Show G m ilES Mine lIno Inspector Doll of Idaho Is In tho city D L I Sheets will leave shortly for tor Two loads of ot Tonopah ores reached tho Iho sampler thin morning 10 I J of oC tho at ot Stockton U II In III tha tho city today Tho Mining building nt Tonopah has hos been leased and nd converted Into u It saloon John J until recently In charge chargo of at the tho light plant nt ot In III In the Iho city today Tho oro bullion settlements re rt reported ported lorl d Into luto yesterday wore ware as follows tollow Crude ore or and concentrates base bullion CZ CO Tha Utah Copper I company la Is to have hao larger loom In tho Hit It will occupy three front toeing on tho Iho of ot tho Iho block A H Il has hns gone cono to So Nevada where helo ho will undertake tha Iho management of oC a 1 mining property of considerable cou promise 8 Mr left lort for tor tho Iho west wesl yesterday afternoon President E I L White of tho ham Consolidated III arrived In III tho city olty last latt night and In company with General Manager spent tho Iho day nt at tho at JUliO Junc Junction tion W S H and mana manager ger Iel of at tho North Mountain property at Cherr Creek Nov has hall on an In In trip to 10 property rt A deal dea dealIs deaIs Is for tal tho Iho sale of ot tho property which Is considered to bo ho ono one of ot considerable merit Tho fhe annual meeting of tho Iho Tonopah Minim company was held In Philadel Philadelphia phia yesterday and ami resulted In tho re reelection reelection election of ot the old officers John W Brock Is president Charles Charlea II n Miller Icu president C A secre secretary tary and treasurer M 1 II B Greenwood manager of ot tho Iho i Duly Dilly Hunk Trust company nt Ana Ano Anaconda conda Montana arrived In the tho city yesterday to look after atter some mining In Interests Mr tr Greenwood Is Interested In Park City Is ts also alao Identified with some sOllie Tonopah propositions The Tho directors of ot the Min Mining ing Ina company have levied nn an assessment of oC 3 cents a n share which Is Juno June 3 The date of sale sulo Is III for tor Juno June 20 Manager Hoot Hood states that on the day following tho Iho of at tho Iho assessment June JUliO 21 a 11 stock dividend will bo be declared In favor of at the stock stockholders holders of at record on that date the tho ob object object to dispose of ot all tho treasury stock In this manner It Is the Intention lion tion of tho management to commence j driving out tram from tho Iho BOO roo level leel of tho shaft to 10 form torm n a connection with lIh a known ore bearing channel It wilt will bo necessary to go feet teet to 10 mako tho connection |