Show THREE CHilDREN ARE AREl BURNED TO l DEATH I DELAVAN WIs Vis Au Auff Aug 5 Three b-Three Three children of George Geors-c D D. Bryant Brant of ot Racine Racine Ra Ra- cine were burned to death and the lives of a number of or other persons were endangered last night when fire Are destroyed eight cottages along Lake Delavan an The Tha children were burned In the tho cottage occupied b by the Bryant family in which the fire started from froman troman an overheated stove Because of ot the chill chilly weather fires have been lighted In most of the cot- cot cottages In order to stop the fire ono one cottage cottage cottage cot cot- tage was blown up by dynamite The Bryant children apparently were dazed and refused to Jump from th the window when they were told to doE doi so 80 While their parents watched helpless their clothing caught fire and they fell ten back into the burning I room A search for tor a ladder consumed consumed con con- some somo time and when It was procured the children were dead That there were not riot more cas casualties casual casual- al- al ties tics was duo duc to the promptness with i which the warning was sounded VI Within thin a few minutes after the fire was t discovered in the Bryant cottage cot cot- ot- ot tage had formed a bucket brigade and water was c carried up upp the beach from the lako and thrown on the flames The cottages destroyed destroyed de de' de- de were only feet teet front from the thc Highland hotel the thc largest on on- the die lake lako |