Show aun un Much ot of the thO which has hils pur poured Into this country In the past few tew decades has hils crowde crowded Into oUr large cities where the population was wal at al redy ready congested and the struggle for tor existence WC was keen and exhausting The oro are fortunately agricultural getting theIr living out o of the sli soil and rIsing raising Vast let hone beds of af Otle cattle They are a class o of greatly needed In part o of the Unie United nee Ut tite Esl East the South and the there would be room for lor them here It If they Were several times a as numerous as they are I It may bl be that I thy they are 11 lly tl to their homes In South Arlea AfriCa they will 11 prefer to thee there at an any sacrifice c even evon under BritiSh dominIon I If how bow however ever eer any ot of them should prefer preter to rule they will 1 nid much to compensate them In the UnIted Staten for tor the sacrifice ot of their homes In Arica Africa |