Show AND DROP I C I r for All MI Kinds t r r of Farm Crops W E EI Ert r I or II rt Ira of u arC JUpe lah jak ak Y I k 1 wu aa un unI The t I y va about IG or orn abor the nor n Ii 6 I dt turell 1111 t kt SO 10 and to 90 de deA deA P rU A f hoera occurred I n II halt half ot of the tte on onI ht t too light to be b ot of otI j I I I Th ground ad become J or of tb t week welk and nd hI t rain In Ju dry tr farm grein J n r rt mm com J 1 1 Jr A failure uch Ir Ill durIng the tha week k till tl Into bloom and ng cut Wheat and oat I 1 Ilent Sugar l nil rg nicely Corn and po haR ha Mn i i Ll getting ripe and nd come comeI Gm I j i I and JL ii I VENTS 1 1 el but 1 weather U II 11 tt Ia or two but no damage J a H I warm nn ther An excel r I 11 u I Iti In and dry dryL L h 1 above the average I I tet 14 be b the J Very vry little darnall I 1 una 1111 give t tL I Y J E John Johnh h oA few rew local r I warm grow grain lUlL and lucern Jg g Luein II behig w wi wa waLter i water Lter for tor Irrigation w g weather b rI rl Id ht trod on L ud did ii damage high Potato In Sugar Suar 4 T r A I and andL andI L I II fl ITa on Grain is III isi IIII II 11 nt I i t on the 11 In No J t i a n nh h growIng LI and the range ranle J Pruit tre i t I ore are coming I h ht iI t j b g r rI I d 4 r I tub warmer than lat last L 1 L T t on frt on t th thi ti h Crow als gr s tik In flAil fall fallu u eI Cup lOt II j j t e ig are bIn Ing lUlU I k 11 i fig of Inborn hu hM oun o j Welt 1111 rop op Early p peas In inh ina a 1 h t 1 A very ery t l lion Tomatoes nearly I I condition In hi the bOot Lucern Eary potato VIII VInet I M high Strawberries dc J LII I un The L for tor aU all kinds kind RIll MC ot of last week did j R to the tha fruit crop L bout floan an Corm clear 1 h weak CrupI rope ha haI have I lucern h hl been n watered robbed O d de T It O 1 Welch I urbe week hat has ii U nd ind crops hall had Ir have done well D Dt 11 rt II to and nd I 1 r II In the nar future br much Ii l to Davis Dals I All ATi kinds or of have 1 cern corps ar are begin fl L I W LIkA Ik CuA CoA favorable wing croll Warm I have dried out ut the t II I about rom corn cornI J I r j winter wheat are 1 r look welL The trout t I fruit frutt to sJohn Morn Morran r I Days Das ha have ben been benJ C J r urn orn and i All look fine finer r r 1 The Th weather during r the week bee been I Pr nr 1 I hI for the ot of ot of grain both t H wn loOk well Lu Iu Lut Iut t blossom There Is II r sugar bettl Th Tb r 1 dry dr nd and water II 1 L Z Taylor Taylors s CoTher 1 favorable for or alt all t r r g The me It ersine n to be f 1 r Irrigation q I pl Sugar SUIr bait are II I i Strawberries be beir I 1 and u few have 1110 been ir r j T Irry crop promises to tok m nott tt k 1 CL that could be de nl q b Y doce well II flevy talt fit Ute the of l I 1 Ind I Co favorable 1 growth Fruit Pruit tree l c S A good crop cropt t I u 11 ted pd t Corn Com Is II coming r supply will be A A W tv 10 0 Th The frosts of last hut n i IAri and plums a tit Ut S A Are k I IR will 1111 koon bo ready i ry little I snow no left In p Pr Ax Axel t en IJ F 1 rr CoTie weather rv um arm and ry All MI velie vege h h 1 growth dry n r In head and nl the ther r C I h i r m I milking making a rapId 1 II guden truck and fruit r 1 It Dr Dry farm grain wilt c 4 rain to InJure a gen geni genaC p h IC aC J 3 i 1 f The n rp p of fl t kinds ii fan fall fanIn fanI In boot I graIn graIng g r to t t tin In InC Int t C I rile lurk and aTe fr rl t growth g oJ CIO a aH H I f tb 11 aea h rb on onI I h I hF Injured fruit In ex tuH oMd d tia ll 11 grain err meadows and ar are it ICel Iut ate Ille about aboul ali found t is In 1 lilt lt bar ber Charleston CoTh ath or r during the J yat week ha hag able for tor crops cruPI of all kinds kind the nIghts hv hav been but not Potatoes UN are all planted It Is Dt Dt IY fit Water Waler and grain I being Irrl Lt Ia 11 II about fourteen fee V r wk week h hn baa been n for growing crops Corn Com 1 Uc up and Ind looks looka wail II wind I nil on tile the night lIht ot of tb the Und 2nd very verJ warm dun the latter laUer part ot of the wk J nl Carbon ud A weather during the days 1141 esil Potatoes and corn com up tui Mm esme tarl sari potatoes potatoe In bloom al ales peel Small all grain rain is II looking ed LU about I ou two to or three earlIer than at hI this tim Jut JUI Jub Juab Juab Cu CoA v very Warm week with O occasional hot win winds a alight light h on the 2nd The Pbs t Ia fut feet leaving the ground 1 I Ii a lb ID head both tU flU ud and grain In conIng In boot X Knowles Levan Lenn Juab needs eed water but th the Irrigation 4 streams wm will not much more than water the town tow 11 lotti lote Corn and pota potatoes have bave been planted L baa not been bien watered and the first crop will be below the average A good soaking rain would be welcome Wm Vm Brown growing weather Nth Lucern Lacern will be cut hAY 11 In Ina ate a few days Some crops are arf beginning to suffer for tor water Irrigation widE Is II very low an and unless the supply Is II In Increased creased all grain crops will be a 1 failure Joshua Bennett HInckley Millard CoA warm find and crops have made good growth Water Ia scarce end the grim crop wili be light unless rain Tam come comee Lu Lucern Lucern cern cutting wilt will commence next week eek Wm e Joseph Joaeph Soviet Ir Co Dry And wind windy Water I Is on he Che In H A light frost occurred but did no daml damage Potatoes are comInG up Wheat And oats tl loOk fairly Emery CoA warm weak k karl arl Irrigated lucern I Is ready to out Potatoes and corn lire are comIng 1111 lip nl nice I Garden are looking WelL tinges Binges are better than ft Emery I cloudy and ond warm meil an grain II doing wilt Lu Lucern oem cern ii 11 tn ten Inc high Corn Cern and po pa III all No frost Fruit Is II doIng well Plenty PInt of water ter for tor IC E lArsen Heaver week has hils been dry hot hol ad windy Irrigation I Ii In p progress I Conditions favorable for tor th the growth of 01 ve vegetation Alfalfa Is Ie twelve tele Inches high Wheat and oats oata before the heavy about ty let are not doIng well The range I is In It II Darton Bt er City heaver Co rop look try iry well III FruIt I well wail set let and a good crop I Is indicated No frost Plenty Plent ut of later Yater for tor Joo Plute and d dry Crops are lookIng well III Potato about aboul completed Currant bu bushee bell In full bloom n II Anderson Parowan Irn week ba baI has I been n warm arm with some IOme Ind Crops Crepe are looking well Corn and potato planting about completed prospects for tor n a full rull crop of Connell Thurber Wayne Wyne days but frosty nights crops look well Small fruits ate In bloom Alt All crops hive have been watered Ine Potatoes lallou are coming comins up James Jame Grant Wayne oats oat and lucern are rowing growIng nicely Lucern I begInning to blossom Corn potatoes and garden stuff doing S SHull Hull Itoh C Tropic CoA taIr week for growth Plenty Plent of water for tor Irrl e C Scho Coroto week eek h has been warm dry dl and Ind wind windy The low tm temperature ot of the did no damage Wheat pod nd eats eata are making fair I GroWth tahi is irrigated UI J 3 gl 1 11 II Director |