Show UMP I EVAN ON LONDON 1 5 n n Lon os A April a 5 iNs Tabernacle Choir M Most MOlt Dear 81 Stagers It It Ii Im for tor the welta welfare ot of list lIer majesty my of mind and Yost r curiosity I hope that I at once pus judgment upon ties the ea clout clent village m of having son It for a Wk week and aDd on one out of oC live every thousand of I Its streets Ita and one out ot oh i ev every te ten thousand 01 iU at 1 traction I feel quite quit capable of you Jou ill all about It aid pa 55 my Judgment upon and tit the English I 1 will do so 10 a as I relate tar my Af JN LT l it at morn March Undo I hastened oe deck to hive hay a at the lamed ot Jy birth The dear for fog aas 1811 there like JhU from Calr fairy laud to 10 envelope ft Ct Md d I oal only a p the dock pie of at beautiful white hit American ihms stad nd a lot of old wooden sheds on u Ide un atom lIer which I could what seemed e I to be an old JlIA train of ralla nr trl Lots of mea inert Stood around or walked ur or ran After lIne e I lark baek to the dinIng roum of our ship and we had a nice breakfast U C a send oK Thin we e gripped our cur ba baggage e here her sud eI went down th gangway Into U the lit shed After Ing to a tall rather abby urn r that w we hAd nothing to In pa pay duty dutt Upon we looked round around for th the Grand lal that we had bien tId would take us to London Ind iid w were re coo that lore alore men ma Hond pet Ht or ears carl we were tJI II We paid two pounds pound two Iwo lily a In Erst claps oar air rug and were wre sot d Into the must luxurious Am In Ia the train a AIde door In Inthe the of the ear car We saw HW what seemed med Ilk like a caboose cabooN filled with s eel t tot ot of rather worn orn carpet chairs or lounges ran ranged on cich side two 10 lao In tag each other b by each window Indo and nd a small alit 11 up the center of the car that wa was the American part pan or of It end ad wonderful for England it II 11 was wasU U AI It raids mad It possible le for every etry pu wager pr In that car to act actually rub 1111 against every other olber English IC 81 siren was waa entirely let aside Pr PrIll enty Ill a little man Inn entered and ret a roll rollof rollof of Iron at my mJ was WAI a Coot fot warm or r the I only heat beat la in the I tilt felt quite like an invalid Inand and nd a link Iok of gut gust deepened on WilLies fact The root of tI the car HIm seemed very low so 10 thit When we JOt got started we to suds very near the round ground LONDON After several evral whistles h rein I till the guard urd at t home little pulling Bill Billy Ita It little pip whistle acid way away we started for ton Loll don ISola seventy vent miles away 11 It 11 was not noc Ion lont before baton w we were wre out In the and Uld were ere really enthusiastically admit tn tag the landscape although tb tire I Iw trees w were bare and remarkably black the Ibe green stretches of hillside dotted with trees the winding country rodi fevers every one a drive and here litre and there a then a stable and a ha bay stack all root rooted d and shingled alike with so 0 neat so IIO trim you ou would never know whit what It wa was Everything looked el wet Vet but U the streams are re cJ cleat ih So 10 Sowe w we passed d gradually Ibe be bejar pr jar to thicken and at t Jut ut to b be alt It Joined together In long Jong rows with a string of earthen pots or long jars Jarl Ott on tb the roots for tor chimneys Th The hou houses leaked old enough and black enough to have grown Iton there thre Ilk like mushrooms In Inthe Inthe the middle ages and then thell Suddenly theme thell was WAI no let up to them theme we e realIsed that we were In London Jondon and stopping under another valt ast shed we soon lOOn crowded our way war between cabs to II a hansom hanom a on one hero hOrM call cab with a driver on top and droye to the hotel We had chosen from a folder It was aa near Westminster Abbey the parka and nd marry of It Ih the grand rand ot of london and seemed quits handsome Id end paper Crossing tb the Thames w we passed the noted Abbe Abbey II a wonderful pile of rocks rock pointed gables stained glass leu and soot oot O Our r hotel reached w we entered through t black Iron gates and with tied cried waiters to re receive elve us and carry our luggage In a nice Itt little tie lad lady showed u us rooms room and we those one that DOlt cost only U 34 shillings a day without lire hire It was wal large larre enough enouch cold enough sombre enough and afterwards dirt dirty enough to 10 suit the most W We looked at It awhile and ordered a made mad then U off to flat our hou houat house at Penton street WITH ITU TU sharpen n wIts and we SOOn lOOn found our way WIY The tight bus bua for tor tilt the Angel AnI came along Ion and we crept In III Inside lid side and after man many herd the glad lad name announced It pro proto proved to be a dingy looking saloon on Ih the corner but WI we soon lOOn found tb the houge hOlaN and nd were with the boys boy where we remained for a Dutch dinner cooked for them by bF I a pie 11 ter from n now In London W We Wethen then returned accompanied by bJ Brother ti let get our luggage Berr Berry having found Cound us a nice clog clo by This time Ume We travelled Ott on top of tb the bus bul and could pt gt a splendid view Iw or of tile the Street et w we w wigi The These bUI busies tAke the Place ot or our It strict refit carl nd form torm almost a co lIne on both lid of the thep p I streets one on going the other ret nit fl On One m may let get off ok and nd on bete it but Ih they top stop at al certain cot cor th tb side walks and the con coil dire ire are ery civil and A Io ittie winding stairway leads to It top toO over oer the hind end of the bu bus hod haN hu the people sit lilt lu In pairs on ona seals a both ladles and Dd genii oMimi It is II pretty cold and Some ome II ver Very wet t but bUI London does dOH not troUble to o shelter Its Ita travelers and you ou must make the best ot of It The streets wInd algut so 10 that Illat It often tak takes an hour tf t reach ch a point Ih three miles or 01 1 lees Ott ill airy Ir hou house I rath rather like them The They jive v one fine to gasi aM aMlI lI aj Nothing hurries unduly In I Lo doi 1 passed on this errand loom ol f historic torl places places that aU all th the w wold hate tae reed read about Ot Of course they do 40 In sise alae appearance eto etel so 10 do 40 ch but they all 11 look silks 10 ii flie U II yet After Atler a ram hung shout about so 10 Car as 1 outward appear appearances ances to 01 would U as soon lOOn select on one good ordinary block blk end and walk or drive around all 11 da day a is to spend pend th same tIme Ume in III going over miles nil ot of the city so 10 I the architecture to tb the casual observer PlaIn solIdity Ir over with lie age and smoke emoke Nw New buIldings Bestir m as AI old u a the old even n before they a are finished SET TO MUSIC aU Ai our lucky star tar would hay have It the Roy Royal Choral socIety members and orchestra were to give Ie on this our first nt night In London Colridge mush to 10 hiawatha on one of th the most moll It if not the must inUit beautiful musical work orlea of If modern tImes We WeYer were Yer tired completely out but could rould not miss mill It so 10 guided by WI we to the great Albert hail baU even wIthout upper supper 4 shillIngs each rave gave us III comfortable seats ta hIgh In the heavens about JOO feet Ceet from the per form The hell hall hal haa bout about the dl of Ih the is high higher er with raised railed side seats ta all around the tower lower a bicycle track and three entire surrounding galleries It t letta tl acerb neul twice u many u as our building Not in 10 resonant yet more evenly distributIng the tone Tire The honus honn and orchestra sounded fine but the soloists seemed ery tar far away and OUr Americans Blauvelt and were much too week to bl be effectIve Mr Black the baritone fared fare better and wu was herd beard Well ell limit the people In the galleries had copies coplea of the new as al It II The young a mulatto I believe bellee born In III America and nd hI I conducted in III ina a vel very spirited and decided but quite awkward minuet manDer nearly shaking Iris right arm alm off ott But h he kt kept them well In time and they ther were ere trained by their regular con Dr Bridge In III shading And AndI I expression so 10 that without signals from the composer the interpreted the beautiful music all apparently feasting on It themselves Smooth rich and finely balanced with whir a certain earnestness and refinement they far ex cx excelled celled any airy chorus singing I ever h leard In America and even ven the orchestra and soloists were erl tar far below them In finish The English so 10 vilely lIely spoken here WI was charmingly good lood and correct In singing The orchestra tra Will was tr far behind the tIn Metropolitan Jetro of Ne New York to say aay noth In ing of oC the Thomas Thom orchestra or the It still lit more perfect Boston BOlton Symphony The work itself and the chorus w were with the composer director the of the evening and nd It was refreshIng still lUll to see lee that the English could all a a good thing with their pvc prel enee enci applause and cheers when hen It la Is to 10 be hd bad Eight ht thousand people at least cheered anal applauded until there was wa a tumult In the tite Vast building at th the end nd of each part especially at the end nd of the second part D Death lh and well ell did the composer and Interpreters deere It It was worth thousands of mlle miles to hear It on one h have hd had It at horn f a J far as Suit Salt Lake I concerned time is II much as aa It wills Willi With roest par r severance on lb the part ot of Ih the singers and the backing of the people we e might before Inan many years tare bring such thing within our renoir reach but bUl we Ie do not kilo know what hat such uch n a feast means yet et nor how to It DAnK We move our weary limbs to leave lene tints taSte of paradise and OUt Into the through fogs tORS beautiful Jude HYde Ia Park rk up street where apparently hundreds and ot of prett pretty 1 girls ot of all age Ill satIk I the streets for IU J I II saw them I co 11 but bul think of the Street treet 11 our own young U II and what hat It my may lead Iad t to nI hIt hat strangers at least must if It II now I shuddered and won r what hat rent are re thinking about it II and why In enlightened did td so 10 many mothers bring the world only for NIu Nar cur ur own quarters w we see f coarse miserable and corn ome drunken women At the restaurant here herl we had to get our neglected sup up r r there were women at the tables and nd one hideously Ur idiotic laugh jangles lii In discordant contrast contrail With that hal music How ranch bet ter Ii lo di a as the savage but loving Jim JI than live like that hilt bait human r d SIDa I A fair tate of London In of n a day I have given It to you ou rather Ir as It impressed me Fri dllY Saturday arid Sund Sunday w we took In ix a park ark each ellch dy day and the em m Th The grass cran II 1 green but the flower behind only the rOu rocus II I tull fully In bloom and lId there are many mallY great bright or of these In the grass grail In ill all the perks park like hosts hOlt or o little cherubs heralding the comIng of spring The botanical 1 gardens were a distinct disappointment Plenty ot specimen but no artistic arrangement whatever The zoologIcal gardens on tile the contrary were tine flu The Kensington ton end of hyde Ude Park and that near the Albert Memorial is II Ideal and charmIng even em now Th The mule on Sunday morn tag at 11 Ma we al what I d tie feebly In my last Jut lett letter r No Jus JUl jibe could be don to it II I tan can enty aa say It wag R I h have heard beard simIlar masses giVen when they Were really relly a bore but bet sung here br It was divIne 1 Monday eve ave we went to Queens Hall to hear a grand nd Welsh con concert rt Din Davies the most mOISt celebrated of South Wales Walea with a choir of from Wal Wales wu warn With cJ favorite London soloists Jt It proved n a severe to Only 14 In the th chorus and sang us i rather and were II no better than our at the I I Worlds World FaIr Th audience too though enthusiastic enough especially when they had haa little cause caule tu to be proved Po a ver very bol and un unruly ruly one It will take some good work ork orkIn In WIM Valen to place either m ray country or their back on the theart he heart art pedestal I hue have hitherto them On his occasion they were werl II as asfar tr far below Us UI it at home as the society WI was above us Some ot of tb the soloists It It is claimed they are favorites were wre on the same lime level as al the choir singIng at the Art I 1 like the modern beat bul Seine of oC the famous old master malter masterworks works to me appear as a as ChInese art on fans rana and screen I Iu u utterly Iter tall fall to see lee character depleted depicted In Inthe inthe the of either thir Ma Madonn Madonna donna donn or Child I think some of the French and Italian modern paintings painting a LONDON JONDON Shop windows In London are general generally ly Iy unInteresting and not well In arranged Flower windows are aR horrid while In New York th they were wre dreams dm ants anti that are not high priced are filthy You can live cheap If you can live lIe poorly but it costs If yoU want to II live faIrly well I both like and dl dislike the so 80 tr tar as asI 1 I have bue yet mt them here at horns home There Thre is IB a sincere honest anti and gentle type of humanity her ber berth th hUt t I have seldom eldom met In America but side by aide with them Ihm strut the nasty little creatures that know It alt all and know nothing I oth In I 1 suppose they are cli 11 tine the world over but bUI to me tine the type are aremo mo more distinct find and noticeable here than Ihn lit at One of the finest fint streets I h have yet seen here II HIgh It Is II built over and level leel with the lope of the houses of the regular old Streets and suggests to m me that tb the beet beat thIns London could do It if It wanted to do In the way dl df building up would be to build Itself anew on top 0 oh It its I old self Then It might take like upon Itself some IOme pride In It its appearance u It seems to 10 tic do now itt In its ate age I compare It with American cities bout about as al london a sal Id unhealthy intelligent old lady ladT of seventy In black New York a dashing willow Widow ot of thirty five a halt spirited rustling maid of twenty kit It Lark Lake a girt girl JUIt entering hr her teens London herself on her ber Amerl American an cities on their pro progress The center or of the wheel never neer moves at t the apparent speed of the outside but It gets here Jut Just the same mf And so 10 do London and We note diner keenly Jut just yet t No one caters he here They ar are civil obliging and nd In JJ dependent One pta gets a ticket for tor this and nd that They are taken up as 1 you JOU leave Ive the train cud aud on bu busses not lit at atall all One can caD ride rid fifty mil relIes wIthout I a ticket hut but b be hu has to show abow on one II as he gets tl out of last Jut station I cannot tell g what tb they would do It if one had none whether hey would make malee him JI pay from the nearest or farthest possible Ita station lion Parke are tree but not 1101 so 10 the attractIons In them The KensIngton Queen Qun Victoria was born bornand and nd raised railed I Is plainer insIde and aad out than many a Utahans home The Crystal CrYltal II a one of the plaCes plaCeit that elm came quite Quit up to our tx expectation It 11 Is III every wa way gloriously I shall hall begin JOT my next letter there thre The Tho sun lIun ha bu shone bone six times timet ver very dimly for a few minutes In seven en days T r wr Or I This letter will cost hit hA hApenny penny to say IY nothing or of valuable spam In the News so 10 |