Show i t h i t v t s II iE WOMEN N N POUT S iti I 11 d BY ELIZABETH LIZABETH SCOTT OND II t ct t 1 t of I v VF I N A recent Interview lIr fr Mark nan nanna IN na ls II quoted as that h he did not a approve proVI of oC women entering pol politics n Ile further added that h he did not hOt consider thAt their work WU wen ot of any value In determining the result ull ot of elections This from the chairman of at the national Republican committee caused more Inore than a little excitement In advanced feminine circles where shine many political stare of the first firt magnitude One ot of the tho greatest ot of the women politicians of oC th this country countr is II Mrs fn Annie Din Diggs journalist and orator ot of Topeka and present Kansas Janu state librarIan She II a small mAII woman with IL a gift ot of logic and eloquence that her elate has haa been willing to reward award In spite ot of the tact fact that she belonged not to the franchised sex Although not much bigger than thana a minute Mrs tr has haa a good deal dealto I to say about almat everything In To Topeka peka She Is by Republicans Democrats and Populists Once when Mrs Mr Diggs wanted tome metal shelving Ing for tor her library she h convened a meeting of the state and the governor to d the There WAS no money money to buy and Mrs M Diggs did not wish to remove the looks books Into their new and spacious rooms room jut just completed unless letter better was Ill The governor and officers rS to temporize but the state librarian wanted anted her own wa way She said If you OU ha have no monty money we will not move moe until you get it It They got It It The story of at her famous oratorical duel with Mrs Lease le I history Mrs Mr Lease arrayed herself helt In opposition to Mrs Mr pUblicly professing her belief bellef that Mrs was wal disloyal to the cause ot of Populism On One evening eline the two women were en engaged to speak at the came meeting at Topeka Mrs Lease spoke first and her arraignment ot of Mrs Mr was wal a blUer bitter on once MN Mes Dig Diggs walled waited until Mrs Airs Lease LeaH had finished her speech A As Mrs 1 Lease donned her hat and cloak to leave the tall Mrs Irs Diggs was Introduced to the audience Turning toward 14 t Lessee ue she looked her squarely qu rel I in tM the fa lace and pointing one finger Bt at her said Id In low Intense tones Woman oman you ha have lied liedThe liedThe The audience aWa away b by the thedr dr dramatic maUc rejoinder arose arOll to It its feet and cheered Mrs frt Din Diggs to the echo Mrs Lea Lease not knowing what to do hurried from the hall showing every evidence ot of consternation Since then Mrs Ir DI has held the first In Inthe Inthe the affections ot of t the h Kan Kansas I Populists a position which no attacks attack or have In the least shaken Mary JIU bean I with Mrs Annie Diggs WI was In removing Senator Ingalls from con conro ro Th They roused the JItO people It by their speeches denouncing the good faith of the senator In supporting the farmers Interest In the Ills Uta downfall lub subsequent quent to their campaign of flery eloquence Will was like and terrible for he tell fell never Dever to hope aIn again Mrs Ma Diggs ls It a stanch sup supPorter Porter ot of Mr M r Bryan Mrs I rt Lase I is a picturesque figure She I Is not beautiful and she Is fa not graceful wt but hr her great Illat veto and hr her m may be counted upon to away the J popular audience u uthe the cyclone stirs eUre th the Kansas from com lie successes are an never negative her au at either carried away In storms ot of sympathy or opposition She wears Paris Pari gowns and hate and likes them She I U Interested In spiritualism and sometimes lectures on the subject cl clOft Oft On her mother hI Mfr Leary II a descendent of the Murra whose W OIe family head II Ia the Duke ot of Athol nr lie father was aa an Irish gen oom competed to leave hi his for tor of at sentiments An to the Mrs In InI I Ih lives at and h has several rat child all of thorn bright and well U brought up Mr lr vue was at on one a farmer and then a drug droll Store tor keeper JIll He wu was not an RIO sus cues in either calling Mrs J etlen BlIn Foster the pree president nt ot of O v 3 3 t 2 4 L 3 the National Republican u ass I Is all an Iowa lawyer who Inter enter entered ed see as a speaker for Cor the party Later Latr she he transferred hr her allegiance to the Republican party and removed to Washington where site she no now practices law She I is an excellent speaker and antl will be heard throughout the west in the coming campaign Mrs Posters Fosters husband le III a 11 government om olal at Washington The headQuarters ot of the Women Republican a association will be In Chi Chicago tago cago where Mrs Mra Foster will preside Prom From there then campaign literature will willbo willbo bo distributed all over the countryWomen country Women will be urged to Join the clubs especially In n Wyoming Colorado Utah and Idaho the tour four states where wom women en vote ote The campaign work will be begin gin actively about the lot let of September In the stale ot of New York where woo wo women men have no right to the franchise be began 1 gun gan the movement which resulted mulled In Inthe inthe the of at the Na Republican association This had Its Ita origin let In the work done doni by br the women Of New 01 city In the earn cam ot of I 1811 that resulted In tb the Ito elec Uon of Mayor William 1 L Strong Aft After After er this clubs for tM the study ot of politics politic were organised without regard to party part TIll Tite m most t famous ot of these Wl was the Wilt West land Republic Republican an club that Included the majority ot of the women who had bad assisted in hI the Strong tron campaign IrL J Ellen Fester paw laW In the success of this work I a hint for tor nl the organisation ot of similar clubs all allover allover over the th country ot Of th these she was elected president Ih She argued that eVe ev every ery woman can from one to Ili Ih vot votes and at election ell lon times the ot of the clubs were pledged to tee see that the men Inn of their families reg and voted for tor the proper date according to their political en Hrs In Clarence Burns Durne who ho had bt been n non one on ot of the leaders In the Strong Itron earn cam campaign palin In N New York and who had been elected to presidency ot of the West Welt WestEnd End He Republican publican club during the Jd Me cam campaign ut of lS e originated a new feature In political work when she organised her famous tel tene tenement ment house houle committee This conducted a house houll to house canvass to In the more Inore densely III settled tied part of at the city In an effort to dIrectly rash roh tb the voters Mrs Grace Patton latton Cowden Is Isone isone one ot of the women leaders of at the De of at her stale tat Sh She hu has been superintendent ot of instruction of Colo Colorado rudo rado for tor several years Mrs Mra Ellabeth Cohen also allO ot of Salt Lake City and president of the Worn Wom Women en ens Democratic club ot of that city was one ot of the alternates at the Kansas Kane City convention Neither Mss M Jon Jones nor Mrs Mr Cohen Is II a Mormon Doth Both women take an active part In local Investigating the qualifications ot of vote vot voter ere er Insisting on com compliance llan with tb the registration laws and on election da days using every legitimate effort to get the Ibe women to the polls Mrs Josephine Shaw Lowell president dent of the Women Municipal leap league ot of New York widely known through her writing un on philanthropic subjects I le n a wealthy woman a widow and niece by marriage ot of the poet James Russell Lowell nr hobb hobby I ii political reform and although she was one ani ot of the work workers ork ers rs for tor the election of Mr Seth Law for mayor and Colonel Theodore Roosevelt I for tor governor ot of New York eh she is II enl only In an occasional factor In politic poll tic Miss Jane Addams of Hull house noue Chicago showed the power ot of woman omAn In polities through her famous can vase In the Chicago ward In which null house HOUN I is located Bathhouse John Coughlin was through hr her tam cam campaign at let least temporarily retired from politics In the west greater liberality pre prevail vail vAlis than In the east In most ot of the states ot of the extreme west Welt women vote for tor school and have a greater In political affairs than In the east It all looks loolu very ry much a as If the predictions ot of the women suffragists would come corne meet reet activity In politics will lead to their demanding vot votes for tor even It If poll ties tics is 11 as bad at as Mr Ir Mark Hanna fauna said In his hie famous Interview polities like Uke vice to Is a monster ot of frightful perhaps that to tobe tobe be hated needs but to be seen but seen I too oft ott familiar with its 11 ta face It pitted 1 first endured and then embraced |