour money talks what does it saij ? i Thert Is an old saying (and how true it is!) that moot; talks. Some money sizable dough, too has a wy of talkinj out of the side of the mouth and saying: "I'm gonna buy ya a good time, bud for' a coupl hours." ) Other money speaks sincerely (and respectfully!)!1 the owner like this : "I'm going to stick around and buy you a good block of FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. Wats me grow!" That's the way money talks just as it's being invested"1 f United States Savings Bonds and it means whit it J Every $3 you put into U. S. Savings Bonds becomes? ten years steadily, automatically building fiw independence for you. Jt And in the decade of progress that most economist! ! is beginning right now, financial independence is ginf 0 be more important than ever. Having a good-sie- d y ever-growin- g stack of U. S. Savings Bonds means freed of action for you more assurance in tackling the opfW tunities that are going to come your way. $ It's cosy to train your money to talk right. Just sign for U. S. Savings Bonds now under your firm's Savings Plan or your bank's Bond-A-Mont- h Plan. ft SAVE FOR YOUR IN DEPENDENT U.S. SAVINGS BONij lpSBUY ON THE WAY TO THE BIG CELEBRATION DROP IN AND HAVE A REFRESHING DRINK AT ' 1 BINGHAM CLUB BAR SAM FERACO AND AN APPETIZING MEAL AT j BINGHAM CLUB CAFE I GEORGE R. WELLS ' ! ... as an kzfc Water Heater ! No noise no nuisance with an electric water heater. Only an electric water heater gives you all these features . . . I ::h,j Clean Sootless, smokeless, to save I " ' ; you extra work. 1 5j H ( -- 1 Convenient Put it where you want i J it. Only an electric water heater needs 1 no flue or chimney, I1 i HI f; Completely Automatic For modern, r)i push-butto- n comfort. I LJll) Always Dependable All the hot T" water you want . . . every time, UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. Horn Ownership - A TAX PAYING COMPANY - local Control Test Drive the 50 Canyon Motor Co. AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE A COMPLETE STOCK OF Ford Car, Truck Parts and Accessories A Lubricating Center for All Automotive Equipment MAIN AND MARKHAM PHONE 333 BINGHAM CANYON |